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Post by eschwellinger on Scan Network on gateway created with Control Sl CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
it seems that the device you scan, is not the same type which you have added to the project in CODESYS. Virtual Control is Arm 64 SL so please select this type in CODESYS when you generate a new Application..or right click to the device- update device - virtual Control Arm 64 SL
Last updated: 2024-10-16

Post by lbartik on MPC predictive control CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Would this work? I'm also interested in real-world MPC and have no idea where to start. There is an exciting Python library that is also beyond my grasp: Step 1, get PhD(s). Step 2, get job in aerospace/robotics. Step 3, return 15 years later to share this knowledge?
Last updated: 2024-10-19

Post by spoun on Problem with edge gateway config mode CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I installed patch 3 now and i get a new message, although i located and modified the files in system32 and sysWOW64 still doesn't work. One thing i noticed is thta in system32 folder CODESYSGatewayV3 now i have two different XXXXXXXX files with the latest being created today at the time of installation
Last updated: 2024-10-21

Post by daniel on SysFileOpen not working CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I have the same problem now with 3.5.20 Patch 3. Normally it works if I ad in CODESYSControl.cfg: [SysFile] ForceIecFilePath=0 (This told me codesys last time) I try to use the placeholders but without success. Something special is that the Files are not in C:. The Plc Configuration Path is not as usual C:\ProgrammData\CODESYS\CODESYSControlRTEV3\, it's E:\Control.
Last updated: 2024-10-23

Post by js123 on csv datei einlesen und verarbeiten CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
hallo zusammen, bin leider in codesys ein absoluter Neuling, brauche deshalb ein wenig Hilfe Ich möchte gern eine Excel-CSV Datei in codesys einlesen und die Daten weiter verarbeiten. Kann mir jedemand diesbezüglich helfen bzw. zeigen wie man vorgehen muss oder hat jemand sogar schon einen fertigen Code?! Grüße und Dankeschön
Last updated: 2024-10-28

Post by marekxc on Compiling Errors with Ethernet/IP Scanner CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Update the Device: Right-click on the device icon in the project tree. Select the “Update Device” option. Recompile the Project: After updating the device, recompile the project from scratch to ensure that all changes are included. Check Task Settings: Go to the “Tasks” tab in the project. Check the priority settings for the tasks to ensure they are configured correctly.
Last updated: 2024-11-09

Post by sigurdrb on Codesys SP20 and professional developer edition CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I updated codesys IDE to the newest version, but I lost the "professional developer edition" in the process. It still works fine on the older version I have been using previously. Do you know what the easiest process for getting the same integration in the newer version? It is only the GIT integration that I really miss.
Last updated: 7 days ago

Post by arundara on Variable Sync Issue In Soft Plc Redundancy CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I was trying to create a redundancy POC for our application where we read data from few modbus tcp devices. As there is a limitaion that modbus tcp device support only for single master device, we wanted to test how the variable sync happens in redundancy mode. For that i have used the redundancy sample code added a variable "b" under a condition. What i observed was while active controller is running, if passive controller is powerup, passive controller is able to sync all the data configured for redundacny. But after that the variable data which resided under a condition is not synching from active to passive controller. I have attached the image where i have highlighter the variable. Can some help me to understand how redundacny work in codesys soft plc and if there is a solution to sync variable which are under condition, please explain the same or suggestion to achieve the same. Hardware - Raspberry Pi (2 qty) Redundancy licence used - yes in both controllers. Codesys runtime - Codesys software version - V3.5 SP19 if i have posted this question in wrong section, please do let me know in whcih section i have to post this question.
Last updated: 2023-12-01

