Search talk: confirmed


Post by syjoo on Recipe Manager in PRG (3.05.13.XX) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm using version 3.5.13. Is it possible to handle Recipe Manager in PRG in this environment? Can you give me a simple example? Although it has been confirmed that the functions work on Recipe Manager, they do not work properly when implemented through FB within a simple PRG. I would like to save the current value as a recipe or load the recipe's value as the current value. And I want to save the recipe as a file or load the recipe saved as a file. somebody help me. (TT)
Last updated: 2024-04-15

Post by manuknecht on Using SMC_MOVTYP.INITPOS without specifying the start position CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am using the object SMC_GEOINFO to generate a trajectory and move a system accordingly using the SMC_INTERPOLATOR function block similar to the sample project CNC10_DynamicPath.project. According to the documentation, the movement type INITPOS does not require a start position in the SMC_GEOINFO object, which is confirmed in the documentation of the SMC_GEOINFO object. When using the movement type INITPOS however, the motion will still start from the starting point defined in the SMC_GEOINFO object (0,0,0 if not specified otherwise). Does someone know how to resolve this or is there an example project that makes use of the INITPOS movement type without specifying the starting point? Thanks in advance!
Last updated: 2023-12-15

Post by mp9876 on Device logon problem following fresh install CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
All screenshots are enclosed in MS Word document. NOTE; 4 questions features at the end. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Hi everyone, I am still having device logon problem following a fresh install Here are the STEPS I went through following a FRESH CODESYS Win 64 install on a different computer. ‘Gateway not configured properly’ when attempting to REFRESH from the Users and Groups. Then did Gateway manage and confirmed it was ok: This message popped out as it was a fresh install: YES then: Initially went with Administrator twice (user & password) but it did not like it. No device is responding to …: Continued by setting a new user Pressed OK and obtained the following message: Stopped and Restarted PLC at that point: Obtained the following: Attempted to login a 2nd time without success. Then I scanned the network to see if matching device can be detected: Only way to get it detected was to remove the tick in the ‘Hide non-matching devices…’ Attempted a WINK but got a return like this one: REFRESH either @ Users and Groups or @ Access Rights returns: Then created user ‘mp’ at Project level ang logged in: Understandably device user mp9876 was not valid for the Project. Device information A few questions comes to my mind following these connection attempts: 1- Gateway not configured properly message pops out because of a non-compatible device ? 2- Why would the device not be compatible ? 3- Any way to make the device compatible ? 4- Any ideas on how to get this connectivity problem to the device solved ?
Last updated: 2024-03-17

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