Post by manuknecht on Specify Input Configuration "OnDialogClosed" Action to only react to certain Dialogs
I have a project with several buttons and dialogs. Most of the dialogs are opened using the Open Dialog action of the Input configuration of the buttons. Some dialogs are openend using the FbOpenDialogExtended FB of the Visu Utils library and the FbOpenDialogExtended FB is called in the Execute ST-Code action. I am also using the FileOpenSave dialog from Visu Dialogs which requires an OnDialogClosed action to read out. I realized that the OnDialogClosed action which is meant for the FileOpenSave dialog also triggers if a dialog is closed, which was previously openend using the FbOpenDialogExtended FB. Is there a way to detect which dialog was closed last and specify to which dialogs the OnDialogClosed action reacts?
Last updated: 2023-09-20
Post by k2saki on Open dialog from ST , how to set parameters (vars) to dialog
Hi, I have a question regarding this. But, How do I set parameters (var input, output ) to a dialog ?
Last updated: 2024-06-05
Post by timvh on Visuutils FbOpenDialog(Extended) not open Dialog from POUs
I had a similar situation recently where this didn't work, but read to the end to see the solution. The reason is that CODESYS only downloads visualisations (dialogs) if they are part of the project or linked to the project. In your case the dialog is not loaded onto the controller. But the solution is pretty simple: Double click on the Visualization Manager in your application. Select the Tab "Visualizations". Here you can see that your dialog is not "checked". Do this manually and load your project on the controller. Then your code should be able to open the dialog, because now it exists on the controller.
Last updated: 2024-09-28
Post by callumo1 on Check For Open Dialogs On Client
Is it possible to make a function that checks to see if there are any open dialogs on a given clients. I think VisuDialogs.VisuDlgUtil_IsDialogOpen does this for a given dialog name, but is it possible to do this for any dialog. Appretiate any help Cheers Callum
Last updated: 2023-09-25
Post by timvh on Detect "Cancel" Press in FileOpenSave Dialog
Maybe there is a better way, but a long time ago I created a test application that worked like this: With a button I opened the dialog and I added a "Input configuration - OnDialogClosed" "Execute ST-Code" action to this same button which called the following Function when the dialog was closed: F_OnFileDialogClosed(pClientData); Below this Function which handled the result: // This function is called from the visualization when the dialog is closed. FUNCTION F_OnFileDialogClosed : BOOL VAR_INPUT pClientData : POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData; END_VAR VAR dialogMan : VisuElems.IDialogManager; FileOpenCloseDialog : VisuElems.IVisualisationDialog; result : VisuElems.Visu_DialogResult; _sFileName : STRING(255); END_VAR // the DialogManager is provided via the implicitly available VisuManager dialogMan := VisuElems.g_VisuManager.GetDialogManager(); IF dialogMan <> 0 AND pClientData <> 0 THEN FileOpenCloseDialog := dialogMan.GetDialog('VisuDialogs.FileOpenSave'); // gets the FileOpenSave dialog IF FileOpenCloseDialog <> 0 THEN result := FileOpenCloseDialog.GetResult(); // gets the result (OK, Cancel) of the dialog IF result = VisuElems.Visu_DialogResult.OK THEN // Original code gvlFile.FileListProvider(); _sFileName := CONCAT(gvlFile.FileListProvider._stDirectory, gvlFile.FileListProvider.stFile); // do something with this file name... END_IF END_IF END_IF
Last updated: 2023-09-19
Post by noahpiskor on Configuration dialog screen with a Frame
Hello, I'm trying to configurate a frame. My goal is to have a frame with the symbol of a component. When I press the symbol a dialog screen of my choosing comes up. What variable should be used in the frame configuration, that I can put in the input configuration of my symbol. so that I can chose which dialog screen comes up on my multiply instances of this frame. Kind regards. Noah Piskor CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 6
Last updated: 2024-04-02
Post by rene-h on VU.FbOpenDialog - TargetVisu - 2 x WebVisu
Hello, i am trying to find a way how to open Dialogs on a Single Visu. The options from VU.Globals are Target and WebVisu, but Webvisu opens the Dialog on both WebVisus and it should be separated. CurrentVisu can only be used when the Dialog is called from the Visu, but its all done in the Code. One Webvisu is for the User and one is for diagnostic reasons, and they should not be interfered from each other. Maybe someone can help me with this. Thanks
Last updated: 2024-06-13
Post by durallymax on Access Variable Visu Dialog
Is there a way to access the variable in the called dialog? Example: Text Field element with PLC_PRG.myVar as Text variable. OnMouseClick configured to write variable with keypad pop-up. OnValueChanged configured to Execute ST RND(PLC_PRG.myVar,2); Rather than change myVar with each copy of this Text Field, is there a way to access whatever the configured text variable is? Generally try to stay away from ST in visu, but was curious regardless.
Last updated: 2024-11-14
Post by another on Codesys Visu Update Frame Parameters No Dialog Appears to update
Same problem, can anyone help?
Last updated: 2024-08-14
Post by sharvan on Visu User Management Dialog - Add user does not work
I am also getting same issue.
