Error while using MQTT library

  • master-student - 2022-07-08

    Hi, I am getting 3 errors when I compile any program including MQTT library to my PLC (Beaglebone Black).

    I am getting these errors, even if I just include MQTT sl library to my other project which was working fine before.

    Does anybody have an Idea?


    Last edit: master-student 2022-07-08
  • sgronchi - 2022-07-26

    The first error message asks you to compare the runtime you defined in the project (you can see it double clicking on the main device and then Information or something like that) and the runtime that is running on the BeagleBone (that you can find when you scan the network).

    After they're equal up to the first 3 numbers (es 3.5.17.xx), and the fourth is closest, then you can start chasing the second if it still is there. These functions are available only from runtime SP18 (CmpCrypto version

  • master-student - 2022-08-19

    thanks,it worked perfectly

  • master-student - 2022-08-19

    I installed the latest runtime on my beagle bone through codesys ide


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