Post by matt-s on HMI Pushbutton/Move Instruction
I am having an issue where the manual start/stop push buttons on the HMI are supposed to take the pumps/blowers out of auto. The logic I have attached works for the pumps, but not the blower. From what I can tell it is the exact same logic, but it is not writing a 0 to the Auto PB variable. Attached is the logic, cross reference list to show nothing else is writing to it, and the HMI screen. Any help? Am I missing something? I am using a Groov Epic PR1, my software version is 3.5 SP19 Patch 5 32 Bit.
Last updated: 2024-01-25
Post by dhumphries on Toggling Visualizations using HMI Physical Buttons
Nothing wrong with ladder, in a lot of applications it is simpler than ST or CFC, you're a lot less likely to have syntax issues in a ladder diagram than in structured text as long as you stick with traditional ladder elements. Your attempt was almost valid, but you tried to change the currentvisu variable using a blend of structured text and ladder, which isn't allowed. You need to use the MOVE operator and define the visualization name as a string on the input side and the visuelems.currentvisu as the target on the output side.
Last updated: 2024-02-28
Post by nmcc on Viewing PDF in WebBrowser Visual Element
I am trying to show a PDF in a WebBrowser element. I have the file saved to the drive of the HMI/PLC. I am linking it in the URL parameter of the WebBrowser using the following directory link. 'http://localhost:8080/$$sdcard$$/FileName.pdf'. This allows for the program to download without any errors. When I navigate to that screen it is just a white box and nothing shows. I attempted putting the same link in the show parameter and I get a loading icon on my cursor when monitoring the HMI with my PC. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Last updated: 2024-02-29
Post by tomast on WAGO 750-8212 nad Sinamics v20 modbus RTU speed control
Hi Guys, I am new to this forum and i would like to ask od anyone got communication with Siemens v20 vfd working via Modbus RTU? I followed many websites and finally got the communication working but have problema with read/write registers. For example if i try to read holding register 40011 which is accel time i get noth but when i set the offset 0x0000 en length 113 i get ale the registers. I cannot get speed control working. I read someth about stw (control Word) and hsw but have some problems to understand it en get it working. It would be really nice if someone could help me with it. Thx
Last updated: 2024-03-05
Post by bschraud on Zielsystem stimmt nicht mit dem verbundenen Gerät überein
Zu der o.g. Fehlermeldung "cmperrors interfaces, (system): C0338: Die Bibliothek 'cmperrors interfaces, (system)' wird nur in 32-Bit-Applikationen unterstützt": Wie kann ich die Bibliothek finden, die den Fehler verursacht? Beim Doppelklick auf die Fehlermeldung würde ich einen entsprechenden Hinweis erwarten. Aber es passiert gar nichts. Wenn ich im Bibliotheksverwalter manuell den Baum durchsuche, finde ich nur Referenzen auf CmpErrors2Interfaces, die ja 64bit kompatibel sind. Leider konnte ich bisher nur eine SSD mit einem 64bit OS für den RPi zum Laufen bringen. Deswegen gehen mir langsam die Ideen aus. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe
Last updated: 2024-03-18
Post by mp9876 on Device logon problem following fresh install
Yes it had been the case I believe as I have seen that message regarding they were not the same. I had update the device though to match them and that still did not fix the problem. I gotta say I wanted to get out of that situation and attempted a lot of things and then I did two things at the same time that fixed my problem: Wiped the 64 bit version and installed the 32 bit version Installed latest SP20 I wish I knew which one of these actions fixed the problem but now I gotta catch up on this IDE learning; it's been quite a learning experience I have to say! Thank you very much for your time and advice; much appreciated!
Last updated: 2024-03-19
Post by ph0010421 on Stepper Drive with Ethercat
Hello That's certainly CiA402. I'll attach a part of the manual for my servos, but the state diagram should be the same at yours. To be sure, get one from your manufacturer. Look at the bits in the StatusWord to see where you are in the diagram, then twiddle the bits in the ControlWord to get you to the next step. Then there are other bits in the StatusWord to tell you 'InPosition' and things like that. From the screenshot, as it mentions only 'PositionProfile' the driver will create the motion profile. So you need to put a target position in here - there should be profile velocity somewhere? Possibly, you need to write these with SDO's? At the minimum, you need to write a value to 0x6081, 0x6083 and 0x6084 (velocity, accel, decel)
Last updated: 2024-03-22
Post by struccc on Release SP20 - Changes in behaviour?
