Post by yannickasselin on codesys VLAN tagging
Hi, I am looking for exactly the same thing. I would think that using a layer 2/3 managed switch should work but I am not convinced. I would like to test it in order to see if it would be possible to run many Codesys Docker instances on a server and run only 1 ethernet cable from the server to a managed switch closer to the machines beeing controlled instead of having to run multiple long ethernet cables. I was going to buy a managed switch in order to test it but I want to first make sure it is possible and I want to figure out exactly what kind of switch I would need. Is this even possible? I think this is a feature that would be very useful paired with "Codesys Virtual Control SL". Thank you
Last updated: 2024-09-07
Post by yannickasselin on codesys VLAN tagging
I ordered a cheap managed switch and tested it as soon as I received the switch. It works great! I even went a bit further. As you can see in the screenshot, I created 2 Codesys containers. Each one having 2 fieldbuses. The first one has EtherCAT and EtherNet/IP and the second one has EtherCAT and Modbus/TCP. All going through the same ethernet port from the PC to the switch. The switch splits it up into 4 different networks. The hardest part was to figure out how to configure the switch. @eschwellinger, thank you very much.
Last updated: 2024-09-17
Post by pierre on difference between stub file and source file in scriptengine
I included the stub files of scriptengine (codesys python api) in a directory scriptengine of a project. I tried to include librarymanager like that: from scriptengine import librarymanager visual studio code detected an error. It said librarmanager could not be found. Indeed in the stub file, this was library_manager. But if I change it in my code, the plugin doesn t work anymore. I found an easy solution to this problem. I ve just changed the copied stub files.(library_manager -> librarymanager) But I think it would be better if you update it yourself in the future.
Last updated: 2024-09-20
Post by pierre on difference between stub file and source file in scriptengine
I included the stub files of scriptengine (codesys python api) in a directory scriptengine of a project. I tried to include librarymanager like that: from scriptengine import librarymanager visual studio code detected an error. It said librarmanager could not be found. Indeed in the stub file, this was library_manager. But if I change it in my code, the plugin doesn t work anymore. I found an easy solution to this problem. I ve just changed the copied stub files.(library_manager -> librarymanager) But I think it would be better if you update it yourself in the future.
Last updated: 2024-09-20
Post by opineiro on How to manage variable types larger than 64 bits - Ethernet/IP
Hi there, I have a Keyence bar code reader connected to my plc through Ethernet/IP. The Bar code is 20 digits long (like 30100790020493036016), the scanner reads it correctly (I can verify that through the keyence software) but when it sends it through ETH/IP, it doesn't fit into a 64 bit variable and it trunks the data.(I've tried ULINT and LWord without success). When I loaded the EDS file, the read variable was defined as a byte with 128 bits length, which is quite strange for me. (see attached picture) How do I manage this variable? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-09-23
Post by siscu on Raspberry i2c master device
I want to implement an extended I2C master for Raspberry Pi Control. I was hoping for it to be as easy as creating a library with a FB that extends i2cMaster and associating it with a device following the forge drivers documentation, but I haven't managed to make it work as the driver behaves only as an i2c slave. I'm thinking this is because the forge forum only talks about extending i2c, and the master portion is omitted since most users won't want to add a custom one. I'd like to know if I'm doing something wrong. Is it really possible to make an I2C master extension device? If so, are there public examples we can check out? Any info on this topic will be appreciated.
Last updated: 2024-10-16
Post by dsa28 on OPC UA subscriber not operational
Hello All, Hopefully I can get some help configuring an OPC UA subscriber in a CODESYS runtime in a Raspberry Pi 5 that tries to retrieve data from an OPC UA publisher (in this case running in a TwinCAT system). I tried to follow the steps described in the page to implement the OPC UA subscriber: Seems that the example provided was created with version Now with version is not possible to open the complete project neither convert it. Anyway, after configuring all IPs and ports used in the OPC UA connection function block but the connection state always shows DISABLED. Can someone help me to do the proper configuration of the OPC UA subscriber? Many thanks in advance.
