Post by fefefede on Get the numer of day
Hello i tro to create a program to turn on or off the air condition in relationship temperature and numer of day. I can't get the number of day. I try this after installing SysTime library but this not work and have this error on debug ------ Build started: Application: Device.Sim.Device.Application ------- Typify code... Generate code... [ERROR] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'SysTimeCore(TRUE)'' to type 'TIME' [ERROR] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0035: Program name, function or function block instance expected instead of 'SysTimeCore' [ERROR] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'DayOfWeek(CurrentTime)'' to type 'INT' [ERROR] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0035: Program name, function or function block instance expected instead of 'DayOfWeek' [INFORMATION] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0181: Related position Build complete -- 4 errors, 0 warnings : No download possible PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR Temperatura: UDINT; AriaCondizionata: BOOL := FALSE; CurrentDayOfWeek: INT; //Variabile Giorno CurrentTime: TIME; GiornoDellaSettimana: INT; DayOfWeek: INT; END_VAR CurrentTime := SysTimeCore(TRUE); // Ottieni l'ora corrente CurrentDayOfWeek := DayOfWeek(CurrentTime); CASE GiornoDellaSettimana OF 1: // Azioni per Lunedì 2: // Martedì se più 10° accend altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >= 10 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 3: // Mercoledì se più di 50° accendi altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >=50 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 4: // Giovedì se più di 40° accendi altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >=40 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 5: // Venerdì se più di 50° accendi altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >=50 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 6: // Sabato se più di 25° accendi altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >=25 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 7: // Domenica sempre spenta AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_CASE
Last updated: 2023-09-14
Post by mondinmr on Why SysPipeWindows is not implemented in RTE?
This library would be very useful for IPC communications. Using a UDP socket on localhost is unpredictable, as with slightly loaded machines it does not even guarantee packet delivery locally. Using TCP creates a lot of overhead. Message named pipes would be an excellent solution for Windows RTE. On Linux, since the release of the extension package, there is no issue, as it is sufficient to develop a component. However, although now 90% of our clients understand that Linux runtimes are better in every way compared to Windows RTE, especially from the security aspect (Not in kernel space) and the issues with Windows updates, 10% stubbornly insist (sometimes for trivial commercial reasons) on using Windows. Managing IPC with circular buffers in shared memory is quite ugly, or rather really ugly and unaesthetic. In the manuals, I saw the SysPipeWindows libraries, so I decided to test them, but unfortunately, I noticed that they are not implemented for RTE devices. Technically, I could try to open them as regular files, but SysFileOpen returns 16#27 or 16#39 depending on how I set the name (direction of the slashes). Here is the code to create shared memory and named pipes. Shared memory work great, named pipes no! #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; const wchar_t* name = L"Global\\ShmTest"; HANDLE hMapFile = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(SharedData), name); if (hMapFile == NULL) { qCritical("Error creating shared memory"); return 1; } data = static_cast<SharedData*>(MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof(SharedData))); if (data == NULL) { qCritical("Error mapping shared memory"); return 1; } HANDLE hPipe = CreateNamedPipe( TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\MyPipe"), PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 1024 * 1024, 1024 * 1024, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT, &sa); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { qCritical("Error creating named pipe"); return -1; } if (!ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL)) { qCritical("Error connecting to named pipe"); return -1; } checkPipe(hPipe); #endif
Last updated: 2024-02-02
Post by tcarlbom on Read tag values using external program
This is my first time posting in this forum and I am new to codesys. I am a fullstack developer and I am trying to figure out how the following. What would be the best approach to create a own/custom tag browser? Either directly in codesys ide or using a separate custom program (perhaps a winforms application). 1.a. Shall I parse the .project xml file to get a list of all tags in the project? 1b. Shall I use python scripting in codesys ide to get a list of tags? Once one have selected some tags. These tags shall be exposed to a python program which will be acting as a edge computer. It’s fine to be able to import a file. 2a. I found a library called codesys plchandler which (as I understand) acts a rest api server. Is this correct? If so, can I query the api from a custom python script, ie can query what tags exist in project and or read tag values? My research so far. From earlier projects I know that using opc ua would be perfect for this but from my opinion it’s bloating the plc since it’s resource intensive. So opc ua is not an option. Codesys automation server is neat. But I don’t want to rely on some cloud services and subscription based pricing. There seem to be several interesting codesys libraries like mqtt, tcp server and NVL sender which would help me expose plc tags. But all have a common problem. One have to manually write what tags which will be used in these function blocks. I want a similar experience like “selecting” tags in the opc ua or the codesys tracing, ie a tag browser.
