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Post by mabac on No file found CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
CODESYS introduced many cyber security related changes over the last few years, one of them is to restrict file access. By default, file access is restricted to the PlcLogic folder and subfolders of the CODESYS control runtime of version and newer. For Control Win this would be the folder C:\ProgramData\CODESYS\CODESYSControlWinV3x64\xxxxxxxx\PlcLogic\ To enable access to other folders, you can configure additional paths by adding them to the file CODESYSControl.cfg. For example: [SysFile] FilePath=C:/temp/test FilePath.1=C:/Users/Public You should now be able to access your file in C:\temp\test\ or in C:\Users\Public
Last updated: 2024-10-30

Post by sigurdrb on Codesys and error messages, warnings exceptions etc. CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I tried some different libraries (CmpApp etc.) to find some global variables that I could read out as a variable in the codesys environment. Do any one of you know which libraries are best suited for this, and how I can read it out? My goal is to send messages, warnings etc. to the system that communicates to the PLC. Currently if something goes wrong I need to see the logfiles, or go online with the controller. I think I could save a lot of time if I could read the errors from our user interface that is connected to the PLC by TCP/IP.
Last updated: 2024-11-06

Post by andrax on CodeSys Raspberry pi I2C driver not found CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Ok, here are the libraries I use. First of all, try to get the ADS1115 to run completely on its own. Without MUX or other sensors. As muxboard I use this one: All other boards don't work for me either. The terminating resistor is missing Important: Before you install the drivers, remove all other device drivers. My drivers are all located in ‘Raspberry I2C MUX_11_2023’
Last updated: 2024-11-11

Post by struccc on Request a dark mode for CODESYS CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
😁 Yes, exactly... I have a clue about the why not... But really, it was many years, releases ago... Agree, this is not a functionality customers would pay for, but it's one rendering the product cool and contemporary. Like many other "simple" features like: Opening multiple projects within the same IDE Not just attaching, but editing diverse files inside the IDE (like XML, TXT, SVG?) Use 3rd, CODESYS independent plugins, editors inside the IDE... Isn't it possible to integrate CODESYS Engineering under VS? Or just use the core functionality from VS? Or the LINUX guys have a better idea?
Last updated: 6 days ago

Post by r-niedermayer on C0564 Warning Message CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Please see or Online Help on how to initialize variable before using them: Regarding the Attribute global_init_slot: You can use this pragma to influence the order in which signatures are processed during global initialization. It can only be applied to signatures. By default, the initialization sequence for variables from global variable lists is undefined! However, if, for example, variables from one list depend on variables from another list, it is necessary to initialize one before the other. (Aee OLH and Syntax) The placeholder <slot> must be replaced by an integer value that defines the position in the initialization sequence.</slot> The default value is 50000. A lower value causes an earlier initialization! If several signatures have the same value for the 'global_init_slot' attribute, the order of their initialization remains undefined! Cautious application should therefore be considered! Example: The project contains f.e. two global variable lists GVL_1 and GVL_2. The global variable "A" is part of the global variable list GVL_1: {attribute 'global_init_slot' := '300'} VAR_GLOBAL A : INT:=1000; END_VAR The initialization values of the variables "B" and "C" of GVL_2 are dependent on the variable "A". {attribute 'global_init_slot' := '350'} VAR_GLOBAL B : INT:=A+1; C : INT:=A-1; END_VAR So if you set the 'global_init_slot' attribute of the global variable list GVL_1 to 300, i.e. to the lowest initialization value in the example, then it is ensured that the expression "A+1" is well-defined at the time of initialization of "B".
Last updated: 2024-01-30

Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Thank you for your interest. Your answers are in line with what I knew, so at least it comforts me that I did not misinterpret the situation. However, I don't have an exact match as, for this project over the past few days I have: 1) I have gone back to leaving the various FBs of the motion always called, all of them, and in the state machine I use a boolean to activate the various useful Execute. (But in the future I want to go back and try the programming technique with which I wanted to develop this project); 2) For the occasional error: SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION perhaps it was due to the fact that I had set the Ethercat bus synchronism only at the CAN master level, but not at the level of individual drives. I have now also activated it for the individual drives and it does indeed seem to have been resolved, but having also adopted the programming technique mentioned in point 1), I cannot say whether this was the solution to the problem, or instead the previous point. Is there an error ‘regulator or start not set’ in the device log before the error ‘motion generating FB wasn't called for at least one cycle’? I can't answer that right now. By now the machine is running and I am no longer there, at this one. Also, I seem to remember that the 'fbeFBerror' drive structure (5-element array), does not cycle, BUT ONCE THE 5 EVENTS AFTER SWITCHING ON, IT DOES NOT UPDATE ANYMORE (but that's another issue), so diagnostics were not easy.
Last updated: 2024-07-24

Post by riccardo on VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupId is not stable CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
GoodMorning everyone. I have a system that, in case of alarm, have to block. When the operator logs in must have to acknoledge the alarm and should operate in the system freely. To perform this I detect the logged User by (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID <> 0) with a similar code to the the following: PROGRAM AlarmMngt VAR alarm : BOOL:= FALSE; Ack : BOOL:= TRUE; PushBottonOpening : BOOL:= FALSE; Valve : BOOL := FALSE; Flag: BOOL := FALSE; END_VAR IF alarm AND Ack AND (NOT Flag) THEN valve := FALSE; PushBottonOpening := FALSE; Ack := FALSE flag := TRUE; ELSIF (NOT alarm) AND Ack THEN flag := FALSE; END_IF (* if the system is in alarm but there is a logged operator that acknowledge the alarm the system allows the valve opening.*) IF (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID <> 0) AND Ack AND Alarm AND PushBottonOpening THEN Valve := TRUE; ELSIF (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID = 0) AND Alarm THEN valve := FALSE; END_IF The problem I have is in the last 5 lines of the code: Even if there is a logged in user, the GroupID variable is subjected to a refresh that cyclically set for an instant it to 0 and this close the valve making difficult to the user to work Now I solved it creating a time hysteresys cycle but it is not a good solution. Someone is able to explane me why the GroupID variable is sobjected to this refresh and how to stabilize to avoiding it? Thank you in advance, Riccardo
Last updated: 2023-11-10

Post by annd on Migration von "CODESYS Control for PFC200 SL" zu WAGO FW26 "CODESYS V3.5.19.2" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, da Wago nun von eCockpit zum offenen "CODESYS Development System V3" wechselt, möchte ich meinen bestehenden 750-8212 von der PFC200 SL auf die Wago Firmware umstellen. Welche Schritte sind dabei notwendig? Den Controller würde ich auf die aktuelle FW 26 updaten und die von Wago mit den Descriptions verwenden. Reicht es im Codesys Projektbaum mit "Gerät aktualisieren" auf den Wago Controller zu wechseln? Es wird dann statt dem "Pfc200Bus"ein leerer K-Bus und ein leerer Com-Port angezeigt. Müssen die einzelnen Module dann darunter neu angelegt und alle E/A Variablen manuell neu eingetragen werden? Das exportieren und danach wieder importieren funktioniert nicht, weil die Namen bzw. Adressen unterschiedlich sind. Ist das so richtig? Kann der Block "Modbus_COM_Port - Modbus_Master_COM_Port - Modbus_Slave" so bleiben wie bisher oder muss das auch unter dem neuen COM-Port neu angelegt werden? Für ein paar Hinweise wäre ich dankbar. Schöne Grüße, annD
Last updated: 2023-11-17