Last updated: 2024-10-22
Post by struccc on Request a dark mode for CODESYS
😁 Yes, exactly... I have a clue about the why not... But really, it was many years, releases ago... Agree, this is not a functionality customers would pay for, but it's one rendering the product cool and contemporary. Like many other "simple" features like: Opening multiple projects within the same IDE Not just attaching, but editing diverse files inside the IDE (like XML, TXT, SVG?) Use 3rd, CODESYS independent plugins, editors inside the IDE... Isn't it possible to integrate CODESYS Engineering under VS? Or just use the core functionality from VS? Or the LINUX guys have a better idea?
Last updated: 3 days ago
Post by cdutz on Problems connecting to Codesys runtime on my Wago PFC200
Hi all. I am currently struggling to get my Wago PFC200 running the Codesys Runtime in version working. I am using Codesys V3.5SP19. I updated the PFC200 to the firmware version 04.01.10(23) after having tried the latest version (04.03.03(25) from Wago and not being able to start the runtime. After reading version 23 was needed, I changed to that and at least was able to have it start the codesys runtime. I also installed the "Codesys Control for PFC200 SL" plugin for Codesys to install the Codesys runtime in version as well as update the Gateway on the device. While I seem to be able to connect to the gateway on the PLC (the dot is green) and when doing a scan, I do now find my PFC200, which is a huge improvement to before, where with firmware version 25 it just failed to start the runtime and I never found any device when doing a scan. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to connect to the PLC in codesys. I logged in via SSH and changed the password and I can see that this password is correct as the stuff in the Codesys PFC200 tools tab only works if I use my changed password. And I used those credentials to update the installed Runtime version, which the log claimed to have worked fine. Now whenever I try to connect to the device found in the scan, I get a authentication pop-up with empy device name, device address: 000A. As User I use "root" and as password the password that I changed it to. As a response I just get "Ungültige Benutzerauthentifizierung auf dem Gerät" (Eng. probably something like "Invalid user authentication on the device". What could I be doing wrong? Admittedly I'm a bit lost here :-/ Chris
Last updated: 2023-08-26
Post by john-robinson on Limiting Memory Access of an Array to Within its Bounds
Recently we had an issue regarding some simple code to calculate a rolling average. The code indexes from zero to 199 to properly store the current input into a circular buffer which then allows us to calculate a rolling average: VAR input_5s : REAL; outs_arr : ARRAY[0..199] OF REAL; i : USINT := 0; END_VAR ___ //this code runs every five seconds, calculating a rolling average outs_arr[i] := input_5s; i := i + 1; output := OSCAT_BASIC.ARRAY_AVG(ADR(outs_arr), SIZEOF(outs_arr)); IF i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr) THEN i := 0; END_IF There is a simple bug in this code where the index will be set to 0 when it has surpassed the length of the array in bytes (800 in this case) rather than larger than the number of reals in the array (200). The solution here is simple, replacing i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr) with i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr)/SIZEOF(outs_arr[0]). In this example when the index increased to 201 and the line outs_arr[201] := input_5s was called, codesys arbitrarily wrote to the address in memory that is where outs_arr[201] would be if the array was that long. I would like to find a way to wrap the codesys array inside of a wrapper class that checks if an input is within the bounds of an array before writing to that value. I know how I would implement that for a specific array, I could create a method or class that takes an input of an array of variable length, ie. ARRAY[*] OF REAL, but I don't know how to make this for any data type. I am wondering if anyone has ever done anything similar to this, or has any better suggestions to ensure that none of the programmers on this application accidentally create code that can arbitrarily write to other locations in memory.
Last updated: 2024-03-05
Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program
Thank you for your interest. Your answers are in line with what I knew, so at least it comforts me that I did not misinterpret the situation. However, I don't have an exact match as, for this project over the past few days I have: 1) I have gone back to leaving the various FBs of the motion always called, all of them, and in the state machine I use a boolean to activate the various useful Execute. (But in the future I want to go back and try the programming technique with which I wanted to develop this project); 2) For the occasional error: SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION perhaps it was due to the fact that I had set the Ethercat bus synchronism only at the CAN master level, but not at the level of individual drives. I have now also activated it for the individual drives and it does indeed seem to have been resolved, but having also adopted the programming technique mentioned in point 1), I cannot say whether this was the solution to the problem, or instead the previous point. Is there an error ‘regulator or start not set’ in the device log before the error ‘motion generating FB wasn't called for at least one cycle’? I can't answer that right now. By now the machine is running and I am no longer there, at this one. Also, I seem to remember that the 'fbeFBerror' drive structure (5-element array), does not cycle, BUT ONCE THE 5 EVENTS AFTER SWITCHING ON, IT DOES NOT UPDATE ANYMORE (but that's another issue), so diagnostics were not easy.
