Post by paulpotat on Can't open license manager with raspberry CM4
Hello eschwellinger, Thanks for your answer, with this I was finally able to make it work by doing the following : install CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL v4.13.0 uninstall CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL v4.13.0 and make sure to select "yes" when prompted to uninstall WIBU CodeMeter Lite Runtime (v8.10.6230.501) re-install "CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL" v4.13.0 It looks like the issue was probably related to the CodeMeter Runtime ? Best regards
Last updated: 2024-10-16
Post by pernockham on Persistence Manager: Config File not found?
Thats what I did. The files existed originally, but when I had problems logging in as described I deleted those files (if they in some way had been corrupted causing my problems to login?). After that I have not managed to get the system to re-created these def-files. I manually created the folder structure (from CODESYS file browser) but this has not helped.
Last updated: 2024-11-02
Post by s1ack on PFC200 Will soft-container & IIoT license survive a firmware update?
I have an IIoT License activated on a PFC200 with older firmware 2.08.32 (11). If I flash it to the latest available 4.05.10 (27) does the license get destroyed? I have a back up file '3SLicenseInfo.tar'. But this looks quite a bit different form the backup I got from more modern firmware... 'CMLicenseNew.WibuCmRaU'. Can the new license manager restore it from the old .tar?
Last updated: 5 days ago
Post by markusef3 on Verhalten bei zu kurz gesetzter Task-Zyklus-Zeit
Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine Frage bezüglich dem Verhalten der Tasks. In der Hilfe und hier im Forum sowei im Internet konnte ich diesbezüglich leider nichts finden. Wie genau verhält sich Codesys wenn mehrere zyklische Task eingestellt sind und bei einem ab und zu die Abarbeitung des angehängten Programmes länger dauert als das Aufrufintervall eingestellt ist. D.H. der nächste Aufruf würde "theoretisch" erfolgen bevor alles im Program abgearbeitet ist. Z.B. Intervall ist 1ms, Abarbeitung dauert manchmel 1,1ms oder länger. (Watchdog ist zwar eingeschaltet, aber größer gewählt als das Zyklische Intervall zum Aufruf. Watchdog soll jetzt auch nicht das Thema sein). Was passiert in so einem Fall? - Wird das Programm zuerst zu Ende abgearbeitet und dann der nächste Aufruf gestartet? - Wird das Programm "mittendrin" unterbrochen und dann neu gestartet? - wie genau muss ich mir das vorstellen wenn dem so ist? - ...... - ...... Ich konnte überall nur Anleitungen finden wie die Tasks zu konfigurieren sind, jedoch nichts dazu was im oben genannten Fall genau passieren wird. Gruss Markus
Last updated: 2023-10-19
Post by timl on BacNet "Unaufgelöste Referenz"
Hallo, ich habe Probleme beim nachbauen des BacNet2 Tutorials "Erste Schritte" aus der CODESYS Online Help. Das Anlegen des BacNet2 Servers und der danach folgenden BacNet Datenpunkte erfolgt ohne Probleme. Der Code lässt sich mit F11 auch Fehlerfrei generieren. Beim Download auf die SPS tritt dann der Fehler auf dem Bild auf. Anbei auch ein Bild des Logs nach dem Download. CODESYS BACnet ist über den Installer runtergeladen. Device: CODESYS Control Win V3 x64 Version CODESYS Im Bibliotheksverwalter ist BACnet2 aufgeführt Die Konfigurationsdatei habe ich mit folgenden anpassungen abgespeichert: [ComponentManager] Component.1=CmpTargetVisuStub Component.2=CmpWebServer Component.3=CmpWebServerHandlerV3 Component.4=SysCpuMultiCore Component.5=SysReadWriteLock Component.6=SysCpuBreakpoints Component.7=SysPipeWindows ;Component.8=CmpHilscherCIFX ;Component.9=CmpPCANBasicDrv ;Component.10=CmpCANFoxDrv ;Component.11=CmpIxxatCANDrv ;Component.12=CmpBlkDrvCanServer ;Component.13=CmpBACnet Component.14=CmpBACnet2 [CmpBACnet2] ;configuration file of the BACnet stack IniFile=$PlcLogic$/bacstac2.ini ;task priority of the BACstack process task, default: TASKPRIO_NORMAL_END (159) TaskPrio=128 ;name of the named pipe for the communication with the BACstack AppName=/tmp/BACnetServer Habe ich etwas vergessen?