Post by annd on Migration von "CODESYS Control for PFC200 SL" zu WAGO FW26 "CODESYS V3.5.19.2" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Ich hab's hinbekommen: Nach dem Controller Update hab ich ein neues Projekt gemacht und nur den PFC200(8212) eingefügt (es erscheint dann ein leerer Kbus und eine serielle Schnittstelle COM1). Dann hab ich mich am Controller eingeloggt und den Kbus (Rechtsklick: Geräte suchen) mit allen Modulen automatisch ergänzen lassen. Bei den leeren Modulen hab ich dann das E/A-Abbild in csv exportiert. Dasselbe hab ich bei meinem alten "PFC200 SL" Projekt gemacht. Und dann in Excel alle Variablennamen in die leeren csv kopiert und danach wieder im neuen Projekt importiert. Dann hab ich noch alle Programmblöcke, Tasks, Visualisierungen und auch Modbus TCP Master u. Slave und auch Modbus COM Port Master und Slave in das neue Projekt kopiert. Weiters hab ich alle notwendigen Bibliotheken im Bibliotheksverwalter eingefügt. Dann noch ein paar kleine Fehler korrigiert (ich musst einen anderen Block zum Lesen der Uhrzeit nehmen) bis ich das neue Projekt fehlerfrei übersetzen konnte. Dann konnte ich es auf den Wago Controller übertragen und direkt starten. Es sieht so aus, dass alles läuft. Gruß annD
Last updated: 2023-11-18

Post by ara32 on CODESYS 4 Linux: CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello! I managed to correctly launch CODESYS Developer Studio 3.5.17, almost all functionality works. The only issue remaining is that when connecting to a device and obtaining its public key, the NCryptEncrypt function is called, which is not fully implemented in the DLL source code, resulting in the connection not being established. Currently, the code of this function in the Wine repository looks like this: SECURITY_STATUS WINAPI NCryptEncrypt(NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE key, BYTE *input, DWORD insize, void *padding, BYTE *output, DWORD outsize, DWORD *result, DWORD flags) { struct object *key_object = (struct object *)key; TRACE("(%#Ix, %p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu, %p, %#lx)\n", key, input, insize, padding, output, outsize, result, flags); if (flags & ~(NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1_FLAG | NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)) { FIXME("Flags %lx not supported\n", flags); return NTE_BAD_FLAGS; } if (flags & NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG || flags & NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG) { FIXME("No padding and oaep padding not supported\n"); return NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (key_object->type != KEY) return NTE_INVALID_HANDLE; return map_ntstatus(BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, padding, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags)); } The program crashes due to the NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG flag. I'm not proficient in C++, but I attempted to add handling myself, and here's the result: SECURITY_STATUS WINAPI NCryptEncrypt(NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE key, BYTE *input, DWORD insize, void *padding, BYTE *output, DWORD outsize, DWORD *result, DWORD flags) { struct object *key_object = (struct object *)key; TRACE("(%#Ix, %p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu, %p, %#lx)\n", key, input, insize, padding, output, outsize, result, flags); if (flags & ~(NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1_FLAG | NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)) { FIXME("Flags %lx not supported\n", flags); return NTE_BAD_FLAGS; } if (flags & NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG) { FIXME("No padding not supported\n"); return NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } BCRYPT_OAEP_PADDING_INFO oaepInfo = { 0 }; oaepInfo.pszAlgId = BCRYPT_SHA1_ALGORITHM; NTSTATUS status = BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, &oaepInfo, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags); if (key_object->type != KEY) return NTE_INVALID_HANDLE; return map_ntstatus(BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, padding, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags)); } Now, when calling the connection, it crashes with the error "bcrypt:BCryptEncrypt flags 0x4 not implemented." Can anyone help with enhancing this functionality or at least point me in the right direction?
Last updated: 2024-03-22