Last updated: 2024-10-17
Post by sedoerr on Warnung C0373 / Dialog nicht instanziert
Hallo Leute, in meinem Projekt bekomme ich mehrfach folgende Warnung beim Übersetzen: C0373: Dialog <visudialogs.textinputwithlimits> ist in der Applikation nicht instanziert. Fehlt er im Visualization Manager?</visudialogs.textinputwithlimits> Was genau möchte mir Codesys damit sagen bzw. wie bekomm ich diese Warnung behoben? MFG
Last updated: 2023-08-29
Post by sturmghost on Specify Input Configuration "OnDialogClosed" Action to only react to certain Dialogs
You could work around this problem by implementing some sort of "state machine". Each dialog sets a boolean variable when they are closed so you know which dialog was closed. Then you can react to this accordingly.
Last updated: 2023-10-01
Get Visu button position and size to open dialog via script depending on button location in screen
Get Visu button position and size to open dialog via script depending on button location in screen
Last updated: 2020-10-26
I create python script Upload my script online to controller each time I get the password dialog
I create python script Upload my script online to controller each time I get the password dialog
Last updated: 2020-09-25
Post by doli on Table selected row
Hello. So I have two visualizations. In my main visualization I have a table and in the second one I have a dialog. When I select a row I want that dialog to open. How can I do this? Thank you!
Last updated: 2024-03-20
Post by malie on Visuutils FbOpenDialog(Extended) not open Dialog from POUs
Hello, how can i open a dialog from POUs and not from Devices via FbOpenDialog. In an project would it work when i place it in the application, but in a library? Example attached. Thanks in advance Max Update: - append a screenshot
Last updated: 2024-08-20
Post by eschwellinger on Cannot install Codesys control Multicore in raspberry pi 4
just add in /etc/CODESYSControl_Usr.cfg [CmpRasPi] Architecture=armv7l for the 32Bit MC version... this is what this dialog does (or at least should do)
Last updated: 2024-04-22
Post by sturmghost on Codesys Visu Update Frame Parameters No Dialog Appears to update
This is still a huge problem. Does someone know how to update the frame references (not manually for every frame-element...)?
Last updated: 2024-08-12
Post by davidf on Error trying to activate the demo Git licence
Just comes up with the attached error dialog. The Git menu in the codesys UI is visible but greyed out.
Last updated: 2024-10-11
Post by dekr on Visu User Management Dialog - Add user does not work
After the user data has been entered, the page symbol at the top left must be pressed before OK is pressed.
Last updated: 2024-10-18
Post by dominggus on FileDialog - OnDialogClosed not called anymore
Hi, since the latest update it seems the OnDialogClosed is not called anymore?? using CODESYS SP20 Patch 3 with CODESYS Visualization I am using LoadWriteRecipe to load a recipe file from disk (with some custom dialog settings), and I need to run a function (Recipes_LoadFromRecipeData()) afterwards which I execute when OnDialogClosed is closed with OK button. See attached screenshot and code below: *** OnDialogClosed : Recipes_OnLoadFileDialogClosed(pClientData): *** // the DialogManager is provided via the implicitly available VisuManager dialogMan := VisuElems.g_VisuManager.GetDialogManager(); IF dialogMan <> 0 AND pClientData <> 0 THEN FileOpenCloseDialog := dialogMan.GetDialog('VisuDialogs.FileOpenSave'); // gets the FileOpenSave dialog IF FileOpenCloseDialog <> 0 THEN result := FileOpenCloseDialog.GetResult(); // gets the result (OK, Cancel) of the dialog IF result = VisuElems.Visu_DialogResult.OK THEN Recipes_LoadFromRecipeData(); END_IF END_IF END_IF *** OnMouseClick: Execute ST-Code *** // override FileOpenSave Dialog settings // Visu_FbFileListProvider.Initialize(stDirectory, stFilter, stFileIn, stTitle, iRowCount, bBrowseDirectory, bTouch) VisuDialogs.g_FileListProvider.Initialize('./', '*.bunkerrecipe', '', 'Load recipe', 20, TRUE, FALSE); VisuDialogs.g_FileListProvider(); This used to work in CODESYS v3.5 SP20 Patch 1, but it seems it doesn't work anymore unfortunately? The OnDialogClosed just never seems to be called anymore....
Last updated: 2024-12-18
Post by jinlee on Opening a Dialog on a specific Client from ST
Hi, for this, G_LastClient := VU.PublicVariables.Clients.Current; It fails to do it.
Last updated: 2024-02-08
Post by ben1 on Access Variable Visu Dialog
Tough to know exactly what you are asking for here. Can you give a more thorough explanation and/or provide snips?
Last updated: 2024-11-17
Post by manuknecht on Specify Input Configuration "OnDialogClosed" Action to only react to certain Dialogs
Thanks for your responses. The close listener sounds like an interesting approach, will have to see what I can do with it. I actually solved it as suggested by sturmghost by setting an enum variable to a certain state as soon as I open a dialog. This way I always know which dialog was opened last.
Last updated: 2023-10-02
Post by chiali on Recipe issue.
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to make a simple Recipe project using 'Save Recipe In File' and 'Load and Write Recipe' Execute Command buttons in Visualization but No dialog box 'Save As' appears when I click on buttons (Nothing happens). What is wrong. Please see the attached files. Best Regards, Chiali.
Last updated: 2023-10-23
To search for an exact phrase, put it in quotes. Example: "getting started docs"
To exclude a word or phrase, put a dash in front of it. Example: docs -help
To search on specific fields, use these field names instead of a general text search. You can group with AND
or OR