Post by khaledkhalil on OPC UA informationsmodell zu Codesys CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Ich habe Modelle in SiOME hinzugefĂĽgt, eine Software zum Entwerfen von Knoten und zum HinzufĂĽgen von Instanzen. und erstellte eine resultierende XML-Datei. Ich habe versucht, die XML-Datei ĂĽber das OPC UA-Informationsmodell-Repository in Codesys zu importieren. Das Problem besteht darin, dass ich nicht weiĂź, wie ich meine von mir entworfenen Objekte anzeigen soll. und ordne es meiner SPS zu, um es auf meinem Server UaExpert sichtbar zu machen. Ich habe mir das Tutorial-Video angesehen. Aber es zeigt Ihnen nur, wie Sie das Informationsmodell hinzufĂĽgen, und mein resultierendes Modell hat keinen Informationstyp. Wie kann ich also in Codesys ein Modell anzeigen, das ich in SiOME entworfen und meine Instanzen (Objekte, Variablen oder Methoden) meinen Variablen in der SPS zugeordnet habe? Ich habe Leute gesehen, die es in Tia Portal oder einer anderen Software gemacht haben, aber ich habe keine Ahnung, wie man es auf CODESYS macht
Last updated: 2024-03-12

Post by ahuckphin on Issues with Modbus Slave with Raspberry Pi CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have a DFRobot RS485 temperature & humidity sensor (SEN0438) connected to my Raspberry Pi via a USB to RS485 adapter. I am able to connect and read the sensor data when running a python code locally. However in Codesys, I encounter this error "A bus error has occurred." and "There was no response in time". Could this be because of Modbus Server Channel and Modbus Server Init configuration on my part? Admittedly I am new to Codesys. To get to this stage, I: 1. added some lines to CODESYSControl_User.cfg 2. added "Modbus_COM" in Codesys and set "Serial Port Configuration" under "General" 3. added "Modbus_Master_COM_Port" in Codesys and checked transmission mode is set to "RTU" 4. added "Modbus_Slave_COM_Port" in Codesys and checked server address is set to 1 (also set 1 in my sensor) 5. added 1 channel and 1 init for "Modbus_Slave_COM_Port" under "Modbus Server Channel" and "Modbus Server Init"
Last updated: 2024-07-10

Post by berto on Opening PDF in Web Browser in Target Visu HMI CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everybody, I've been facing problems with the PDF visualization in Web Browser. I am trying to open a pdf file called 'sample.pdf' which I manually saved inside PlcLogic/visu folder. I am setting the web browser URL as: '' but I get 'refused connection'. I got a similar error trying to open https sites and I discovered that I can only open http websites. Opening '' everything works fine. I also tried to check using code whether the sample.pdf is present in the directory. Unfortunately, when I try to read directories of 'PlcLogic' I get file FILE_OPERATION_DENIED (I am using File.DirList). I would like to be able to open PDF files in web browser. Possibly to move new PDF files in the folder as my customer wants to display different pdf manuals on the hmi. Here you find some screenshots and my .project. I am using Codesys Best regards, Berto
Last updated: 2024-07-11

Post by jmfernandes on OpenDir always in error CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello I'm trying to use DirOpen to access a directory where then I can read/list the files inside. But I can't list any files because DirOpen.xError is always true. In eError the message is this: " ERROR_UNKNOWN Local library error ID (0: no error; 5101: time out)**** " I have in the file explorer the path 'C:\CodesysTest\Aluminium' and to make sure I also created in the plc a folder to 'prj/Recipes/Aluminium'. I tried using the different paths, but in both it happens the same thing.Inside the folder Aluminium there is two csv files, that I want to list. I added in the library manager CAA Files and CAA Types. I am using the example of but not matter what I do, I can't get the list the names of the files. What am I missing?
Last updated: 2024-07-31

Post by mondinmr on First IO address of a CAADiagDeviceDefault. CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have a device CAADiagDeviceDefault: IoConfig_Globals.Axis_A In our library, we perform introspection of the Etc_SlaveDiag. In that case, we have connectors, and by searching for them by address, I can find them in the IO mapping using the offset and size provided by EtherCAT. However, a Lenze i700 drive, instead of placing the IO mapping in the Etc_SlaveDiag device, places it in a sub-device CAADiagDeviceDefault. So, when I perform introspection, I cannot find the IO correspondences. Yet, in the CAADiagDeviceDefault, I do not find the connectors and cannot do the matching. Is there a way with a pointer or reference to a CAADiagDeviceDefault to obtain the address of the first input and the address of the first output? This is because we have our own motion library with many EtherCAT devices that automatically configure the mappings, but I can't manage to do so with the Lenze i700.
Last updated: 2024-08-22

