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Scaling Problems mit Visualization and iPAD Pro Safari

  • pixtenduser2 - 2022-05-18


    can you please help me with the following problem?
    I'm trying to programm a visualization on codesys 3.5 SP17. Therefor I need to insert some SVG Images, which have to be scaled to the right size.
    If I open the visu on my PC browser (I use chrome), it looks nice, or better: it looks right.

    But in the future, the visu should be opended by an ipad pro. Therefor I made a link and a App-Icon on the HOME screen with a function from safari.

    I also can open the visu on safari by using the url to the webvisu.htm

    The Problem is, that every SVG image is zoomed in on the ipad, it is scaled to big, or not, how I want it to be. Same effect on ipad's chrome browser.

    So this seems to be an apple-problem? Same on iPhone..

    I tried to manipulate the webvisu.htm with <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no">, but that has no effect to this problem.

    Can you give me advice, what I can try next?

    Thank you very much!

    I added 2 screenshots, one made with PC-chrome (the prirate-star SVG is OK)
    and one with ipad's safari (pirate-star is too big)

  • lukas - 2022-06-01

    as standard, <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"> is used in webvisu.htm.

    Try initial-scale=0.5, works for me. Even fonts are then sharper.



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