Last updated: 2024-02-16
Post by caprez95 on Trace Restart Visuelement
Hallo zusammen. Ich habe schon länger mit dem Problem zu kämpfen, dass ich einen Trend (Visuelement) nicht resetten (neustarten) kann. Ich habe es jetzt mit dem Beispiel hinbekommen, die Trace-Aufzeichnung über die CmpTraceMgr Bibliothek zu steuern. Aber wie bekomme ich diese Trace-Aufzeichnung in ein Visuelement? Der Code sieht wie folgt aus: // Configure trace IF xInit THEN // Create a trace packet PacketConfig.pszName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration.Trace1'); // Name of trace PacketConfig.pszApplicationName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration'); // Name of the application PacketConfig.pszIecTaskName := ADR('Task'); // Name of the task PacketConfig.pszComment := ADR('Demo packet'); PacketConfig.ulEveryNCycles := 1; PacketConfig.ulBufferEntries := 1000; PacketConfig.ulFlags := TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_TIMESTAMP_MS AND TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_AUTOSTART; IF (NOT fbTraceManager.CreatePacket(PacketConfig := PacketConfig, hPacket=>hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF // Create a trace record RecordConfig.pszVariable := ADR('iSignal'); // This is the name of variable to record RecordConfig.tcClass := INT_TO_UDINT(TypeClass.TYPE_INT); // Type of the recording variable RecordConfig.ulSize := SIZEOF(iSignal); // Size of the recording variable pApp := AppFindApplicationByName('IECTraceConfiguration', 0); AppGetAreaOffsetByAddress(pApp, ADR(iSignal), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.usArea), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.ulOffset)); // Get and set area offsets RecordConfig.tvaAddress.ulAddressFlags := TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_IEC OR TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_AREA_OFFSET; RecordConfig.ulGraphColor := 16#FF00FF00; // green RecordConfig.ulGraphType := 1; // Line with points IF (NOT fbTraceManager.AddRecord(RecordConfig := RecordConfig, hPacket := hPacket1, hRecord => hRecord1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xInit := FALSE; END_IF // Starts the recording IF xStart THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StartPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStart := FALSE; END_IF // Stop the recording IF xStop THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StopPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStop := FALSE; END_IF // Reset the recording IF xReset THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.ResetPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xReset := FALSE; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-06-04
Post by caprez95 on Trace Restart Visuelement
Hello everyone. I've been struggling with the problem for a long time that I can't reset (restart) a trend (visual element). With the example I have now managed to control the trace recording via the CmpTraceMgr library. But how do I get this trace recording into a visual element? The code looks like this: // Configure trace IF xInit THEN // Create a trace packet PacketConfig.pszName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration.Trace1'); // Name of trace PacketConfig.pszApplicationName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration'); // Name of the application PacketConfig.pszIecTaskName := ADR('Task'); // Name of the task PacketConfig.pszComment := ADR('Demo packet'); PacketConfig.ulEveryNCycles := 1; PacketConfig.ulBufferEntries := 1000; PacketConfig.ulFlags := TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_TIMESTAMP_MS AND TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_AUTOSTART; IF (NOT fbTraceManager.CreatePacket(PacketConfig := PacketConfig, hPacket=>hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF // Create a trace record RecordConfig.pszVariable := ADR('iSignal'); // This is the name of variable to record RecordConfig.tcClass := INT_TO_UDINT(TypeClass.TYPE_INT); // Type of the recording variable RecordConfig.ulSize := SIZEOF(iSignal); // Size of the recording variable pApp := AppFindApplicationByName('IECTraceConfiguration', 0); AppGetAreaOffsetByAddress(pApp, ADR(iSignal), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.usArea), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.ulOffset)); // Get and set area offsets RecordConfig.tvaAddress.ulAddressFlags := TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_IEC OR TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_AREA_OFFSET; RecordConfig.ulGraphColor := 16#FF00FF00; // green RecordConfig.ulGraphType := 1; // Line with points IF (NOT fbTraceManager.AddRecord(RecordConfig := RecordConfig, hPacket := hPacket1, hRecord => hRecord1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xInit := FALSE; END_IF // Starts the recording IF xStart THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StartPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStart := FALSE; END_IF // Stop the recording IF xStop THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StopPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStop := FALSE; END_IF // Reset the recording IF xReset THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.ResetPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xReset := FALSE; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-06-04
Post by manuknecht on Persistence Manager does not save alphabetically first value
I have several libraries which contain values that should be saved on a PLC. As apparently no Persistent Variable List is available within Libraries, I use the Persistence Manager to create a Persistence Channel in the Project which imports the library. I then specify the persistence channel in the library using the {attribute 'ac_persist':='PersistenceChannel_CT'} specifier. This generally works very well and gives me exactly the properties I require. However, it came to my attention that the (alphabetially) first value from the library is not saved in the created ASCII file. When checking the content of the Persistence Channel, it shows all the variables as defined in the library. But the created file does not contain the first value and it is not restored after restart or reset. (see attached picture) I disabled Periodic Saving and set xSaveOnChange to TRUE and so the file usually updates immediately after changing one of the values. When changing the first value, it does not update which is consistent with this value not being saved. I also created a sample project and library from scratch which shows the same issue both using a Raspberry Pi and using a Linux machine. Does someone know what the reason for this could be or did someone make similar experiences? Looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thanks in advance and best wishes Manuel
