visu started

  • sarunasz - 2023-07-25

    Hello, I try to find informatomation, but not successful. How to know PLC, that visu HMI application is starting. When started VISU then set variable. I don't find information how need do that.

    • macros8 - 2023-07-26

      maybe you could use those two options remarked on the picture.
      But I also missing some events, or system variables giving feedback to PLC or to initialize some variables when specific screen is open/close etc;)


  • sarunas - 2023-07-26

    Thank you for message. I tried do that, what you suggest to me. I create VisuInit program block I attached it. I don't understand why VisuInit program block is not running.

    • macros8 - 2023-07-26

      To be honest, IΒ΄ve never tried that (IΒ΄m also quite new in webvisu) so I do not know.
      But anyway, I assume that HMI is initialized as soon as PLC program is started so there is not necessary to check the status.

      And if you really want it, I would read variable CurrentVisu and as soon as any screen name would appear, I would suggest HMI runtime is running.


  • sarunas - 2023-07-26

    How need read screen name or something like that. For me read data from visu is deep dark :( need some information that HMI runtime, because I want call dialog popup from PLC, but if HMI is not running and I call dialog then stuck PLC.


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