Post by talhaali on Active alarm access in ST
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by talhaali on Active alarm access in ST
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by docker on Webvisu client connection monitoring
Hi, i am interested in this thread and have tried a couple of the above examples in to determine remote webvisu access. I am having trouble getting the lastusage variable to refresh during runtime? It seems to only log the last usage at initialisation and that is it? how do i gain ongoing access to the time variable as the code is running? Thankyou.
Last updated: 2024-08-26
Post by snhatton on Can't open online view of FB instance from code editor, only from Device/POU windows
Good morning, Yes, this is a known bug that has been reported. For now, the only workaround is to open the function block instances from the device tree. Regards, -Shawn
Last updated: 2023-11-08
Post by dhumphries on Toolbox missing item
When you create a new POU be sure to choose "Ladder Logic Diagram" instead of "Ladder Logic" and you'll get all the additional toolbox items.
Last updated: 2024-02-28
Post by siscu on Raspberry Pi - Creating own I2C library and use it without device description.
Do you think there'd be a way to turn this into a library? How would I2C_master be passed down to POU FBs?
Last updated: 2024-05-15
Post by tanman19 on How to Use Personal Access Tokens from GitHub with Codesys Git
I am trying to push changes to a GitHub repository. I set up the Git Remote with the correct URL and committed the change. When I push the change it asks for my GitHub credentials which I know are correct, when I type in my username and password it gives me an error: "The provided credentials seem incorrect." So I tried putting in my Person Access token and when I put that in with my username I get this error: "The server request failed and returned a HTTP error code 403: Forbidden". Does anyone know how to correctly use Personal Access Tokens from GitHub with Codesys Git? Does it have to do something with the remote url or my username? Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
Last updated: 2023-09-28
Post by takashi on CODESYSControlWinCE Crash
Hey all CODESYS-experts. I'm at a customer site, and we hade a power-failure and one of the devices apparently runs codesys and has crashed. It's an old device (out of warranty) that is bought many years ago. Now this device doesn't seem to boot. Any idea what to do in this case? We have access to the drive so we have access to the files. See screenshots.
Last updated: 2024-01-23
Post by rpostwvu on Shared Memory Access Issues
I got the shared memory example. I'm pretty sure I'm successfully created a memory space, CreateResult returns 18. szName:='CodesysDataShare'; hShm := SysSharedMemoryCreate(szName, 0, ADR(uxiSize), ADR(CreateResult)); I'm trying to access this memory with a C# application, but I get "Unable to Find Specified File". I suspect that Codesys and/or Visual Studio code alters the name I choose? Being in Windows, I cant find a way to see the mapped memory list. ~~~ using (var mmfRead = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting("CodesysDataShare",MemoryMappedFileRights.ReadWrite)) ~~~
Last updated: 2024-01-29
Post by ofey on two different OPC clients with different privileges
Hi! I have usually only connected one OPC client (our system) to an OPC server created in the codesys environment on a PLC. This OPC client has a lot of write privileges. A customer also want OPC access, but I want to restrict his access to only read certain values. Do you know if this is possible inside the single codesys runtime running on a controller?
Last updated: 2024-02-01
Post by rafael on Access to user group IDs
Hello, I'm trying to access the group IDs of the connected user. "CurrentUserGroupId" var shows only the first group ID that the user is assigned, I need the other group IDs that the user is in. I find some structs but I can't find where they are used, like "VUM_User" scruct from visuusermgmt, where can I find this vars? abyUserGroupIDs seens perfect but I can't find a GVL where it is used.
Last updated: 2024-07-08
Post by deeksha on RaspberryPi with CoDeSys throwing error
I am trying to access Raspberry pi on CoDeSys, but it throws an error says, "No connection to target: An established connection was aborted by the server." I am able to access Raspberry pi via MobXterm, but on CoDeSys, it throws error. Looking for help in resolving this error. Error snap is attached. IP address is scanned here successfully, but when I am trying to install Raspberry pi packet:, it throws this error.
Last updated: 2024-08-23
Post by alimans on OPC-UA Server, Symbol Set: Raise an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Hi everyone, I just created a very simple library without any code and, added it to my very simple project. after adding this library, I get an error when I try to open "Symbol Set" in "OPC UA Server" in "Communication Manager". Here is the code of my POU in the library: FUNCTION_BLOCK POU VAR eCommand : (CMD_NONE:=0, CMD_RESET:=-1) INT := CMD_NONE; END_VAR Attached is the error that I get. I also noticed that by removing the enumeration variable above (eCommand), I can open the "Symbol Set" again. Anybody has any idea why this error is raised and how could I use enumeration variables without error in "OPC UA Symbol Set"?
