Log in to remote PLC via Automation Server

  • jeffersonhui - 2020-09-23


    How can I enable logging into a PLC remotely via the Automation Server? I am in a Codesys project IDE that is connected to Automation Server, but in Device -> Communication Settings -> Gateway, the list of Edge Gateways do NOT show up. How can I get the Edge Gateway list to appear?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-24

    just open a project from server... then all available Gateways will be added automatically.



    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-09-29
  • jeffersonhui - 2020-09-24

    Hi, Edwin,

    I looked there, but did not see those options. I believe my project is connected to Automation Server. I attached screenshots. Also, I am using SP14 if that changes anything.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-24

    you need to update the connector... to current version


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-09-24
  • jeffersonhui - 2020-09-28

    Hi, Edwin,

    I got the Automation Server Edge Gateways to sync with my Codesys project. However, although my VC Edge Gateway shows ONLINE in CAS, it shows RED in my Codesys project. Do you know why this is? I attached a screenshot.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-28

    Hi Jefferson,
    agree that currently there is an error - see the same issue on my Gateways.
    Let me check.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-29

    I was wrong, this works!

    You need to take care on 3 points.

    1. The plc below the Remote Gateway need to be added to the Automation Server - if not no scan result occure
    2. The Edge Gateway need to be at least 3.6SP16 version
    3. If the Remote Gateway in CODESYS is green - but no scan results - check either point 1 or disable the filter in the scan ( your project contains a different plc to the one which is in the Automation server attached

    If this does not solve it we need to check online - > CODESYS Store -> my question bug report.



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