Accessing the underlying OS

  • yannickasselin - 2021-11-03


    I am looking for a way to remotely access Codesys runtimes. Automation Server seems to be the way to go, but can it do more than just access the Codesys part of a PC?

    For exemple, let's say I have a Linux PC running Codesys. And let's say this PC also runs a Node Red project and a Database. Would there be any way to access Node Red and the Database running on the PC just like I would be able using a vpn?

    I guess my question is: can I access the whole PC/OS using Automation Server?

    If this is not possible, I would be curious to get some ideas on how to achieve that. I used to use TeamViewer VPN on Windows but the VPN feature is not available on Linux. So I am wondering if I should make my own openVPN server or use something like Hamachi, Wireguard, etc...

    It would be awesome if Automation Server could be used as a full vpn access to the remote PC.

    Would like to get your ideas on this...

    Thank you

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-11-05

    yes, agree we'll see if and how..


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-11-05
  • yannickasselin - 2021-11-05

    Thank you,

    I have different ideas but if it would be possible to do it straight from Automation Server I would definitely go this way.

    I really hope this is going to be possible.

    Thank you


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