Post by john-robinson on Limiting Memory Access of an Array to Within its Bounds CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Recently we had an issue regarding some simple code to calculate a rolling average. The code indexes from zero to 199 to properly store the current input into a circular buffer which then allows us to calculate a rolling average: VAR input_5s : REAL; outs_arr : ARRAY[0..199] OF REAL; i : USINT := 0; END_VAR ___ //this code runs every five seconds, calculating a rolling average outs_arr[i] := input_5s; i := i + 1; output := OSCAT_BASIC.ARRAY_AVG(ADR(outs_arr), SIZEOF(outs_arr)); IF i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr) THEN i := 0; END_IF There is a simple bug in this code where the index will be set to 0 when it has surpassed the length of the array in bytes (800 in this case) rather than larger than the number of reals in the array (200). The solution here is simple, replacing i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr) with i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr)/SIZEOF(outs_arr[0]). In this example when the index increased to 201 and the line outs_arr[201] := input_5s was called, codesys arbitrarily wrote to the address in memory that is where outs_arr[201] would be if the array was that long. I would like to find a way to wrap the codesys array inside of a wrapper class that checks if an input is within the bounds of an array before writing to that value. I know how I would implement that for a specific array, I could create a method or class that takes an input of an array of variable length, ie. ARRAY[*] OF REAL, but I don't know how to make this for any data type. I am wondering if anyone has ever done anything similar to this, or has any better suggestions to ensure that none of the programmers on this application accidentally create code that can arbitrarily write to other locations in memory.
Last updated: 2024-03-05

Post by thommy54 on CODESYSControl_User cfg richtig konfigurieren CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, nach Erwerb eines neueren Raspberry pi 4 (V1.5) musste ich zwangsläufig von Codesys 3.5.16 hochwechseln - ich habe auf geupdated. Da schlugen mir plötzlich ne Menge Einschränkungen entgegen, deren Behebung einige Zeit dauerte. Eine davon ist, das ein SysFile.SysFileOpen nicht mehr funktioniert. Ich habe das Problem mit Einträgen in der /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg behoben: [SysFile] FilePath.1=/etc/, 3S.dat IecFilePath.1=/proc/, cpuinfo IecFilePath.2=/proc/, iomem PlaceholderFilePath.1=/sys/devices/w1_bus_master1, $OneWire$ PlcLogicPrefix=1 ; ; ---------------------- ; selbst eingefügt PlaceholderFilePath.2=/home/root, $my_home_root$ PlaceholderFilePath.3=/etc/init.d, $my_conf$ PlaceholderFilePath.4=/var/lib/mpd, $my_music$ PlaceholderFilePath.5=/root/Rasp_SPS_Filesystem, $my_Rasp$ Ob die Einträge sich etwas überlappen, kann mir gern jemand sagen, das ist aber nicht das Problem. Ich habe bei den vielen Versuchen, das Teil zum Laufen zu bringen, bemerkt, daß die Einträge auch ganz schnell mal verschwinden. Das ist ja auch so beschrieben, wenn die nächste Version kommt, sind meine Einträge weg. Da ich ähnliche Probleme mit dem Funktionieren von "SysProcessExecuteCommand2()" hatte, die ich ebenfalls mit Einträgen in die /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg hätte beheben können, habe ich gelesen, das man "private" Einträge lieber in die Datei /etc/CODESYSControl_User.cfg machen soll. Gesagt getan und "SysProcessExecuteCommand2()" lief: [SysProcess] Command=AllowAll Command.0=shutdown Aber auch irgendwo stand, das so ein Beteichner wie [SysFile] oder [SysProcess] nur einmal in den beiden Files /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg oder(!) /etc/CODESYSControl_User.cfg vorkommen darf. Das ist nun die eigentliche Frage! Ist das so ? Bei [SysProcess] ist das kein Problem, das gibt es in /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg nicht. Aber bei [SysFile] sieht das anders aus. Da sind 5 Zeilen schon in /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg drin. Würde ich diese in die User-Datei rüberschieben, könnte beim nächsten Update was fehlen oder, oder... Lasse ich es so wie es ist, sind meine Einträge beim Update weg - das sollte ja verhindert werden. Kann da jemand genaue Auskunft geben ?? Vielen Dank Thomas
Last updated: 2024-06-28