Dear all, I've just started to migrate some of my ancient projects to SP20. There is one strange error (?) I have noticed so far. In a method call, depending on the circumstances I would like to return reference to an object, or an invalid reference: METHOD Add_EVT_OUT : REFERENCE TO FB_MSG VAR END_VAR IF __ISVALIDREF(refMSG_Entry) THEN Add_EVT_OUT REF= MANAGER.AddMsg_EVT_OUT( refMSG_Entry, _Get_EVT_Message(MSG_EVENT.OUT), _Get_EVT_AddCode(MSG_EVENT.OUT) )^; ELSE Add_EVT_OUT := 0; END_IF So far setting a reference variable to 0, did this. But now, the expression Add_EVT_OUT := 0; gives an error: [ERROR] DB_WTP_370: Add_EVT_ACK MSG_TRIGGER_EXT: C0032: Cannot convert type 'BIT' to type 'REFERENCE TO FB_MSG' Naturally... I can write: Add_EVT_OUT := DWORD#0; But is this the correct way? Is there any constant I could use instead, like "NULL"? Or this is totally wrong and to be avoided?
Last updated: 2024-03-24
Post by bschraud on Zielsystem stimmt nicht mit dem verbundenen Gerät überein
Dank umfangreicher Hilfe durch den Kontron Support kann ich nun wieder übersetzen. Es waren einige Bibliotheken auf einem älteren, nicht 64bit-kompatiblen Stand. Beim Öffnen des Projektes erscheint zwar ein Dialog zum Aktualisieren der Bibliotheken. Diesen hatte ich auch mit "Auf neueste setzen" bestätigt. Trotzdem waren etliche Bibliotheken im Projekt veraltet. Leider habe ich noch keine Stelle in der Online Hilfe gefunden, die die Zusammenhänge in der Bibliotheksverwaltung und das Vorgehen bei Fehlern erklärt. (Z.B. wie man vermeiden kann, dass eine Komponente automatisch eine ältere Bibliotheksversion lädt, obwohl eine aktuelle Version der gleichen Bibliothek schon hinzugefügt wurde.) Vielen Dank für die Hilfe!
Last updated: 2024-03-25
Post by peterned on CNC - system goes to X=0 Y=0 before CNC file execution starts, how to avoid that?
Hi, I have a XY system and use a CNC file to move it. Everything works OK, except for the following: when CNC execution starts, the system rushes at high speed to (X=0, Y=0) point, and only then goes to the first line of the CNC file. If one of the axes is near 0, the system jumps and immediately stops with an error. In the CNC file settings (screenshot attached) I specified low default values for speed/acceleration and a start position different from 0,0 - but all that is ignored. Any idea how to avoid that move to 0,0 ? Thanks.
Last updated: 2024-04-26
Post by gseidel on CNC / G01 Speed is very slow (or go-stop motion) in Continuous short segment .
Hi k2saki, I would recommend to have a look at SMC_SmoothMerge, followed by SMC_SmoothPath. SmoothMerge will combine the small G1 elements to longer splines, SmoothPath will avoid stops between the splines. For SmoothMerge to work, you have to configure a tolerance, i.e. by how much it may deviate from the lines. To graph the output of the interpolator, you can use the trace. (Add a trace object below the application, and add the variables you are interested in to the trace.) Best regards, Georg
Last updated: 2024-04-30
Post by sbrauns on Codemeter log error: API Error 200 (ENTRY NOT FOUND) occurred!
