OPC UA Data Types

  • v77g - 2023-05-08


    I am currently working with Codesys V3.5SP18.2 and Exor EX707 and trying to implement Rubber and Plastics Information model provided by OPC UA and VDMA. I am able tm import the information model and make instances. The Photo titled EaExpert has the values in bold, that I want to make available for the server.
    Here are the uestions I have:
    1. How can I convert the OPC UA data type 'localised text' to IEC type? after refering to the Codesys documentation about variable mapping (https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Communication/_cds_opc_ua_map_types_to_iec.html)
    I tried declaring the variable as string, but get a type conversion error upon compilation.

    1. Other error that I receive during compilation is 'internal error in code generation for OPC UA DI, Dimensions should be empty'. I have no Idea where the Problem is.

    2. Is there a documentation from codesys about attributes which are written on top of variables to modify their presence in the server? For example, the element Manufacturer is of Localised Text type and has 2 elements: Local of data type localid and text of data type string. when I create a manufacturer.text := 'xyz'; I get an error: cannot convert String to OPCUA_String. How can I get rid of this error.

    Thank you for your help.


    Last edit: v77g 2023-05-08
  • snhatton - 2023-05-09


    I noticed that your project does not have a OPC UA server for configuration of attribute access. For configuring symbolic access to the instances in your program, I believe you would need to add the instances to the OPC-UA server symbol set so that it resembles the screenshot:

    I hope this helps!



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