Post by tcarlbom on Read tag values using external program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
This is my first time posting in this forum and I am new to codesys. I am a fullstack developer and I am trying to figure out how the following. What would be the best approach to create a own/custom tag browser? Either directly in codesys ide or using a separate custom program (perhaps a winforms application). 1.a. Shall I parse the .project xml file to get a list of all tags in the project? 1b. Shall I use python scripting in codesys ide to get a list of tags? Once one have selected some tags. These tags shall be exposed to a python program which will be acting as a edge computer. It’s fine to be able to import a file. 2a. I found a library called codesys plchandler which (as I understand) acts a rest api server. Is this correct? If so, can I query the api from a custom python script, ie can query what tags exist in project and or read tag values? My research so far. From earlier projects I know that using opc ua would be perfect for this but from my opinion it’s bloating the plc since it’s resource intensive. So opc ua is not an option. Codesys automation server is neat. But I don’t want to rely on some cloud services and subscription based pricing. There seem to be several interesting codesys libraries like mqtt, tcp server and NVL sender which would help me expose plc tags. But all have a common problem. One have to manually write what tags which will be used in these function blocks. I want a similar experience like “selecting” tags in the opc ua or the codesys tracing, ie a tag browser.
Last updated: 2024-06-28

Post by youness on No source code available (cip object) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi yotaro, hope your problem was resolved. I had the same, but with an other library title. This exception is not detected during compilation, but rather at a given position in the program (when switching to a given visualization). Although the exception is generated at this point, it does not involve the visualization in question. This error is due to one of 3 reasons: 1) A division by zero somewhere: The program is able to detect divisions by zero at compile time. But in the case of a variable, which takes a valid value at init and changes to 0 at a later stage. 2) An invalid pointer: (either because it has a value of 0, or because it points outside the memory reserved for the program) is being dereferenced. Locate any pointers or interfaces you have in the code and check them - you should also be wary of mixing inline modifications and pointers. 3) Array overflow: Generally when a processing operation is executed outside the array's definition range. Example: a write loop with n iterations is executed on an array of dimmension n-1. On the other hand, the error message may not appear. In the latter case, the error may have fatal consequences, as the overflow has induced writing to potentially forbidden memory areas. This problem can be explained by the fact that it's not always the adjacent memory areas of PLC_PRG that are overwritten, but the memory areas that are randomly allocated to the array during compilation. In this case, however, there is no entry in the log, so you need to integrate the "Implicit Check function", which checks the line of code generating the error. To integrate this functions, click on Application --> POU for implicit controls Regards,
Last updated: 2024-07-16

Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone, I have a very simple program for the process, but it's driving me crazy and I can't see the problems I'm left with: Short topological description: Dual Core Berghof controller with softmotion runtime version; Two axes with servodrive on canopen bus, clocked distributed from master; Ethercat I/O node; 2 ms ethercat task, 2 ms canopen bus cycle time; I/O objects of the canopen master and canopen drives connected to the ethercat task cycle; Problem 1: Two separate programs each manage their own axis and drive, with separate state machines. A first axis moves primarily in velocity, except having to position itself absolutely at a predetermined point at the end of the job; the second axis, on the other hand, is a paper unwinder that changes, for each job cycle, from actions in absolute, relative, and cam displacement with the master axis. Well, the state machine of both axes was written in such a way as to call running the useful FB and change it on state change in this way: CASE i_stateMachine OF 0: o_Power(Enable := TRUE, bRegulatorOn := FALSE, bDriveStart := FALSE, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_MoveAbs(Execute := FALSE, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_MoveRel(Execute := FALSE, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_CamSelect(Execute := FALSE, Master := o_MachineAxis, Slave := o_PaperUnwinderAxis, CamTable := cam_PaperUnwinder); o_CamIn(Execute := FALSE, Master := MachineEncoder, Slave := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_CamOut(Execute := FALSE, Slave := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_SetPosition(Execute := FALSE, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); IF ... THEN i_StateMachine := 10; END_IF; 10: o_Power( Enable := TRUE, bRegulatorOn := TRUE, bDriveStart := TRUE, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis ); IF o_Power.Status THEN i_StateMachine := 20; END_IF; 20: (* Avanzamento carta *) o_MoveAbs( Execute := TRUE, Position := o_Somewhere, Velocity := 25.0, Acceleration := 3666.7, Deceleration := 3666.7, Jerk := 48000.0, Direction := MC_DIRECTION.positive, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis ); IF o_MoveAbs.Done THEN o_MoveAbs(Execute := FALSE, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); i_StateMachine := 30; END_IF 30: d_HomingPosition := ...; o_SetPosition( Execute := TRUE, Position := d_HomingPosition, Mode := FALSE, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis ); (* ... *) IF o_SetPosition.Done = TRUE THEN o_SetPosition(Execute := FALSE, Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis ); o_LogServer.Append(sMessage := '...', lscClass := LOGSERVER_CLASS.ALWAYS, sdt := o_CommonsMgrData.systime.sdtLocal); i_StateMachine := 40; END_IF; 50: ... The code above is a sketchy example of what I wanted to write. But it gives me a spot problem: in some, the state change results in a drive error, which is unrecoverable except with a reinitialization via SM3_ReinitDrive(). Things are improved a little if in the program I always run the call of all softmotion blocks in this way: o_Power(Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_Jog(Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_Halt(Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_MoveAbs(Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_MoveRel(Axis := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_CamIn(Master := MachineEncoder, Slave := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); o_CamOut(Slave := o_PaperUnwinderAxis); If I don't execute all the calls of all the motion FBs used, when exchanging machine state often (but not always), the axis goes into error with event id THE_FB_WASNT_CALL... Done a little diagnostics it seems that the FBs return the bDone, before they are completely terminated. I tried doing the machine state exchange not with the bDone bit of the FBs, but with the 'standstill' state of the axis. It didn't seem to change anything. Problem 2: During the use SM3_ReinitDrive() I get the erro in the log: "NetID 0: SDO read error for object 16#607C..." Assuming that the device involved it's one of the two servodrive, (no others device are present in the network), I don't found any object 0x607C in the 'possible object list in/out' of the two drive, and I don't understand where this object can be listed. So any ideas and suggestions regarding these two issues will be very, very welcome. If you need the source project, I am willing to send it.
Last updated: 2024-07-17

Post by ppix on Establishing TLS Connection with MQTT Broker using MQTT Client SL Package CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I’m currently working on establishing a TLS connection with an MQTT broker using the MQTT Client SL package in CODESYS. While I’ve successfully established communication with the broker without TLS, I'm encountering issues when trying to enable TLS. In the 'MQTT Explorer' application, I can easily upload the server certificate (.crt), client certificate (.crt), and client key (.key). However, in CODESYS, I can’t find a way to upload my client key (.key file). Here's a summary of my current setup: Certificates: I have uploaded both the client and server certificates to the certificate store under the 'Trusted Certificates' folder in the security screen. TLS Context Initialization: Despite setting the _sCommonName as the name of my client certificate, a new self-signed certificate is created and placed within the device’s certificates. I then need to manually move this certificate to the trusted certificates folder. This results in three certificates in my trusted certs folder: client cert, server cert, and the newly created cert. _ciDefaultCertInfo : MQTT.NBS.CERT_INFO := (psInfo := ADR(_sCommonName), udiSize := TO_UDINT(LEN(_sCommonName))); // CN of the certificate (common name) _sCipherList : MQTT.NBS.CIPHER_LIST := STRUCT(psList := ADR('HIGH'), udiSize := 4); // Cipher string see _tlsContext : MQTT.NBS.TLSContext := ( sUseCaseName := _sCommonName, // A certificate is stored in the certificate store with the use case name. You can choose any name. Here we use the common name. ePurpose := MQTT.NBS.PURPOSE.CLIENT_SIDE, // For client certificates set this to NBS.PURPOSE.CLIENT_SIDE sTLSVersion := '1.3', // The TLS version sCipherList := _sCipherList, // Set the cipher list sHostname := sHostname, // The hostname of the broker udiVerificationMode := 2, // 2 => Active Peer verification ciCertInfo := _ciDefaultCertInfo, // Set the cert info itfCertVerifer := 0); // 0 => No Verifier mqttClient : MQTT.MQTTClient := (xUseTLS:=TRUE, itfTLSContext := _tlsContext, itfAsyncProperty := _asyncProperty); Additional Details: In the client FB, I’ve set uiPort:= 8883, xUseTLS:= TRUE, and configured itfTLSContext as mentioned above. The certificates are encrypted with SHA256RSA. sHostname is the IP address of my broker. I’ve attached a copy of the client FB, which shows straight lines where variables are assigned and boxes where they are not. I am currently trying this on the only 2 compatible versions of COSDESYS with my controller (V3.5.15.20 and V3.5.18.40) My Question: How do I correctly set up this mTLS connection? What might I be missing? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, especially considering I’ve already successfully established a non-TLS connection with the same broker. Thank you in advance for your help!
Last updated: 2024-06-19