Last updated: 2024-07-24
Post by yannickasselin on MQTT QoS 1 & 2
Hello, After some more tests, here is what I found out. It seems we have to increase the uiKeepAlive and tPingInterval parameters. If I increase the uiKeepAlive value to 60s and the tPingInterval to 30s, then if I disconnect the ethernet cable from Codesys and publish some messages to which Codesys subscribes to and then reconnect within 30s, I will get the messages. If I don't reconnect the cable within 30s (ping interval), the client goes in error with "ACKNOWLEDGE_TIMEOUT". When this happens, it will not automatically reconnect after reconnecting the cable. I have to disable and re-enable the client but I will not get the published messages. I need to do more tests because there are a lot of weird things happening when playing with the ping interval and the keep alive. It is not clear to me what does what. I even ended up not receiving messages anymore, even if I disabled and re-enabled the mqtt client. The client did not give any error. The only way I was able to get messages again was by modifying my client ID. After that, if I try to re-use one of the old client IDs, nothing works (publish, subscribe) and I get a TCP_INIT_ERROR and sometimes a TCP_READ_ERROR. I need more explanation/documentation about these weird behaviors. Maybe it is the way I use it, maybe it is related to the broker (I am using Mosquitto with default parameters). When using a Node-Red client, everything works perfectly. I am trying to achieve the same behavior with Codesys but it seems impossible so far.
Last updated: 2024-10-30
Post by cfam on Codesys Control for PLCnext (PLC - AXL F 2152)
Good day All I would like to share some information on this site for the Codesys team as well for the future members using Codesys Control for PLCnext if it is allowed. I hope that i Post it in the correct spot. Subject: Codesys, Codesys Control for PLCnext Objective: Using the following Phoenix components to built a PLC Rack and run it on Codesys: Hardware and Software used 1. 2404267, AXC F 2152 - Controller 2. 1088136, AXL F BP SE6 - Module carrier 3. 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module 4. 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors 5. 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module 6. 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors 7. 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module 8. 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover 9. Codesys v3.5 SP19 Patch 4 10. Codesys Control for PLCnext V4.10.0.0 Process: Firstly I built the Rack according to the Phoenix Project+ Software tool. Where I rebuilt it onto my test bench . I used the PLCnext Engineer IDE from Phoenix and all Communications where up and running and my PLC program executed successfully. THEN I tried the same PLC Layout with Codesys and Codesys Control for PLCnext. It was not successful and gave me the "Error: Local Bus not Running". I searched the web for answers but was unsuccessful in finding a solution. So I tried to change my configuration and found that the following Modules COULD NOT be recognized by Codesys Control. The result was that the Local Bus Failed to run. 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors Example 1, Resulted in "Error: Local Bus Not Running": Module carrier slot 1: 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 2: 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors Module carrier slot 3: 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 4: 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors Module carrier slot 5: 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module Module carrier slot 6: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Example 2, Result "Successful": Module carrier slot 1: 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 2: 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 3: 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module Module carrier slot 4: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Module carrier slot 5: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Module carrier slot 6: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Result: Codesys or Codesys Control for PLCnext, has a PROBLEM to identify the following Modules. 1. AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors 2. AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors Hope that this information could be useful in future. Best regards Jaco Pretorius
Last updated: 2023-12-06
Post by kevinrn on CODESYS Development System V3 installation auf unter Parallells Windows 11auf MAC PRO M1 ARM Prozessor