Hi, I am using Codesyscontrol for linux 4.11 with an USB dongle with license. The log file from codemeter shows a constant error message which repeats every minute: Entry (6000437:8755) not found - Event WB0200 (ENTRY NOT FOUND), Request IP-Address local(IPV4) with UserLimit API Error 200 (ENTRY NOT FOUND) occurred! The log file from Codesyscontrol itself shows runtime licensed and I experience no other issues. But I am still concerned about the error message in the log file. Does anybody know what this is and how to fix it? thanks
Last updated: 2024-05-08
Post by eurowolf on SoftMotionLight Lizenz nach Programmupdate weg
Hallo, auf einer Sabo MKS855.20 habe ich die SoftMotionLight-Lizenz installiert. Zur Programmierung nutze ich V3.5 SP16.0. Die im Projekt verwendete SML, SML_Drive_CAN_GenericDSP42, CANopen_Manager_Softmotion In der Regel habe ich keine Probleme mit der SoftMotionLight, nur bei dieser Anlage ist es mir jetzt zum Zweiten mal passiert, das ich ein Programmupdate einspiele und die SML in den Demo-Modus wechselt. Die Lizenz ist doch auf der SPS gespeichert, warum wird dann behauptet, dass die SML im Demo-Modus arbeitet. Da ich z. Zt. beim Kunden vor Ort bin und dieser sich im Ausland befindet, benötige ich kurzfristig eine Lösung. Auf E-Mails bekomme ich leider keine Rückmeldung.
Last updated: 2024-05-14
Post by dhumphries on Rounding error in simple addition
Thanks for the response, as I've thought about this problem over the last month I began to suspect this was a problem with not being able to exactly represent .1 as a 32 bit binary number. I think I've found a work around by making the number an integer, then dividing it by 10 and storing that value as a floating point number. There is still an issue with the value not being exact somewhere in the 8th or 9th decimal place, but because I'm incrementing an integer value then dividing it, the error doesn't compound.
Last updated: 2024-05-25
Post by paro on Modbus Client Request Not Processed
Hi, works in my case if I increase the timeout! to_udint(t#100ms) -> 100 -> 100us.. FUNCTION_BLOCK MODBUS_master_example_ST VAR initDone : BOOL := FALSE; aIPAddress : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE := [127,0,0,1]; clientTcp: ModbusFB.ClientTcp; // buffer to read input registers aDataInputRegisters : ARRAY[0..9] OF UINT; // some client requests clientRequestReadInputRegisters: ModbusFB.ClientRequestReadInputRegisters; xExecute: BOOL; uistart: UINT := 100; udiTimeout1: UDINT; END_VAR IF NOT initDone THEN initDone := TRUE; // configure clientTcp clientTcp(aIPaddr:=aIPAddress, uiPort:=502, udiLogOptions := ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.All); // configure clientRequestReadInputRegisters clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=1, udiTimeout:=1000000); // 1sec END_IF // call the client FB's clientTcp(); clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp,xExecute := xExecute AND NOT clientRequestReadInputRegisters.xBusy ,uiStartItem:=uistart, uiQuantity:=3, pData:=ADR(aDataInputRegisters[0]));
Last updated: 2024-05-30
Post by viksym on Get text from textlist
Does anybody know how to get a specific text from a text list within a program. Obviously it works in a visualization, but because I will have an HMI that has it's own system and I will have to send variables to this HMI via an OPC UA connection, I need to be able to get a text into a string. I tried using the VisuElems like this, but it only returns an empty "" and nothing else. IF trig THEN sText := VisuElems.cmpDynamictext.DynamicTextGetDefaultText(ADR(sTextList), ADR(sAlarmID))^; //sText := VisuElems.cmpDynamictext.DynamicTextGetText(ADR(sTextList), ADR(sAlarmID))^; trig := FALSE; END_IF Any help and idea is highly appreciated because I am getting desperate here.
Last updated: 2024-05-31
Post by jens on Modbus tcp - channel
Help wanted This is the first time i'm doing a Modbus Tcp project. I have some VLT with a extension module MCA-122. i'm currently unable to write to the VLT slave, but i can read from status word parameter=1603 and address := 16029 where the address is calculated from parameter is ((id x 10)-1). in the manual the functions that are supported are 3 hex, 6 hex, 10 hex, b hex and 11 hex. read holdin registers, write single register, write multiple registers, get comm. event counter, report slave id. i'm only using the Modbus Slave Channel is this wrong when trying to write to the vlt ?
Last updated: 2024-06-13
Post by gatto on Modbus tcp - channel
Hi can you give more details? Are you talking about a danfoss? wich model? Can post the configuration of channel' I used, on the past, serial modbus with danfoss fc280 I remember ((id x 10)-1) I remember that you couldn't use continuous reading/writing of the directors but you had to use them one at a time. it seemed that reading empty registers (caused by x10) was not accepted by danfoss. So I had created a scan that used just one register, then the next etc etc with a timed interval. But this was for the serial, I don't know if it's the same thing with ethernet. I currently use Ethernet TCP/IP interface with FC280.