Post by george32 on CSV file and string manipulation. CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear folks, I think I have a rather simple question but I could not find the right answer to my question: I have made with Excel a CSV file where I would like to have some general data regarding my program variables. I have made an program what let me read the file. The string I am currently get is at follows: 'IP_Adres;$R$NPort_number;2000$R$NCycle_time;43$R$NStart_Standard_IO;20$R$N' Now I want to split the string in multiple part, which I later would connect to the right variable. By Google and experimenting I have reached to the following code for the first part of the splitting proces: // Splitting the BOM of the string: Received_string := FileReadString; IF LEFT(STR:=New_string,3)= '' THEN Received_string_without_BOM :=RIGHT(STR:= Received_string,SIZE:= (LEN(STR:= Received_string))-3); END_IF //Splitting the remaining string in part for later declaration. WHILE index = 0 DO index_split_part := FIND(STR1:= Received_string_without_BOM,STR2:= '$R$N'); Part_of_String[index]:=LEFT(STR:=Received_string_without_BOM, SIZE:= index_split_part); index := index + 1; END_WHILE However in the splitting proces I could not understand what is really happening. I understand that the Find() function returns the first value the $R$N in the Received_string_without_BOM. This would mean that the index_split_part := 23 I|P| _ |A |d|r|e|s|;|1_|9 |2 |. |1 |6 |8 |. |4 |5 |. |1 |2 |$ |R |$ |N |P | 1|2| 3 |4 |5|6|7|0|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27| So the next part is to read the first 23 characters of the Received_string_without_BOM with the LEFT() function. I expected that the outcome the following was: 'IP_Adres;$'. However the outcome is: 'IP_Adres;$R'. I do not understand where the R after the $ sign comes from, because its place is 24 so it would not be added to the part_of the_string[index]. If I hard coded value 24 for the size it gives me the following return: 'IP_Adres;$R$N'. I would expect everything till the R but the code adds the $N also to the string. I hope someone could explain to my what I am seeing wrong in my point of view? With kind regards, George
Last updated: 2024-09-27

Post by dandyk on Dynamic Images CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I have very similar problem, but it seems that your solution does not work for me. I am using TwinCAT XAE Shell v3.1.4024.55 and TwinCAT Runtime. Sorry for writing here on codesys forge, but since I found the only relevant topic here and since TwinCAT is almost the same with CODESYS in many applications, I chose to write here. I simply need to dynamically update image in visualization based on camera trigger (I am doing a machine vision application). Camera triggers an image, my program processes it (applies thresholding, draws contours etc...) and saves the processed image in the runtime location (the same one you were mentioning). This was done successfully. I need to make it work at runtime, while the program is executing and I need to refresh the image in the visualization each time camera triggers a new image and program processes it. When I create image element in the visualization and define the bitmap ID variable as STRING which contains the image ID defined in the image pool, then it displays the image in the image pool, but does not work at runtime, while the program is executing. I also used the Bitmap Version. I declared it in Global variable list as integer with initial value of 0 and wrote the variable in the bitmap version in the image element in visualization. Each time new image is saved to the runtime location, I wrote a program to increment Bitmap Version by 1. It increments and the image does not update in the visualization, unfortunately. I think that bitmap version is working correctly and deletes the cached image as it is supposed to, but the Image Pool does not update the image ID with the new image... the path to the image is always the same... only the actual image changes with the same file name. Image Pool is not dynamic and cannot refresh the image in the path to the actual one at runtime. How can I refresh the image ID in the image pool at runtime? Bitmap version only deletes cached image and reloads the image from the image ID, but the image ID has the same image, because image pool won't update at runtime. Do you know any solution to this problem?
Last updated: 2024-04-06

Post by ofey on EtherCAT fieldbus CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, everyone! I'm trying to set up a PLC controller and a connection to an EtherCAT slave device in Codesys. I want to create a flexible program that I can upload to multiple controllers with different remote IO connected (same program). On one plant i may have 5 AI-cards and 3 DO-cards, and on another I may have 4 AI-cards and 2 DO-cards. For not needing to maintain several different programs wih different devices defined in the program (one for each set up) I thought that using a remote IO would make it easier having a single program. That way I could refer to different memory addresses instead of predefined slots/channels and IO's, that would give me errors if there was a different IO on the plant than what the program expected. When I tried setting up the etherCAT master, I saw that I had to define the etherCAT slave devices with the different IO'cards for me to be able to refer to the memory addresses in a PRG. Exactly what I was trying to avoid. My setup is something like a program that can handle 16 separate pump controls. In a year maybe 6 plans get deployed, and depending on how large the project is, the number of pumps can vary between 4 and 16. And the managers dont want to have IO's for all 16 pumps on every cabinet, and I dont want to maintain 16 separate projects files in case of updates etc. I thought the best way to tackle this was having a single project that read/write data to the different pump IO's by remote IO (fieldbus ethercat) addresses. And the number of pump controls are activated by an external GUI. If pump 1-6 is activated by the GUI, then the PLC-program tries to read/write input/outputs from predefined addresses for the expected IO's. My test setup is a PFC200 WAGO controller and a EtherCAT fieldbus coupler (750-354) with some IO. I hope I didn't explain this too horrible, and if there is a more easy and elegant solution for this challenge I appreciate a feedback on this.
Last updated: 2024-04-08

