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CODESYS 4 Linux:

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2022-08-12


    Is the latest version of wine capable of running CODESYS Installer and the latest version of CODESYS too? I would think so, but that said, what part or parts of CODESYS are currently NOT running correct under WINE?


    Talk Topic about project #codesys-4-linux


    Last edit: hermsen 2022-08-12
    • Ingo

      Ingo - 2022-08-12

      The only problem is the new installer. I didn't find a stable way, yet to
      install it. When installed, everything runs fine.

      But you might have noticed, the automation of the setup of wine and CODESYS
      in Docker is quite tricky. πŸ˜‰


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