Post by pppn on Issue with Forward Open Connections in Ethernet/IP Protocol Stack in Codesys CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I am facing an issue with my Ethernet-based project in Codesys. My product was functioning well until I modified the protocol stack and uploaded it to my device. Here are the details of my problem: Project Setup: I am working on an Ethernet-based project to test my product. The project was running without issues before modifying the protocol stack. Issue: After modifying the protocol stack and uploading it to my device, I am encountering an error in Codesys related to the forward open connections. Error status: connection failure, extended: connection in use or duplicate forward open. According to the Ethernet/IP protocol in codesys, there are three forward open connections that need to be established. The first two connections are opening without any issues. The third connection, which is an input-only connection, is causing problems. The error message indicates that the connection is already open. Debugging Attempts: I have extensively debugged the protocol stack and found no issues. The product works well when tested with EIP tools but not with Codesys. Exclusive owner connections are working correctly, and only the input-only connection is problematic. Wireshark Traces: Wireshark traces show that the third connection attempts to open but reports that it is already open. Steps to Reproduce: Modify the protocol stack and upload it to the device. Attempt to establish three forward open connections in Codesys. Observe the error on the third connection (input-only). Request: I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how to resolve this issue. If there are specific settings or configurations in Codesys that I need to check, please let me know. Additionally, if there are known issues or workarounds related to this problem, I would be grateful for the information. Attachments: Wireshark traces showing the connection attempts and errors Screenshots of the error messages in Codesys codesys version: CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 + 64 bit
Last updated: 2024-06-25