Last updated: 2024-08-08
Post by nz-dave on Bool turning on in case stament in wrong state?
pretty sure its not. ive done a cross reference and only have one write that sets it to true. Only way i can stop it is to remove the function block call from the main pou that is running said case. its got me stumped:/
Last updated: 2023-12-16
Post by jst69 on Python script: Launch Codesys, Execute Script, Exit Codesys
Dear all: Question about scripting: I am creating a .NET program that is supposed to Open codesys, open template project, export a bunch of pou, then exit codesys. Launch works, Open project works, Export works, But how do i tell codesys to close itself? I can tell windows to terminate codesys, but i would prefer to do it properly. from __future__ import print_function import sys import System proj = projects.primary # We're interested in POU nodes: POUGuid = Guid("6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08") # We collect all POU nodes in that list. pous = [] # From the parent node on, we recursively add POU nodes: def CollectPous(node): if node.type == POUGuid: pous.append(node) else: for child in node.get_children(): CollectPous(child) # Now we collect all the leaf nodes. for node in proj.get_children(): CollectPous(node) # We print everything just to know what's going on. for i in pous: print("found: ", i.type, i.guid, i.get_name()) # And now we export the files. for candidate in pous: # We create a list of objects to export: # The object itsself objects = [candidate] # And sub-objects (POUs can have actions, properties, ...) objects.extend(candidate.get_children()) # And the parent folders. parent = candidate.parent while ((not parent.is_root) and parent.is_folder): objects.append(parent) parent = parent.parent # Create an unique file name: if len(sys.argv) == 1: filename = "parent\\%s.export" % (candidate.get_name()) else: filename = "%s\\%s.export" % (sys.argv[1],candidate.get_name()) # print some user information print("exporting ", len(objects), " objects to: ", filename) # and actually export the project. proj.export_xml(objects, filename) proj.close() print ("script finished.") System.exit(0) // Dont work .NET: public static void Export(string path,string proj) { if (checkSettings()) { var p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = Properties.Settings.Default.CSVersion +"\\CODESYS\\Common\\CODESYS.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = " --Profile=" + qoute(Properties.Settings.Default.CSProfile) + " --culture=en" + " --project=" + qoute(path + "\\" + proj) + " --runscript=" + Properties.Settings.Default.LastOpenProjectPath + "\\INPUT_DATA\\SCRIPT\\" + " --scriptargs:" + qoute(path) ; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; p.Start(); p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); p.CloseMainWindow(); p.Close(); } }
Last updated: 2024-01-16
Post by sturmghost on Visualization using methods and cyclic ST-calls
Im looking for a way to implement ST-code into the visualization element without creating a helper POU or method in my device/application tree. Like visualization properties are evaluated at each VISU_TASK cycle I want to be able to create own ST code which interacts with the visualization interface variables. To be more specific I want to have a property which executes user defined ST-code at each VISU_TASK cycle exactly like its already possible for Input Configuration on various mouse and dialog events. Also a property for initialization (so only executed once) and a timed property would be nice. With the situation right now I'll have to create a POU function which handles the ST-code and misuse a property, like the text variable, to execute this POU function at each VISU_TASK cycle. Or does it exist and I don't know it?
Last updated: 2023-10-02
Post by totorovic on CSVReaderInit returns error : INVALID_HANDLE
Thank you for the return. The path targets to a CFast card. User has R/W access to it. We will try to change it.
Last updated: 2023-08-31
Post by fleaplc on FILE_OPERATION_DENIED
By using the CAA FILE library (FB FILE.Open) (raspberry pi, codesys I always get the error FILE_OPERATION_DENIED The file exist, it has r/w/x access and path is correct... Some idea to fix it?
Last updated: 2023-09-25
Post by spfollen on Access to the path *** is denied
I have the same error. It appears to be something in my project. An older version of the same project from a few days ago is fine.
Last updated: 2024-01-30
Post by eschwellinger on Access to the path *** is denied
sorry this is wrong here: (but important for signature problems) please update the CODESYS Installer to 2.2.1 version by downliad it from here: there is a problem on his auto update function. This will solve it!
Last updated: 2024-01-31
Post by jaspergain on Access to the path *** is denied
Hello @eschwellinger, I installed the newer version of the installer, however the issue persisted. Do I need to do anything else other than updating the installer? Thanks for your help.
Last updated: 2024-02-01
Post by spfollen on Access to the path *** is denied
I used the installer to uninstall and re-install It worked for me but I needed to Delete my alarm manager and build that back up in my project
Last updated: 2024-02-01
Post by spfollen on Access to the path *** is denied
Hello @eschwellinger, My project stopped working again. it would appear that this solution didn't resolve the problem perminantely. I deleted my alarm manager and the problem is no longer. When I put back in the Alarm Manager and my alarms the issue returns.
Last updated: 2024-02-03
Post by eschwellinger on Access to the path *** is denied
see here: Visualization Support | V will be released on 14.02.2024 so you need to update by CODESYS Installer to that version as soon it is available.
Last updated: 2024-02-13
Post by eschwellinger on json utilities not reading or writing files
Keep in mind that due security reasons the files need to be in the PlcLogic directory! This is since SP19 implemented. see 04.04.2023 CODESYS Control V3 file access
Last updated: 2024-02-13
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