Last updated: 2023-10-17
Post by anlebr on Codesys Communication Manger - Required information model version exists in the model repository but is not found
Hi I am trying use the Codesys Communication Manager to set up an Opc ua server with a custom information model. As a start I am using the Boiler model available on Opc foundations github page. I am testing with a Wago CC100 and using Codesys V3.5 SP19 Patch 6. I get the following error: Communication Manager [Device: PLC Logic: Application]: The information model is required by with a minimal publication date from 15/12/2023 but the device has only a model from 15/09/2021 installed. Probably the information model from 15/09/2021 is missing in the information model repository. The error message does not make sense to me. Should it not be “Probably the information model from 15/12/2023 is missing in the information model repository”? Anyway, both versions are available in the repository. How can I solve this?
Last updated: 2024-03-13
Post by phoward131 on Alarm State Icon
I am trying to create an icon on an overview screen that depicts if an alarm group has active alarms, active acknowledged alarms, or inactive unacknowledged alarms (waiting for confirmation). I've attempted to set up Notification Actions in the Alarm Class to set variables based on state changes but have been unable to find a clean and effective way to do this. Because an action on any alarm will trigger the variable to be set as instructed, I'm struggling to find a way to configure it for what I need (ie if two alarms activate, then one deactivates, the variable for indicating an alarm is active would be cleared after the single deactivation). I've been pointed toward the Alarm Manager example project but I'm finding it too complicated to understand how to implement it in my own project. Has anyone come up with another good way to indicate the states of alarms or a simpler usage of the Alarm Manager functions?
Last updated: 2024-04-23
Post by nikgind on Codesys Communication Manger - Required information model version exists in the model repository but is not found
Hi I am trying to import a custom information model that I created using UA Modeler. I have only added two new methods and two new object types. It is possible to add the information model to the Communication Manager and the two new object types are shown in the Information Model tab. After compiling i get the following error: Communication Manager [Device: PLC Logic: Application]: The information model is required by with a minimal publication date from 15.12.2023 but the device has only a model from 15.09.2021 installed. Probably the information model from 15.09.2021 is missing in the information model repository. The error message does not make sense to me. Should it not be “Probably the information model from 15/12/2023 is missing in the information model repository”? Anyway I have installed the information model from 15/12/2023 but not from 15/09/2021. Which makes the error message even stranger.
Last updated: 2024-06-09
Post by mainak on Opaque NodeId in the OPC UA server
Hello all, I am using the OPC UA server with my custom information model. I have used the communication manager to add my information model under my application and created instances from OPC UA types. I see that the created instances in the OPC UA server has some opaque nodeid (attached screenshot) and I want to change that. Therefore I have the following questions: 1. Is there a way to configure the NodeIds of instances in the OPC UA server? I tried to edit it using the UaExpert client but got error "BadNotWriteable". is it possible to configure it somewhere so that the nodeids can be changed using an external client? 2. Is there a way to define the rule for creating instance nodeids within the codesys IDE? 3. Is it possible to create the instances before e.g. using a modelling tool like UaModeler and import them as part of the information model and use them later? Using the communication manager, I can only create instances from types. I couldn't find a way to map my existing instances to plc tags from my application. It would be nice if someone could help me with these issues. Thanks in advance. :)
Last updated: 2024-10-19
Post by thn-power on Updating OPC UA Core Nodeset on PLS
Hi After much trail and error I think I found the root cause to my OPC UA problem. The problem is that I cannot manage to build and download a program with a a custom OPC UA Information model. We use a Weidmueller WL2000 PLS, but the problem also exsist on the Win V3 PLC. Our custom information model is based on the latest versions of the OPC UA Core Nodeset v 1.05.03 (2023-09-20) and UA/DI nodeset 1.04.0 (2022-11-03) Those nodesets are installed in the Codesys Information Model Repository ( However, when trying to build I get the following error. [ERROR] Untitled1: Communication Manager [Device: PLC Logic: Application]: The information model is required by with a minimal publication date from 15.12.2023 but the device has only a model from 15.09.2021 installed. Probably the information model from 15.09.2021 is missing in the information model repository. [ERROR] Untitled1: Communication Manager [Device: PLC Logic: Application]: The information model is required by with a minimal publication date from 03.11.2022 but the device has only a model from 09.03.2021 installed. Probably the information model from 09.03.2021 is missing in the information model repository. Build complete -- 2 errors, 1 warnings : No download possible I think the problem is that the UA Core nodeset is implemented in the PLC firmware (at least that in Siemens S7), and that only includes the "old" nodeset from 2021-09-21 etc. So the question is, how (or if?) can I transfer the new nodeset to the PLS? I have created separate Information models under Communication manager with the newer code nodesets (UA and DI). But it seems that the compiler does not recognize them being excising, neither in the Codesys IDE or on the PLC. Would have guessed that this is a common issue, sine many manufacturers use the latest versions of the OPC UA standard, and that it would be a solution to the problem.