Post by ihatemaryfisher on Sorting array of any-sized structure CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
In my machine's operation, I need to display multiples tables containing arrays of structured variables. The arrays change during operation, and my supervisor has advised me to write a new bubble-sort for each array. I think I can make a function to sort an array of any data type. This was my own project, and I'm a relatively new coder. I want to know the weaknesses in my approach, and a better method, if one exists. As far as I can test, the function accepts an array of a structured variable of any size, and sort it by any VAR in that structure. But it relies heavily on pointers, which I've heard are bad practice? Function call: // SORT BY BYTE-SIZED VAR IF xDoIt[6] THEN FUNBubbleSortSansBuffer( IN_pbySourcePointer := ADR(astArray[1]), // address of first byte in first element of array IN_pbyComparePointer:= ADR(astArray[1].byCompByte), // points to first byte of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) IN_uiStructureSize := SIZEOF(TYPE_STRUCTURE), // size, in bytes, of the structured variable IN_uiCompareSize := SIZEOF(astArray[1].byCompByte), // size, in bytes, of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) diArrayElements := UPPER_BOUND(astArray,1), // number of elements in array IN_xSmallToLarge := xSortOrder // whether to sort by small2large or large2small ); END_IF Function: FUNCTION FUNBubbleSortSansBuffer : BOOL VAR_INPUT IN_pbySourcePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; // points to beginning of array (first byte of first element) IN_pbyComparePointer: POINTER TO BYTE; // points to first byte of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) IN_uiStructureSize : UINT; // size, in bytes, of the structured variable IN_uiCompareSize : UINT; // size, in bytes, of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) diArrayElements : DINT; // number of elements in array IN_xSmallToLarge : BOOL; // whether to sort by small2large or large2small END_VAR VAR j : DINT; // repeat iteration over array until array ends i : DINT; // iterarte over array, swapping when necesary k : DINT; // iterator from 1 to size of structure (stepping 'through' a single element in array) dwSize : DWORD; // internal var for use in MEMUtils.MemCpy(<size>) // FOR SORTING BY BYTE VAR pbySourcePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; pbySourcePointer2 : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyComparePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyComparePointer2 : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyPointerToBuffer : POINTER TO BYTE; // pointer to single byte buffer byBufferByte : BYTE; // single byte buffer END_VAR dwSize := UINT_TO_DWORD(IN_uiStructureSize); // get structure size (number of bytes) pbyPointerToBuffer := ADR(byBufferByte); // assign pointer to address of buffer byte (because MEMUtils.MemCpy requires a pointer input) CASE IN_uiCompareSize OF // depending on the size of the VAR to sort by (current functionality for BYTE and WORD/INT 1: // BYTE (8 BIT) FOR j := 1 TO diArrayElements DO // for number of elements in array FOR i := 1 TO (diArrayElements-1) DO // same thing, but row[i+1] row is included in swap logic pbySourcePointer := IN_pbySourcePointer + dwSize*(i-1); // point at #1 byte in array element[i] pbySourcePointer2 := pbySourcePointer + dwSize; // point at #1 byte in array element[i+1] // NOTE: because of memory locations, each array element is offset from one another by a number of bytes equal to the size of the structure // We can "walk" from array[i] to array[i+1] via steps equal to the size of the structure // e.g., ADR(array[i+1]) == ADR(array[i]) + SIZEOF([array datatype]) pbyComparePointer := IN_pbyComparePointer + dwSize*(i-1); // point to sorting variable in array element[i] pbyComparePointer2 := pbyComparePointer + dwSize; // point to sorting variable in array element[i+1] // using sort order (small -> large/large -> small) IF SEL(IN_xSmallToLarge, (pbyComparePointer2^ > pbyComparePointer^),(pbyComparePointer2^ < pbyComparePointer^)) THEN // This is where it gets tricky. We've identified pointers for the starting bytes of aArray[i] and aArray[i+1] // and we know the size of aArray[i]. We are going to swap individual bytes, one at a time, from aArray[i] and aArray[i+1] // this allows us to use only a single byte var as a buffer or temporary data storage // e.g., consider a structure consisting of a word, a byte, and a string. it is stored like this // |------WORD-------| |--BYTE-| |STRING------...| // astArray[1] == 1000 0100 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 0001 0010 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // performing a single swap (copy into a buffer, etc.) of the first byte of each array element creates this // astArray[1] == 0001 0100 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 1000 0010 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // incrementing the pointer adresses for the swap by 1 and swapping again swaps the next byte in each array element // astArray[1] == 0001 0010 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 1000 0100 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // continuing this from k to SIZEOF(TYPE_STRUCTURE) results in a toally swapped row FOR k := 1 TO IN_uiStructureSize DO // copy single byte[k] of array element 1 to buffer MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := (pbyPointerToBuffer), pbySrc := (pbySourcePointer+k-1), dwSize := 1); // copy single byte[k] of array element 2 to 1 MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := pbySourcePointer+k-1, pbySrc := (pbySourcePointer2+k-1), dwSize := 1); // copy buffer to byte[k] array element 2 MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := (pbySourcePointer2+k-1), pbySrc := pbyPointerToBuffer, dwSize := 1); END_FOR END_IF END_FOR END_FOR
Last updated: 2023-08-17