Last updated: 2024-06-28
Post by youness on No source code available (cip object)
Hi yotaro, hope your problem was resolved. I had the same, but with an other library title. This exception is not detected during compilation, but rather at a given position in the program (when switching to a given visualization). Although the exception is generated at this point, it does not involve the visualization in question. This error is due to one of 3 reasons: 1) A division by zero somewhere: The program is able to detect divisions by zero at compile time. But in the case of a variable, which takes a valid value at init and changes to 0 at a later stage. 2) An invalid pointer: (either because it has a value of 0, or because it points outside the memory reserved for the program) is being dereferenced. Locate any pointers or interfaces you have in the code and check them - you should also be wary of mixing inline modifications and pointers. 3) Array overflow: Generally when a processing operation is executed outside the array's definition range. Example: a write loop with n iterations is executed on an array of dimmension n-1. On the other hand, the error message may not appear. In the latter case, the error may have fatal consequences, as the overflow has induced writing to potentially forbidden memory areas. This problem can be explained by the fact that it's not always the adjacent memory areas of PLC_PRG that are overwritten, but the memory areas that are randomly allocated to the array during compilation. In this case, however, there is no entry in the log, so you need to integrate the "Implicit Check function", which checks the line of code generating the error. To integrate this functions, click on Application --> POU for implicit controls Regards,
Last updated: 2024-07-16
Post by yannickasselin on MQTT QoS 1 & 2
Hello, I am using Codesys sp20p3 and IIoT library 1.11. I am trying to test QoS 1 & 2 and I have some issues. I am using mosquitto as the broker. I am also using some other MQTT clients like Node-Red and TwinCAT. They all work as expected for every QoS levels. I only have issues with Codesys MQTT client. In the Codesys client, if I subscribe to a topic as QoS 1 or 2, and a client publishes to this topic, I receive the message. But if I disconnect the Codesys client from the network and a client publishes to the subscribed topic, when I reconnect Codesys client to the network, I don't receive the messages as expected. Also there does not seem to be an auto-reconnect feature. So I have to manually set the mqttClient.xEnable bit to FALSE then back to TRUE in order to reconnect to the broker, then I also have to set the subscribe.xEnable to FALSE and back to TRUE in order to re-subscribe to the topic, but even then, I don't receive the messages that were published while I was disconnected. What am I doing wrong? I set the cleanSession bit to FALSE and I give my client a clientID. With the TwinCAT MQTT Client, I do the same thing and everything works as expected. It even auto-reconnects to the broker. I would expect Codesys MQTT Client to be as reliable as TwinCAT. Maybe I am doing something wrong? I also noticed that when trying to publish a QoS 1 or 2 message while disconnected from the broker, it does not work. In TwinCAT, I am still able to publish. The messages are stored in the client and published once reconnected to the broker. I would expect to be able to do the same thing in Codesys. Is this all possible? Am I doing something wrong? Thank you
Last updated: 2024-10-26
Post by spiessli on Raspberry Pi 4 with Legacy Drivers and Codesys 3.5.19 Patch 4
Hi, I wanted to use the Adafruit Hat for the Raspberry and get acquainted with Softmotion using servos for RC models. This did work great with Codesys 3.5.19 Patch 1, but with Patch 4 and 5 i get errors. I suspect changes in the SoftMotion library have broken dependencies in the legacy drivers, might that be true? Thanks for any hint, spiessli Here the error log: ------ Übersetzungslauf gestartet: Applikation: Device.Application ------- Code typisieren... Code erzeugen... [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet Übersetzung abgeschlossen -- 15 Fehler, 0 Warnungen : Kein Download möglich
Last updated: 2023-12-19
Post by gustavocsw on MQTT memory leak problem