Post by dantheman on Connecting to SoftPLC Only Works By Turning Off Modbus Ethernet Port CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have an IPC with 2 ethernet ports and 1 Wi-Fi. I'm using ModbusTCP with the ethernet port named "enp2s0" connected to my remote I/O. This works fine when testing with Python and also works with CODESYS, but CODESYS is only able to scan for the Linux SoftPLC when I turn off the "enp2s0" interface. In other words, I can't get online with the IDE if I want my ModbusTCP comms to run with CODESYS. I'm using a Linux SoftPLC that has the following entry in CODESYSControl.cfg, hoping that this will allow me to connect with "enp1s0" or "wlp3s0", and leave "enp2s0" for field comms, but this seems to only make the source IP of the ModbusTCP comms to be bound to "enp2s0". That last point is the case only if I don't restart the service, but if I do restart the service after changing the config file, the source IP for the ModbusTCP comms then becomes the one for "enp1s0", which is very confusing to me: [SysSocket] Adapter.0.Name="enp2s0" Adapter.0.EnableSetIpAndMask=1 On the device list, I only have "enp2s0" given as the ethernet device that has the ModbusTCP master & slave beneath it, shown in Screenshot 1. On the IPC, I can ping the ModbusTCP client (remote I/O) from "enp2s0", and I've attached a Wireshark capture of running ModbusTCP from the CODESYS runtime as Screenshot 2, 3 & 4 (again, I can't get online when this is running, I have to turn off "enp2s0" to connect even when it's idle and I don't have an active TCP session with my Python tests). Like I explained above, the source IP is "enp1s0", even though the ethernet device on the project is "enp2s0". I was lucky to catch the red message that showed the source IP that makes sense to me (the one for "enp2s0"), but for some reason that connection was reset and I never saw that packet again. I've also tried this with Auto-reconnect both enabled & disabled, for the ModbusTCP Master device. I also have to turn off "enp1s0" and then turn it on, just so that I can have the ModbusTCP comms running from "enp2s0" (which is not intuitive in any way to me, I'd love some help understanding that phenomenon as well) in the weird manner that I've described above. I would be very appreciative if someone can help me figure out this pickle. I'd love to just connect to CODESYS through my Wi-Fi interface and leave my ethernet ports for field comms.
Last updated: 2024-08-01

Post by rcaponi on Codesys Control RTE V3. Remote Control CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I would like to have, if possible, some clarification on this function. That is, I would like to understand if it is useful for managing, fom my development PC, the RTE runtime executed on a remote control. This is what the help says: Remote PLC: Opens the Remote Configuration dialog. By enabling or disabling the Control remote PC, not local option, you determine whether a PLC is used that is on a remote or local PC. Accordingly, the menu commands Start PLC, Stop PLC, and PLC Configuration refer to the local PC or a PC reached on the network. For the remote PC, specify the Target PC address, Port number, and a Timeout value (in ms) for the connection (Remote Timeout [ms]). But does this mean that I also need to install the RTE runtime on my development PC? Is it possible to have some more information? Best regards Roberto Caponi
Last updated: 2023-09-22