Post by ryandmg on Web Client (HMI) Disconnects from Webvisu (Weidmuller u-OS) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Thanks So Much for the reply! Were using the Weidmuller UV66-ADV-10-CAP-W The HMI is pointed to the URL which is assigned through u-OS. Basically when you log into the controller's webserver via browser you can view the installed apps. One of which is the Codesys runtime. When you click on that it takes you to the visualization. That corresponding url is what the HMI is looking for. I apologize I don't have that on hand as I'm in the office right now. I don't think I tried connecting using the port you mentioned and https in lieu of the u_OS URL. I can certainly try. Out of the box the u-OS is set for HTTP. Since we're isolated I havent changed that yet. When this has happened while logged on via chrome on my laptop, simply refreshing brings the visualization right back. In the case of the HMI in kiosk mode, we power cycle the HMI to force a reconnect, log back in u-OS and the visualization is back.
Last updated: 2023-09-06

Post by manuknecht on Persistence Manager does not save alphabetically first value CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have several libraries which contain values that should be saved on a PLC. As apparently no Persistent Variable List is available within Libraries, I use the Persistence Manager to create a Persistence Channel in the Project which imports the library. I then specify the persistence channel in the library using the {attribute 'ac_persist':='PersistenceChannel_CT'} specifier. This generally works very well and gives me exactly the properties I require. However, it came to my attention that the (alphabetially) first value from the library is not saved in the created ASCII file. When checking the content of the Persistence Channel, it shows all the variables as defined in the library. But the created file does not contain the first value and it is not restored after restart or reset. (see attached picture) I disabled Periodic Saving and set xSaveOnChange to TRUE and so the file usually updates immediately after changing one of the values. When changing the first value, it does not update which is consistent with this value not being saved. I also created a sample project and library from scratch which shows the same issue both using a Raspberry Pi and using a Linux machine. Does someone know what the reason for this could be or did someone make similar experiences? Looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thanks in advance and best wishes Manuel
Last updated: 2023-10-17

Post by mm-sceg on Runtime geht sporadisch in Störung -> RaspiPi4 reagiert nicht mehr CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Guten Tag, ich hab seit längerem das Problem, dass mein Raspberry Pi4 durch die PLC in Störung geht. Auf dem Raspi läuft eine einfache Software mit OPC UA server, InfluxDB und ein NodeRed-Server. (Und MQTT-Server) Daten werden von der PLC über OPC-UA an NodeRed übergeben. Es kann sein, dass der Raspi 2 Wochen läuft, dann geht die PLC in Stopp. Manchmal nur 2-3 Tage. Ein Neustart über Spannung aus & wieder an schafft Abhilfe. NodeRed wirft extrem viele Fehlermeldungen in kurzer Zeit. Wenn die PLC in Störung ist, kann man sich nicht mal mehr über SSH beim Raspi einloggen. Der Raspi ist aktiv gekühlt und im Normalbetrieb nicht überlastet. Ich hab einige logfiles mit vielen Einträgen die mir nichts sagen, eventuell hat hier jemand eine Idee wie ich dem Problem Herr werden kann :) Der letzte Datenbankeintrag von der SPS war am 11.11.2023 um 5:55:50 Uhr. D.h. danach muss die SPS gestorben sein. Siehe Raspi-Log im Anhang. Das LogFile von Codesys startet leider erst um 11 Uhr, weshalb weiß ich leider nicht. Vielen Dank schonmal
Last updated: 2023-11-11

Post by willbechel on Errors about PLC configuration in CoDeSYs software CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I saved it as the same project but in a different location. I opened this "new project". I clicked on the "Direct Login from Automation Builder" button. It automatically directed me to CODESYS, where I was able to create the "Create Boot Project" but first I also clicked login again but inside CODESYS keeping the automation builder login online. Additional Information: The "Create Boot Project" function in CODESYS is used to create a project that will automatically start when the controller is booted up. To create a boot project, you must first create a new project in CODESYS. Once you have created a new project, you can then use the "Create Boot Project" function to create a boot application. The "Create Boot Project" function will create a new application that is based on the current project. The new application will be saved in the same location as the current project. You can then download the new application to the controller.
Last updated: 2024-02-01

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