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RTE SysMem: Performance: spinlock instead of sem.

  • alebrije - 2022-08-29


    I have a pretty complex program, and everything was working fine using Codesys control x64, because of the requirements I moved to use RTE system, with 200Β΅s cycle time.
    First I was developing everything just fine. but suddenly i start getting the Program loaded Exception, i when I get to look to the logger, I found only this.
    Sound pretty obvious that I have a SysMem issue, but the question is, how can I restart it?
    What I tried:
    -restart pc with soft RTE.
    -restart the RTE
    -load an empty program

    and the logger send me not a single info/warning/error/ or exception message.

    Any idea how to address this issue?
    Best Regards

  • alebrije - 2022-09-01

    Just to update this.

    I found a solution to this, in the application tap of the codesys RTE system configuration. The standard logger was disabled.
    I also update the retain Type to *On Powerfall.
    Everything is working now!


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