Last updated: 2024-06-13
Post by salvadegianluca on SysPlcCtrl23 and C0338: The library 'cmperrors interfaces, (system)' is supported just in 32 bit applications
Good afternoon to everyone; I'm stuck with this error and I don't know how to get out from it... I tried several time googling for alternative systems to control the PLC applications and resets but without success. I would like to realize the possibility to reset the CPU and to start/stop the applications as it was possible with the SysPlcCtrl23, but this library is no longer supported in 64 bit systems and it seems due to the cmperrors interfaces sub library that was included in the above said one. Someone found a work around for this issue?
Last updated: 2024-06-14
Post by salvadegianluca on SysPlcCtrl23 and C0338: The library 'cmperrors interfaces, (system)' is supported just in 32 bit applications
Good afternoon to everyone; I'm stuck with this error and I don't know how to get out from it... I tried several time googling for alternative systems to control the PLC applications and resets but without success. I would like to realize the possibility to reset the CPU and to start/stop the applications as it was possible with the SysPlcCtrl23, but this library is no longer supported in 64 bit systems and it seems due to the cmperrors interfaces sub library that was included in the above said one. Someone found a work around for this issue?
Last updated: 2024-06-14
Post by salvadegianluca on SysPlcCtrl23 and C0338: The library 'cmperrors interfaces, (system)' is supported just in 32 bit applications
Good afternoon to everyone; I'm stuck with this error and I don't know how to get out from it... I tried several time googling for alternative systems to control the PLC applications and resets but without success. I would like to realize the possibility to reset the CPU and to start/stop the applications as it was possible with the SysPlcCtrl23, but this library is no longer supported in 64 bit systems and it seems due to the cmperrors interfaces sub library that was included in the above said one. Someone found a work around for this issue?
Last updated: 2024-06-14
Post by salvadegianluca on SysPlcCtrl23 and C0338: The library 'cmperrors interfaces, (system)' is supported just in 32 bit applications
Good afternoon to everyone; I'm stuck with this error and I don't know how to get out from it... I tried several time googling for alternative systems to control the PLC applications and resets but without success. I would like to realize the possibility to reset the CPU and to start/stop the applications as it was possible with the SysPlcCtrl23, but this library is no longer supported in 64 bit systems and it seems due to the cmperrors interfaces sub library that was included in the above said one. Someone found a work around for this issue?
Last updated: 2024-06-14
Post by salvadegianluca on SysPlcCtrl23 and C0338: The library 'cmperrors interfaces, (system)' is supported just in 32 bit applications
Good afternoon to everyone; I'm stuck with this error and I don't know how to get out from it... I tried several time googling for alternative systems to control the PLC applications and resets but without success. I would like to realize the possibility to reset the CPU and to start/stop the applications as it was possible with the SysPlcCtrl23, but this library is no longer supported in 64 bit systems and it seems due to the cmperrors interfaces sub library that was included in the above said one. Someone found a work around for this issue?
Last updated: 2024-06-14
Post by salvadegianluca on SysPlcCtrl23 and C0338: The library 'cmperrors interfaces, (system)' is supported just in 32 bit applications
Good afternoon to everyone; I'm stuck with this error and I don't know how to get out from it... I tried several time googling for alternative systems to control the PLC applications and resets but without success. I would like to realize the possibility to reset the CPU and to start/stop the applications as it was possible with the SysPlcCtrl23, but this library is no longer supported in 64 bit systems and it seems due to the cmperrors interfaces sub library that was included in the above said one. Someone found a work around for this issue?
Last updated: 2024-06-14
Post by kazuhiro on Problems using MySql Library and SysProcessExecuteCommand2 together
I use fbMsSQL_compact(FUN) of the MySQL Library to write data to the database. There is no problem when writing data using only fbMsSQL_compact(FUN). However, when I try to write data obtained using SysProcessExecuteCommand2 to the database using fbMsSQL_compact(FUN), an error message "Dest server on ip and port:1433 is unreachable" appears and writing is not possible. From what I have researched, it seems that writing is not completed in one cycle of fbMsSQL_compact(FUN), and when SysProcessExecuteCommand2 is executed first in the second cycle, the work done in one cycle of fbMsSQL_compact(FUN) is reset. Could you please give me some advice?
Last updated: 2024-06-18
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