Hello everyone, I'm using the IoT Library to implement the MQTT communication with my local broker server in order to publish and subscribe at specifics topics to share and consume information about my application. But, it seems that are occurring some memory leak problem in a "high" frequency (more than 10 Hz) subscribe process. I follow the same method as in IoT Lib exemples, and at first looks perfect but my PLC was rebooting frequently and when I check its memory usage that was increasing as fast as the subscribe massage was sent. I'm using a WEG PLC410 and a WEG PLC500, and this error occurred in both of them (including in CODESYS Control Win x64). The application sends to the system a message JSON with the float payload Ex. {"data" : 0.8500}, but this happens with a INT, or BOL as well. I use the follow code in my application to find the value: //FindFirstValueByKey VARs PROGRAM JSON_VELO VAR //------Setting the JSON Subscriber to Set the Relay Value jsonDataVelo : JSON.JSONData; jsonByteArrayReaderVelo : JSON.JSONByteArrayReader; xST1okVelo : BOOL; FindFirstValueByKeyVelo : JSON.FindFirstValueByKey; jsonElementVelo : JSON.JSONElement; xDoneReaderVelo : BOOL; xDoneFindVelo : BOOL; //STRING and WSTRING for Subscribe the massage sPayloadJsonVelo : STRING := 'opa'; psPayloadJsonVelo : POINTER TO BYTE := ADR(sPayloadJsonVelo); //wsPayloadJsonRelaySet : WSTRING := "opa"; wsPayloadJsonVelo : WSTRING := STRING_TO_WSTRING('opa'); pwsPayloadJsonVelo : POINTER TO WORD := ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo); lrVelo : LREAL; xKeepAliveVelo : BOOL; xSetVelo : BOOL; RSSet : RS; LIMPAR : STRING; //Find the msg end sFindVelo : STRING := '}'; psFindVelo : POINTER TO STRING := ADR(sFindVelo); iLenVelo : INT; iSizeVelo : INT := 12; udiContMsg : UDINT; END_VAR // FindFirstValueByKey CODE // Relay Set configuration xSetVelo := MQTT_SUBSCRIBER.RSVelo.Q1; IF xSetVelo THEN xKeepAliveVelo := TRUE; END_IF IF xKeepAliveVelo THEN udiContMsg := udiContMsg + 1; iLenVelo := TO_INT(StrLenA(psPayloadJsonVelo)); iSizeVelo := iLenVelo - TO_INT(MQTT_SUBSCRIBER.udiPayloadSizeVelo); StrDeleteA(psPayloadJsonVelo,iSizeVelo,iLenVelo); wsPayloadJsonVelo := STRING_TO_WSTRING(sPayloadJsonVelo); pwsPayloadJsonVelo := ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo); //MQTT.ConvertUTF8toUTF16(sourceStart:= ADR(sPayloadJsonVelo), targetStart:= ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo), dwTargetBufferSize:= TAM, bStrictConversion:= 1); //Reset jsonByteArrayReader jsonByteArrayReaderVelo ( xExecute := TRUE, pwData := pwsPayloadJsonVelo, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, xDone => xDoneReaderVelo ); FindFirstValueByKeyVelo( xExecute := xDoneReaderVelo, wsKey := "data", diStartIndex:= 0, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, jsonElement => jsonElementVelo, xDone => xDoneFindVelo ); IF xDoneFindVelo THEN lrVelo := jsonElementVelo.value.lrValue; //Reset jsonByteArrayReader jsonByteArrayReaderVelo ( xExecute := FALSE, pwData := pwsPayloadJsonVelo, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, xDone => xDoneReaderVelo ); FindFirstValueByKeyVelo( xExecute := FALSE, wsKey := "data", diStartIndex:= 1, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, jsonElement => jsonElementVelo, xDone => xDoneFindVelo ); xKeepAliveVelo := FALSE; GVL.xSetVeloRead := TRUE; END_IF END_IF And this to subscribe at the topic: //SUBSCRIBE VAR: //----------------- Subscribe Velocity ----------------------- MQTTSubscribeVelo : MQTT.MQTTSubscribe;//Variable MQTTSubscriber block -X - function-X wsTopicSubscribeVelo : WSTRING(1024) := "CORE/odometry/GET/data/simp"; // Topic to publish a message sSubscribeMassageVelo : STRING; udiPayloadSizeVelo : UDINT; xSDoneVelo : BOOL; xSErrorVelo : BOOL; xReceiveVelo : BOOL; eSTypeVelo : MQTT.MQTT_ERROR; eSMQTTErrorVelo : MQTT.MQTT_ERROR; RSVelo : RS; udiCont : UDINT; //SUBSCRIBE CODE: MQTTSubscribeVelo( xEnable:= MQTT_CLIENT.xConnection_Broker AND NOT xSErrorVelo AND NOT JSON_VELO.xKeepAliveVelo, pbPayload:= JSON_VELO.psPayloadJsonVelo, udiMaxPayloadSize:= SIZEOF(JSON_VELO.sPayloadJsonVelo), udiPayloadSize => udiPayloadSizeVelo, mqttClient:= MQTT_CLIENT.ClientMQTT, wsTopicFilter:=wsTopicSubscribeVelo, xDone => xSDoneVelo, xError=> xSErrorVelo, xReceived => xReceiveVelo, eMQTTError=> eSMQTTErrorVelo ); RSVelo(SET := xReceiveVelo, RESET1 := JSON_VELO.xKeepAliveVelo);
Last updated: 2024-09-09
Post by scoob on ModbusFB - Slow Response Time