Post by timvh on VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupId is not stable CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but getting the CurrentUserGroupID like this will not work, because there could be multiple Visualization Clients and each can have a different user that is logged in. Also when you go online with CODESYS and open an Visualization, this is counted as a client. Probably this is the reason you see it changing. What you can to is "iterate" over all clients and then see which user is logged in on which visualization Client. For this you need to add the Visu Utils library to the project and call the FbIterateClients. See fbClientIteration( xExecute := x_Execute, itfClientFilter := VU.Globals.AllClients, itfIterationCallback := fbIterator, xDone => x_Done, xBusy => x_Busy, xError => x_Error, eError => e_Error); The fbIterator, in the example above, should be an instance of an FB which you have created yourself and this must implement VU.IVisualizationClientIteration. For example: FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_ITERATOR IMPLEMENTS VU.IVisualizationClientIteration Then automatically the corresponding methods will be called. In the HandleClient Method, you will get an interface to the client(s) and then you can get the current user through this interface: itfClient.UserGroupId You can also get the UserName: itfClient.UserName
Last updated: 2023-11-14

Post by ragarcia on Error while using UpdateConfiguredIPSettings to change IP address CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone, I am trying to change dynamically by code the IP address of a Weidmuller controller. So I am basically using IoDrvEthernet library to use UpdateConfiguredIPSettings function but I am getting constantly the 'INVALID_STATE' error. Even though I am following a procedure it should work: * First I added on the config file of codesys the following: [SysSocket] Adapter.0.Name="eth0" Adapter.0.EnableSetIpAndMask=1 Adapter.1.Name="eth1" Adapter.1.EnableSetIpAndMask=1 * Secondly I am first disabling the ethernet interface by using Ethernet_0.Enable = FALSE and then executing DED.Reconfigure. After that, I run the Ethernet_1.updateConfiguredIPSettings Code: Ethernet_1.Enable:= EnableDisable; Reconfigure(xExecute:= TRUE, itfNode:= Ethernet_1, xError=> ErrorReconfigure, eError=> ErrorCodeReconfigure); IF Reconfigure.xDone THEN ErrorCodeIP:= Ethernet_1.UpdateConfiguredIPSettings(IPAddress:= newIP, SubnetMask:= newMask, Gateway:= newGW); END_IF IF Reconfigure.xDone OR Reconfigure.xError THEN Reconfigure(xExecute:= FALSE); END_IF Ethernet_1.Enable:= TRUE; Reconfigure(xExecute:= TRUE, itfNode:= Ethernet_1); IF Reconfigure.xDone OR Reconfigure.xError THEN Reconfigure(xExecute:= FALSE); END_IF Can someone help me? Thank you. All I am trying is to find a way to change dynamically with code, the IP addresses of my controller (2 ethernet ports).
Last updated: 2023-12-11

Post by vipul on Multicast udp CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, Good afternoon can anybody help me with UDP Multicast code. I am not able to send or recieve data when code is dumped on linux device. Below is my code. Declaration: PROGRAM udp_multicast VAR oneTimeFlag :UINT :=0; state: INT:=0; driver: UDP.UDPDriver; //port : UDP.Port;//moved to GVL src_ipAddr_ud: UDINT; src_ipAddr_st:STRING := '';//'';//ipms ip address dst_ipAddr_ud:UDINT; group_ipAddr_st:STRING := ''; //group_ipAddr_ud:UDINT; result: SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT; //result of recieve function. bind: UDINT; //result of binding. resultCreate:SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT;//result of port creation. timer:BLINK; temFlag :INT:= 0; post:INT :=0; checksumFunc:checksumXor; localStringBuf:STRING[500]; chksum:BYTE; dataBuffer:POINTER TO BYTE; checksumString:ARRAY[0..5] OF BYTE; recvSize:__XINT; errorCode:UDINT; joinGroupErrorCode:UDINT; END_VAR ************8 Implementation: IF oneTimeFlag <> 1 THEN oneTimeFlag:=1; resultCreate := driver.CreatePort(ADR(GVL.port)); src_ipAddr_ud := UDP.IPSTRING_TO_UDINT(sIPAddress:= src_ipAddr_st); GVL.group_ipAddr_ud := UDP.IPSTRING_TO_UDINT(sIpAddress:= group_ipAddr_st); GVL.port.IPAddress := src_ipAddr_ud; GVl.port.ReceivePort:= GVL.src_port;//port on which messages are expected. GVl.port.SendPort := GVL.dest_port; GVl.port.OperatingSystem := 0; //0- any system GVL.port.Socket :=3; //3- socket type is multicast bind := GVL.port.Bind(udiIPAddress:=src_ipAddr_ud,); GVl.port.JoinGroup(udiGroupAddress:= GVL.group_ipAddr_ud,udiInterfaceAddress:= src_ipAddr_ud,eLogCode=>joinGroupErrorCode); END_IF timer(ENABLE:=TRUE,TIMELOW:=T#100MS,TIMEHIGH:=T#100MS); IF timer.OUT = TRUE THEN GVL.port.Send(udiIPTo:=GVL.group_ipAddr_ud,GVL.dest_port,pbyData:=ADR(GVL.writeData),diDataSize:=SIZEOF(GVL.writeData)); ELSE SysMemSet(ADR(GVL.readData[0]),0,SIZEOF(GVL.readData)); result := GVl.port.Receive(ADR(GVL.readData),diDataSize:=SIZEOF(GVL.readData),udiIPFrom=>dst_ipAddr_ud,diRecvSize=>recvSize,eLogCode=>errorCode); SysMemMove(ADR(GVL.readDataBuf[0]),ADR(GVL.readData[0]),SIZEOF(GVL.readData)); END_IF post:=LEN(GVL.readDataBuf);
Last updated: 2024-01-14