Last updated: 2024-09-20
Post by tvm on Web Client (HMI) Disconnects from Webvisu (Weidmuller u-OS)
ok, that's different than our issue then. We're using Schneider Electric M262 PLCs, and we've had it where certain web browsers cause the web server to only allow https connections, but it's not recoverable with a refresh. It usually requires a power cycle or even a full firmware flash. Your issue might have more to do with the timing. I don't know if it helps you, but we normally run our visu task at 200mS, with an update rate of 200mS. Seems to work. I went through this: but it really seems like trial and error.
Last updated: 2023-09-06
Post by andrej on Threads and TID created by CODESYSControl Win V3
Hi all, for a deeper understanding of the Codesys RTE - I created a simple application with 3 IEC tasks (Ta,Tb,Tc) each with different priorities, and different cycle times. The application runs on Windows 10 in the Soft PLC CODESYS Control Win V3. If my understanding is correct, the RTE i.e. the Process CodesysControlService should spawn 3 threads (Th_a,Th_b,Th_c) which are executed with the defined cycle times, the priority of the threads should reflect the priority of the task set in the Codesys IDE. Does somebody have an idea, how I could identify the respective threads in Windows? Kind regards Andrej
Last updated: 2023-10-02
Post by vformanek on irq-set piority is not working in plc-shell
Hello, I am currently having issues on CODESYS Control for linux SL with DTH expiring. I have followed several tutorials of creating a proper RT linux. Then I further configured the linux based on this tutorial: Currently I am getting DHT expires in the communication and I am trying to increase of the priority of the network task which manages the PROFINET network adapter. I am following this tutorial: But the irq-set is not changing the priority. See the image bellow....
Last updated: 2024-01-05
Post by davidbo on Does the new license policy means I have to upgrade everything?
We have several old project written with 3.5.17 and 3.5.18 and also some older Until now when a customer ordered a product from us. We just installed (we have a tested image) and added a license Now the license policy has changed and we have to buy a License Control Basic S or M However it only works with CODESYS Development System Version or higher Does that mean we have to upgrade all our old products? That is not a simple task as a previous post has explained with weird error messages from CODESYS V3.5. Next we have to do rigorous testing of our applications afterwards. It is very expensive
Last updated: 2024-01-11
Post by timvh on CODESYS V3.5 SP15 Patch 2 won't open
This is almost always related to previously working with an additonal monitor. If you have placed CODESYS on that monitor, later start your laptop again and open CODESYS without that monitor, then Windows still places it in the previous position, but then it is not visible. So the solution by cehermanstad can be used to move it to the main screen to make it visible again. PS, another way to move it, is by pressing SHIFT and then right-click on the icon in the task bar, then select move. You can then move it with the arrow keys or your mouse.