Hallo, das Thema ist ja etwas offtopic. Aber ich kann gerne mal von meiner Erfahrung berichten: Nachdem ich von 2020 bis 2023 immer einen MacBook Pro mit Intel CPU hatte (i9/32GB) und nun seit Januar 2024 mit dem M3 Max unterwegs bin kann ich Nachfolgendes berichten. Infos zu den Aufgaben, die ich damit erledige: Die Runtime nutze ich nicht auf dem Mac (Wenn ich von Mac rede, dann meine ich damit die Win11 ARM64 Parallels Umgebung) Ich nutze die IDE für Library development und für automatisierungs Tests von CI/CD jobs. Weiterhin öffne ich oft große Projektarchive mit teilweise 160 MB. Erfahrungen zur Installation von CODESYS Versionen: Ich habe einige Versionen installiert, unter anderem,,,, und Ich hatte mit keiner einizgen Installation ein Problem. Die Installation lief immer ohne Probleme durch. Runtimes (Control Win) installiere ich nicht. Ich nutze linux basierte Zielsysteme und bei bedarf eine Windows VM auf einen entfernen Host mit X64. Lokales Gateway läuft ebenso Sonstige Erfahrungen: Ich nutze viele Komponenten Querbeet: Alarming, AC Persistence, Symbol Konfiguration, CFC und ST Editor, externes Packages wie STWeep, Git für Library Entwicklung, Visu, etc. Mit keiner dieser "Komponenten" hatte ich schwierigkeiten oder einen Unterschied zu x64 systemen festgestellt. Man muss aber auch sagen, dass das alles nur ein kleiner Bruchteil ist, was die CODESYS Welt beinhaltet, deshalb sind diese Aussagen auch nur subjektiv aus meinem Erfahrungsbereich. Für das Entwickeln von Libraries sehe ich keine Performance Einschränkungen. Ganz im Gegenteil, für das, dass hier eine emulation stattfindet, ist es erstaunlich schnell. Meiner Meinung nach sind sogar einfache und kleine Projekte schneller als beim Intel Mac. Die Akku Leistung mit dem Mac und Parallels ist fantastisch. Lüfter hört man nicht mal bei der Nutzung von CODESYS. Beim Intel konnte ich sonst ein Spiegelei auf der Abdeckung zubereiten... Was evtl. etwas langsamer ist bzw. mir manchmal so vor kommt ist, der CFC Editor im Online Mode. Aber hierzu fehlt mir ein richtiger Vergleich. Fazit: Ich bin selbst erstaunt wie gut die CODESYS IDE auf einem ARM64 emuliert wird. Ich muss aber auch sagen, dass ich jederzeit eine x64 Workspace zur Verfügung habe, falls was nicht funktionieren sollte. Das habe ich mir extra zum Umstieg zu gelegt. Bisher habe ich es jedoch noch nie benötigt, da meine Anforderungen alle erfüllt werden. Es sollte einem aber bewusst sein, dass dies keine supportete Umgebung ist und man auch bei spezifischen Problemen keinen Support erwarten sollte. Ich nutze CODESYS ca. 4-12 Stunden die Woche und ich warte immer noch auf etwas, um meine X64 Cloud Workspace mal zu verwenden... Vielleicht hilft dir dies ja etwas bei der Entscheidung.
Last updated: 2024-03-21
Post by kevinrn on Github Actions CI/CD tasks - development topic
Hello community, I just want to inform you about our plans and the current status of automating the build process for CODESYS libraries. So it might be helpful for some people who are in the same situation. Background story: I am a software engineer at powerIO GmbH, normally I use high level languages for the products we develop and offer. Sometimes I work with my team on CODESYS libraries, which can also be found in the CODESYS store. Most of the time I spend with them on architecture tasks and tasks that are not directly related to our products. Every time I see the manual processes for releasing a library etc., I am very surprised about this time intensive process. Current situation: I know there has been a scripting interface for years. CODESYS Git was released a few years ago, but the scripting interface was only released a few months (weeks?) ago. We developed a pseudo-automated solution a few months ago, but it was all very hacky. So now there is a better Git implementation and also more modularization and installation options. For example, the CODESYS installer has a full CLI, which makes it very convenient to install CODESYS installations headless. Plans: I think it's the right time to develop a better automation solution. Most of our software projects are hosted on Github and we use Github actions very intensively for other software projects. Therefore, we have decided to use Github for our CODESYS library projects as well. Following tasks should be implemented in automation for CI/CD tasks: - Automated setup of CODESYS installation (Already released: - Checkout CODESYS libraries - Execute tests scripts - Sign CODESYS libraries - Extract Library documentation - Create CODESYS package - Sign CODESYS package Side Note: - This is mainly a side project, and we do not provide support for the CI/CD part. - This topic is here to help and also to get help from other software engineers. - This project and idea is not prioritized as I am currently the only one working on it and I hope it will help us and also others and increase productivity. - We are putting this out there as an organization, but priorities can change quickly and the CI/CD tasks I am developing are mostly done in my spare time. So please don't expect this to happen in a short time or even be fully completed. I would be very happy if some ppl will join the development process and might be open to discuss some technical details for this. I hope this topic is not to off-topic, but I think the CI/CD part is very important today and it can increase a lot of quality and push productivity. Thanks :)