Post by axilleas on SMC_Interpolator + SMC_controAxislbyPos CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
dear all I am working on a very generic gantry system (virtual drives + win v3 control) reading gcode from external file. In order to stop the interpolator function from running when gaps are detected, SMC_controlAxisByPos FB has the bStopIpo output which according to the manual is connected to the Interpolator's bEmergencyStop. Lets assume that the axis are parked in position X1000 Y1000 and the initial G code movement is G00 X500 Y500. The normal behavior is to travel from the actual x1000 y1000 to G00 X500 Y500. The SMC_Interpolator always gets the X0 Y0 as the initial position, meaning that the bStopIpo is active until the axis are in X0 Y0 and the release the interpolator to set the new positions to X500 Y500. Is there a suggested method to solve this behavior? bonus question: I get a lot of bStopIpo during standard interpolation movements (not gaps). While working with virtual axis this is not a problem but when real axis are installed this will be an issue. What exactly triggers the bStopIpo output? Slow axis accelerations compare to Gcode defaults? Kind Regards
Last updated: 2024-02-05

Post by zoronoa on J1939.ReceiveWatchdog & J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I'm trying to monitor a specific PGN which I have it sending a pulse every 500mS Problem: Using the Watchdog for the ECU does not really help me as I have multiple instances with separate PGNs, if a PGN goes ghost, the ECU watchdog won't be flagged as the others will be running. I found the J1939.ReceiveWatchdog & J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup function blocks and they seem like a good solution for my problem, I just can't get them to work from my understanding you just build the J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup once and then connect it's output to the J1939.ReceiveWatchdog, here's my CODE for the setup HEARTBEAT_TIMER(IN:= TRUE, PT:= T#1000MS); //turn-on delay because of initialization race IF HEARTBEAT_TIMER.Q= TRUE THEN Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.xExecute:= TRUE; Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.itfECU:= Valve_X; Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.dwPGN:= 65511; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.xEnable:= TRUE; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.itfParameterGroup:= Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.itfParameterGroup; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.tTimeout:= T#1500MS; END_IF Notes: Glob_Var.DisplayReceive is of type J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog is of type J1939.ReceiveWatchdog The above code is done once and not cyclically I'm monitoring Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.xError cyclically
Last updated: 2024-03-13