Last updated: 2024-02-27
Post by david24 on Map in Codesys
Hello everyone, I have the task of programming a map. With the help of the visualization element "Table", I have managed to accomplish this. In the Input Configuration, I activated the option: "Write Variables", so that the user can change the values in the map. To test the program, I select the Online Mode (Simulation).There I change the values in the map. When restarting the program in CODESYS, the changes in the map are no longer there. Does anyone know an approach how to save the changes in the map? Thank you for your support Best regards David
Last updated: 2024-04-02
Post by dkugler on Webvisu client connection monitoring
you can give this code snippet a try. It's extracted and simplyfied from my code: Install VisuElemBase lib if not installed yet. Execute in visu task: VAR pClientData : ARRAY [-1..100] OF POINTER TO VisuElemBase.VisuStructClientData; END_VAR VisuElemBase.g_ClientManager.BeginIteration(); pClientData := VisuElemBase.g_ClientManager.GetNextClient(); WHILE pClientData <> 0 DO pClientData[pClientData^.GlobalData.GlobalClientID] := pClientData; END_WHILE You have to make shure every no longer updated pointers in the array have to be deleted and no longer used by your code! Usage of this pointer access at your own risk :-) Works with SP16. From SP17 and newer there will be warnigs etc. using this solution as I remember. It will be great, if Codesys publishes a example or give a hint how to accesse this client values with the VisuUtil lib or other future-proof way!
Last updated: 2024-09-09
Post by opineiro on Stack overflow with really simple function
Hi, I have an issue with a function which sends a message through API Rest. I'm using a function from httpCLient library. I have tested this function inside a program and it works fine. But when I want to use it inside a function (so I can call it simultaneously from 2 different points on the main program) it gives a stack overflow error. In detail it says: "C0297 Stack Overflow on Main Task. Stack sizes... Call hierarchy:" I have simplified as much as I can the function, but I'm hitting a wall with this. Anybody has an idea of what's wrong? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-09-16
Post by fefefede on Error C0521 - unknow compiler
Hello and thanks for reply. I not have "Libray Manager" on "Update Device". I not try to open project but i open Codesys and then create a new project and when try to generate code i have the error :/ I notiche a strnge situation. I have two different software on my pc: CODESYS V3.5 SP15 Patch 4 (with this my new program not work but can open and work with some course example); CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 2 (with this my custom program work) Wich version i must be choose? Why i have two different version? Thanks
Last updated: 2023-09-02
Post by damian177 on Codesys V3.5 + Pixtend v1.3 + RaspberryPi
Hi, I use Pixtend v1.3 with my RaspberryPi with Codesys V3.5 SP15 Patch1. Actually in my project I used two packages: - CODESYS Contro for Raspberry PI - PiXtend for CODESYS Now I would like to extend my project about the IIot Libraries SL package, I installed them. Next I added SMS_Service_SL version library and I have problem with compile my project because I get error: [ERROR] PiXtend_DemoProject_q: Library Manager [Device: PLC Logic: Application]: Could not open library '#CAADTUtil'. (Reason: The placeholder library 'CAADTUtil' could not be resolved.) Any have idea what can I do to properly add SMS library to my project?
Last updated: 2023-09-26
Post by janber0206 on Lizenz lässt sich nicht aktivieren für Revolution Pi
Ich versuche grade die Lizenz für den Revolution Pi zu aktivieren, das hat auch schon im Laufe eines Jahres 20 mal geklappt, jetzt bekomme ich grade nur die Fehlermeldungen zu sehen in den angehängten Screenshots. Die Aktivierung der OPC-Client Lizenz lief ohne Probleme geht nur um die aktivierung für die Codesys Control for Raspberry Pi MC SL. Ich habe sowohl die Webaktivierung versucht als auch in der Codesys IDE, im Lizenz Manager versucht die Lizenz zu aktivieren. Aktivierung mit Dongle kommt nicht infrage da die bei Endkunden eingebaut werden. Hatte jemand ähnliche Probleme, bzw. weiß jemand wie das zu beheben ist? MfG Jannis
Last updated: 2023-10-27
Post by ewi04 on Recipe Manager - RecipeManCommands, load & write wrong values, Bug?
I'm getting closer to the error. The combination of STRUCT and ARRAY probably causes the strange behavior. As soon as the ARRAY is followed by a variable, the problem arises. Examples: X: ARRAY[1..2] OF INT; // okay Y: ARRAY[1..2] OF STRUCT; // problem Z: STRUCT; Z.ArrayOfInt[1]; // okay Z.ArrayOfStruct[1].Variable // problem // *update - array of array also causes the error A: ARRAY[1..2] OF ARRAY[1..4] OF BOOL; // problem I can't be the only one who has this problem. Or? Maybe there is a solution. Anyone? Or is it a bug after all?
Last updated: 2023-11-17
To search for an exact phrase, put it in quotes. Example: "getting started docs"
To exclude a word or phrase, put a dash in front of it. Example: docs -help
To search on specific fields, use these field names instead of a general text search. You can group with AND
or OR