Last updated: 2024-03-28
Post by pppn on Issue with Forward Open Connections in Ethernet/IP Protocol Stack in Codesys
Hello, I am facing an issue with my Ethernet-based project in Codesys. My product was functioning well until I modified the protocol stack and uploaded it to my device. Here are the details of my problem: Project Setup: I am working on an Ethernet-based project to test my product. The project was running without issues before modifying the protocol stack. Issue: After modifying the protocol stack and uploading it to my device, I am encountering an error in Codesys related to the forward open connections. Error status: connection failure, extended: connection in use or duplicate forward open. According to the Ethernet/IP protocol in codesys, there are three forward open connections that need to be established. The first two connections are opening without any issues. The third connection, which is an input-only connection, is causing problems. The error message indicates that the connection is already open. Debugging Attempts: I have extensively debugged the protocol stack and found no issues. The product works well when tested with EIP tools but not with Codesys. Exclusive owner connections are working correctly, and only the input-only connection is problematic. Wireshark Traces: Wireshark traces show that the third connection attempts to open but reports that it is already open. Steps to Reproduce: Modify the protocol stack and upload it to the device. Attempt to establish three forward open connections in Codesys. Observe the error on the third connection (input-only). Request: I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how to resolve this issue. If there are specific settings or configurations in Codesys that I need to check, please let me know. Additionally, if there are known issues or workarounds related to this problem, I would be grateful for the information. Attachments: Wireshark traces showing the connection attempts and errors Screenshots of the error messages in Codesys codesys version: CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 + 64 bit
Last updated: 2024-06-25
Post by pppn on Issue with Forward Open Connections in Ethernet/IP Protocol Stack in Codesys
Hello, I am facing an issue with my Ethernet-based project in Codesys. My product was functioning well until I modified the protocol stack and uploaded it to my device. Here are the details of my problem: Project Setup: I am working on an Ethernet-based project to test my product. The project was running without issues before modifying the protocol stack. Issue: After modifying the protocol stack and uploading it to my device, I am encountering an error in Codesys related to the forward open connections. Error status: connection failure, extended: connection in use or duplicate forward open. According to the Ethernet/IP protocol, there are three forward open connections that need to be established. The first two connections are opening without any issues. The third connection, which is an input-only connection, is causing problems. The error message indicates that the connection is already open. Debugging Attempts: I have extensively debugged the protocol stack and found no issues. The product works well when tested with EIP tools but not with Codesys. Exclusive owner connections are working correctly, and only the input-only connection is problematic. Wireshark Traces: Wireshark traces show that the third connection attempts to open but reports that it is already open. Steps to Reproduce: Modify the protocol stack and upload it to the device. Attempt to establish three forward open connections in Codesys. Observe the error on the third connection (input-only). Request: I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how to resolve this issue. If there are specific settings or configurations in Codesys that I need to check, please let me know. Additionally, if there are known issues or workarounds related to this problem, I would be grateful for the information. Attachments: Wireshark traces showing the connection attempts and errors Screenshots of the error messages in Codesys codesys version: CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 + 64 bit