Hello, I have been trying to use the ModbusFB functions so I can put some code into libraries, but it seems to be very slow for me. I have a Modbus device with 100ms registers. I previously setup 10 channels in the 'traditional' Modbus Slave with channels and mappings - and set a cyclic trigger at 100ms - this worked fine. I then tried the ModbusFB example, and setup reading the same 10 blocks of modbus addresses, copying the example and putting all of the requests into an array and triggering the requests sequentially. I timed how long the requests are taking to get round to each one, and it is around 1s 450ms. How do I speed this up to match the cyclic time? IF NOT(init) THEN init := TRUE; // Set the required IP address: ipAddress[0] := 192; ipAddress[1] := 168; ipAddress[2] := 1; ipAddress[3] := 10; // Pass the required IP address to the clinet FB: client_NetworkSwitch.aIPaddr := ipAddress; client_NetworkSwitch.udiLogOptions := (ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.ClientConnectDisconnect OR ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.ClientReceivedValidReplies); // Try to connect the client client_NetworkSwitch(xConnect:=TRUE); // Configure all the channels to read connecting them to the client: portStatus_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4096, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(portStatus), udiReplyTimeout := udiReplyTimeout); portSpeed_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4352, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(portSpeed)); flowControl_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4608, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(flowControl)); linkUpCounter_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 5888, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(linkUpCounter)); txPacketCounter1_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8192, uiQuantity := 100, pData := ADR(txPacketCounter1)); txPacketCounter2_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8292, uiQuantity := 28, pData := ADR(txPacketCounter2)); rxPacketCounter1_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8448, uiQuantity := 100, pData := ADR(rxPacketCounter1)); rxPacketCounter2_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8548, uiQuantity := 28, pData := ADR(rxPacketCounter2)); txErrors_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8704, uiQuantity := 64, pData := ADR(txErrors)); rxErrors_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8960, uiQuantity := 64, pData := ADR(rxErrors)); // Trigger all client requests initially FOR clientRequestsCnt := 0 TO (SIZEOF(clientRequests)/SIZEOF(clientRequests[0]))-1 DO pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; pClientRequest^.xExecute := TRUE; END_FOR // Prepare sequential trigger / control of client requests. clientRequestsCnt := 0; pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; END_IF // Call the client to do request processing: client_NetworkSwitch(); // Now we trigger client request sequentially ... IF NOT pClientRequest^.xExecute AND NOT pClientRequest^.xDone AND run AND client_NetworkSwitch.xConnected THEN pClientRequest^.xExecute := TRUE; END_IF // .. and check result/error IF pClientRequest^.xExecute AND run AND client_NetworkSwitch.xConnected THEN IF pClientRequest^.xDone THEN // Prepare next trigger of client request (a rising edge of xExecute) pClientRequest^.xExecute := FALSE; IF clientRequestsCnt < SIZEOF(clientRequests)/SIZEOF(clientRequests[0])-1 THEN // next client request clientRequestsCnt := clientRequestsCnt + 1; ELSE clientRequestsIterationCounter := clientRequestsIterationCounter + 1; clientRequestsCnt := 0; END_IF pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; END_IF END_IF I did try a semi-coded way using the IoDrvModbusTCP library, and setting the slave com settings, then 10 commands and 10 requests, then using a TP on xDone as a pause, before triggering another request - this is time the delay is around 120ms - so the device is fine with the speed, just something I am doing wrong in the ModbusFB method I am sure.
Last updated: 2024-04-26
To search for an exact phrase, put it in quotes. Example: "getting started docs"
To exclude a word or phrase, put a dash in front of it. Example: docs -help
To search on specific fields, use these field names instead of a general text search. You can group with AND
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