Post by tomast on Codesys and Siemens SINAMICS 20 modbus RTU "Response CRC Fail" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a project involving the control of 5 VFDs via Modbus RTU, this time using the WAGO 750-8212 CPU. So far, I've managed to make progress, but I've encountered an issue. While I can successfully read and write to all the registers I need, I consistently encounter a "Response CRC Fail" error when attempting to write the value 1151 to the STW register at address 40100. I'm able to set the frequency via register 40101 and adjust all other parameters using different registers. Setting STW to 1150 results in the drive ready boolean from the ZSW-bit being received instantly. However, the moment I attempt to send 1151 to register 40100, I immediately receive the "Response CRC Fail" error for all channels. I've also attempted to use combined control, employing Modbus for frequency control and starting from a digital input. Everything seems to function properly until I send the start command to the VFD. Interestingly, I consistently encounter the same error the moment I send the start command, regardless of whether I use register 40006 (high) or 40100 (1151). Could someone please assist me in resolving this issue?
Last updated: 2024-03-21

Post by danieldiaz on Problem with FB execution CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone, I've been working on a system which needs an error function, with this purpose I've created a FB programmed in LD, after debugging I run the simulation. It seems that the variable linked to a coil doesn't change the value when the contacts are associated to input variables. When I use internal variables the logic works properly. I don't know if the problem is related to the variables definition or with the logic program. As you can see in the image, I1 and I2 are variables declared on the FB, the rest are input variables. If I force the eStop and Reset signals to TRUE the coil value should change, but it doesn't. However in the second network if I1 is TRUE the coil change to TRUE as it has to be. To sum up, my doubt is why that coil doesn't change its value? I would like someone to shed a light on this. Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-04-02

Post by alexgooi on Modbus writing on value change CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi Duvan, You could make this in 1 single object (FB), Indeed don't use a function for this beacuse you need some memory to keep the old value. For i := 0 TO 200 BY 1 DO //Check if the value has been changed IF Old_Value[i] <> Value[i] THEN //Set the trigger to TRUE Trigger[i] := TRUE; Old_Value[i] := Value[i]; END_IF END_FOR If you define the Value array as an In_Out and the Trigger as an In_Out you arn't claiming any aditional memory to your system. You ofcourse then need to add some code arround it that does something with the trigger and writes it back to FALSE again. If you want more flexability you also could use pointers instead of using the IN_OUT FOR i := 0 TO 200 BY 1 DO address := address_Input + i * SIZEOF(*Put type here); IF Address^ <> Old_Value[i] THEN Trigger[i] := TRUE; Old_Value[i] := Address^; END_IF END_FOR
Last updated: 2024-04-02

Post by salvadegianluca on How to use TON inside an FB that is instanced within a Visu page CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everyone; I'm building a project in which the drag of the mouse over some controls (or the click event) changes the background color of the control items; this change of color is made with an FB that assignes a color code to the background with MUX command based on the value of an enumerator, this part is perfectly working but, when I'm using a touchpanel instead of a web visu (controlled by a mouse) I get into some issues as it seems that the touch operations are not triggering the MouseEnter and MouseLeave properties as it's done with the mouse.... For this reason I'm trying to add a TON to my FB and, if the enum that changes color remains at the same state for more then 3s I'm automatically resetting it to it's "0" so the item gets back the not selected color. Anyhow it looks like the TON function from library is not working in these FB that are instanced in the various visualizations, as instead they do if I create some instances within the POUS. Anyone has ideas of how to make them work?
Last updated: 2024-04-15

Post by salvadegianluca on How to use TON inside an FB that is instanced within a Visu page CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everyone; I'm building a project in which the drag of the mouse over some controls (or the click event) changes the background color of the control items; this change of color is made with an FB that assignes a color code to the background with MUX command based on the value of an enumerator, this part is perfectly working but, when I'm using a touchpanel instead of a web visu (controlled by a mouse) I get into some issues as it seems that the touch operations are not triggering the MouseEnter and MouseLeave properties as it's done with the mouse.... For this reason I'm trying to add a TON to my FB and, if the enum that changes color remains at the same state for more then 3s I'm automatically resetting it to it's "0" so the item gets back the not selected color. Anyhow it looks like the TON function from library is not working in these FB that are instanced in the various visualizations, as instead they do if I create some instances within the POUS. Anyone has ideas of how to make them work?
Last updated: 2024-04-15

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