Last updated: 2024-06-25
Post by dantheman on Connecting to SoftPLC Only Works By Turning Off Modbus Ethernet Port
I have an IPC with 2 ethernet ports and 1 Wi-Fi. I'm using ModbusTCP with the ethernet port named "enp2s0" connected to my remote I/O. This works fine when testing with Python and also works with CODESYS, but CODESYS is only able to scan for the Linux SoftPLC when I turn off the "enp2s0" interface. In other words, I can't get online with the IDE if I want my ModbusTCP comms to run with CODESYS. I'm using a Linux SoftPLC that has the following entry in CODESYSControl.cfg, hoping that this will allow me to connect with "enp1s0" or "wlp3s0", and leave "enp2s0" for field comms, but this seems to only make the source IP of the ModbusTCP comms to be bound to "enp2s0". That last point is the case only if I don't restart the service, but if I do restart the service after changing the config file, the source IP for the ModbusTCP comms then becomes the one for "enp1s0", which is very confusing to me: [SysSocket] Adapter.0.Name="enp2s0" Adapter.0.EnableSetIpAndMask=1 On the device list, I only have "enp2s0" given as the ethernet device that has the ModbusTCP master & slave beneath it, shown in Screenshot 1. On the IPC, I can ping the ModbusTCP client (remote I/O) from "enp2s0", and I've attached a Wireshark capture of running ModbusTCP from the CODESYS runtime as Screenshot 2, 3 & 4 (again, I can't get online when this is running, I have to turn off "enp2s0" to connect even when it's idle and I don't have an active TCP session with my Python tests). Like I explained above, the source IP is "enp1s0", even though the ethernet device on the project is "enp2s0". I was lucky to catch the red message that showed the source IP that makes sense to me (the one for "enp2s0"), but for some reason that connection was reset and I never saw that packet again. I've also tried this with Auto-reconnect both enabled & disabled, for the ModbusTCP Master device. I also have to turn off "enp1s0" and then turn it on, just so that I can have the ModbusTCP comms running from "enp2s0" (which is not intuitive in any way to me, I'd love some help understanding that phenomenon as well) in the weird manner that I've described above. I would be very appreciative if someone can help me figure out this pickle. I'd love to just connect to CODESYS through my Wi-Fi interface and leave my ethernet ports for field comms.
Last updated: 2024-08-01
Post by cdutz on Problems connecting to Codesys runtime on my Wago PFC200
Turns out I managed to get a connection to my PLC. It seems that a few weeks ago Wago released something with version 4.3.3(25). So I reset my PLC to Factory-Reset, set it to the IP and changed the IP to the one I wanted with the Wago EthernetSettings tool. Then updated the latest firmware using the WAGOupload tool. Now the PLC came back up without a PLC runtime running, so in the Web-tool I wen't to the "Configuration"/"PLC Runtime" and selected the runtime version "CODESYS V3". I uninstalled all Codesys versions and installed the version from the download package of Wago together with all the packages the bundle provided. After creating a new project I didn't select the old PFC200 runtime, but one of the dozens of new device profiles, that it now listed. With these settings I was then able to connect to my PLC. Now I hope I'll get the existing project that I had ported to this new structure. Sorry for the noise. Chris
Last updated: 2023-08-26
Post by garyl on Comments in arrays and assigning RST coil's to 600 outputs
Hello all, im working on a project that requires me to convert an old automation direct DirectSoft PLC d2-250-1. One of the problems im encountering is that all of the comments are attached to members of the different addresses. When i convert the addresses (1777 "C" registers, 777 X registers, and 20,0000 V registers) im running into difficulties keeping the inputs/outputs correct since they are missing documentation. Is there a good way to retain the comments of the indexes in the array? Secondly, initially i was declaring the "C" and "V" addresses individually and this worked to retain the comments as to which register did what, however i ran into a problem when one rung reset (or set to 0) approximately 600 C Addresses. Since each tag is separately declared this proved to be nearly impossible without a literal wall of code that attempted to crash the program. So i converted all of the registers (C,X,Y,V) into separate structs, declared them as arrays and pointed all of the original call outs in the program to the newly defined structs. However i have now lost comments and the program is very hard to follow. Thanks for any help with this issue.
