Viewing PDF in WebBrowser Visual Element

  • nmcc - 2024-02-29

    I am trying to show a PDF in a WebBrowser element. I have the file saved to the drive of the HMI/PLC. I am linking it in the URL parameter of the WebBrowser using the following directory link. 'http://localhost:8080/$$sdcard$$/FileName.pdf'.

    This allows for the program to download without any errors. When I navigate to that screen it is just a white box and nothing shows. I attempted putting the same link in the show parameter and I get a loading icon on my cursor when monitoring the HMI with my PC. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

  • macros8 - 2024-03-01

    My experience is that opening pdf file is very dependent on which browser is used. I have tried a couple of them and only Mozilla Firefox has opened file correctly in same screen.
    All other browsers face some issues. Therefor I had to flip my pdf to txt which has not been nice solution.

    • nmcc - 2024-03-01

      You can change which browser you use in a webbrowser visual element? if so how do I do that?

      • macros8 - 2024-03-01

        No, you canΒ΄t. I have only tried different browsers on my PC and then on my HMI device. Unfortunately the deviceΒ΄s browsers did not support pdf file as I needed so I had to switch to *.txt.


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