Last updated: 2023-08-31
Post by ofey on Codesys Soft PLC OPC UA server
Hi! I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I have tried looking up previous topics regaring this, but even though I'm following tutorials and other posts I cant seem to get this to work consistently. I actually got the connection established on a test project after some trial and error. I only got it to work with the "Anonymous login". But after i deleted the test project and tried to get the same thing to work on another project I cant get it to work anymore. What I'm trying to do: Set up and OPC UA Server using CODESYS with the free soft PLC. I then try to connect to the OPC UA Server with the program "UaExpert". What happens: I get the error Error "'BadUserAccessDenied' was returned during ActivateSession". What I have done in CODESYS: - Added the object "Symbol configuration" and checked some test variables - Checked "Support OPC UA features - In "Communication settings -> device -> Change runtime security policy" I have checked "Allow anonymous login" What I have done in UAExpert: - Found the OPC UA server under "local". (It is showing two servers though, I do not know why. It showed the same when it worked yesterday). Se attachment - Checked "Anonymous" under "Authentication settings in the OPC UA server. I'm new to CODESYS, so it could be something elementary wrong in my settings. Maybe something in the user settings in CODESYS regarding user rights or something?
Last updated: 2023-09-14
Post by toby on Ethercat Servo Setup
Hi Everyone, I have a simple project with a single servo, but its my first time using Codesys and motion, so I'm a little confused and lost, I've tried to read the tutorial online, but I'm not having much luck sorry. Can I please ask for some pointers. I have a ComfilePi HMI (Raspberry Pi) communicating to a Omron R88D-1SN08H-ECT amplifier. Please see the attached project file (which is better for sharing, the project file, or a archive?). This file was simply for testing the motion of the servo before anything else is tested with it. The project simply rotates the servo 1 rotation when called for, but the speed can vary based on user input. Nothing much fancy. As yet, I haven't had any servo movement, no errors on the amplifier display. How do I link the motion FBs to the physical drive? Thank you very much for any help you can offer. I'm sorry if I'm doing something very stupid or basic and getting it wrong. Have a good day. Toby
Last updated: 2023-09-20
Post by toffeebonbon on EL7041-0052 - does it run with EL7041 SoftMotion?
Good morning everyone. In my setup I am trying to use a couple of EL7041-0052 (the EL7041 variant without terminals for an encoder) to run stepper motors without feedback. When using the softmotion drivers for the EL7041 (Rev22 and Rev24, even selecting external feedback type doesn't work) the device log shows warnings for the corresponding hardware: "SDO write error 0x1 -> 0x8012:0x08 eError 0x1 AbortCode 0x6090011". 0x8012:0x08 is the register for the Feedback Type. My best guess was setting the the register value in the start parameters to zero, but the result is the same. What else can I try to get the hardware to work? I have screenshots attatched showing the running fieldbus and the log messages. EDIT: One clarification: the "device log" that shows the error is the PLC, not the ethercat terminal. The log of the terminal itself shows neither errors nor warnings. BR Robert
Last updated: 2023-11-29
Post by nizrahel on OpC UA server on Raspberry Pi 64 SL runtime
Hi all! I'm working on an home project using a Raspberry Pi 3 device with Codesys for Raspberry Pi 64 SL runtime. I would like to create the HMI interface with Siemens WinCC Unified (or Advanced) configuring the Raspberry as OPC UA server. I tryed everything, but I didn't find the way to let the OPC UA connection works using UaExpert. I tryed to use anonymous connection, authenticated connection and the ip address instead of the server name in the path connection. There is no way to connect to the OPC UA server and I was asking myself if this feature is really supported for the runtime version used. Another strange thing I noted, is that is not possible to quickly create an OPC UA certificate in the Security Screen, as show in any tutorials. I have correctly created the Symbol Configuration enabling the OPC UA feature. I attach to this topic some printscreen of the actual configuration (sorry for the italian language interface, but I didn't find the way to switch to english). Thank you very much in advance for your support and advices!
Last updated: 2023-12-03
Post by user3000 on Can't find an Extended Pulse Timer (TP and LTP)
Hello, For my program I need an extended pulse timer, which can be referred to as a retriggerable pulse timer. Where every rising edge of the input resets the elapsed time zero, extending the lenght of the output pulse. The Codesys pulse timer (TP) is a one-shot timer and only resets the elapsed time with the falling edge of the input. There is also a pulse timer (LTP) in codesys, but in my simulation it was also functioning as a one-shot even though the description sounds like LTP should be retriggerable. I have uploaded some timing plots from another PLC program for reference. I am looking for a timer equivalent to the "TEP" diagram. Is there an Extended Pulse Timer in Codesys? Maybe there is a way to manipulate the input so it resets the elapsed time outside the function block?
Last updated: 2023-12-06
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