Search talk: expression


Expression Evaluvation CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Expression Evaluvation
Last updated: 2009-03-16

Image variable / invisible - not boolean variable (expression) CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Image variable / invisible - not boolean variable (expression)
Last updated: 2019-02-15

Convert and String to an expression read by the runtime CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Convert and String to an expression read by the runtime
Last updated: 2012-01-09

Post by matthew on New Ladder Diagram conversion does not work due to missing features CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi @eschwellinger Just wondering if there is any update when the Expression or part of it has no effect will be fixed? Also have the ability to open an FB when online and offline. It would also be great to be able to view the ST code block when online.
Last updated: 2024-05-14

Post by pascaljt on Warning code C0373 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I wrote a function block for a controller but I have a warning code C0373 "expression or part of it has no effect" and the sub routine which contain my function block is underlined in blue. Despite, the FB works perfectly. Do you know why I have this warning ? Thanks. Pascal.
Last updated: 2024-10-30

Post by andrax on CodeSys Raspberry pi I2C driver not found CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Sorry, wrong expression. You have a 64bit system, so do I. You can also use the 64bit runtime, but most bib and commands are 32bit and are not properly supported. I had read somewhere that there are problems with I2C. That's why I recommend switching to PI_SL and using the correct gpio.
Last updated: 2024-11-09

Post by matthew on New Ladder Diagram conversion does not work due to missing features CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi @eschwellinger, I have been trying out v1.0 of the new ladder and have a few questions. I have warnings Expression or part of it has no effect I can't get rid of them, what do they exactly mean? Using the ST_Block, is there a way when online to open the ST_Block and view the running code? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-02-09

Post by remcoborghuis on C0032 Error to type Pointer to IoConfigParameter CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi All, I'm using codesys on a raspberry PI. I use V3.5 SP18 Patch 2 development system and codesys for raspberry pi Sometimes when I build the project I get error messages C0007: Expression expected instead of ',' and C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknow type: '!!!'ERROR'!!!" to type 'POINTER TO IoConfigParameter'. I can't click on the message to bring me to the fault. After I do a "Clean all" the build finishes successful. Anyone who can help me with this problem? Thanks! Remco Borghuis
Last updated: 2024-03-25

Post by ellcap on Did a library update and now can't open project CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
EDIT: Title was a mistake. Should say now I can't compile / download project. Codesys V3.5SP19 Patch 2. Updated the libraries/packages using the Codesys Installer. I'm hit with this error ------ Build started: Application: ------- Typify code... [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): IecVarAccess: C0086: No definition found for interface 'IIecVarAccess17' [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): IecVarAccess: C0077: Unknown type: 'IIecVarAccess17' [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): Initialize [IecVarAccess]: C0032: Cannot convert type 'IECVARACCESS(iecvaraccess, (system))' to type 'IIecVarAccess17' [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): QueryInterface [IecVarAccess]: C0231: Expression of type 'BOOL' expected in this place [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): QueryInterface [IecVarAccess]: C0077: Unknown type: 'ITFID_IIecVarAccess17' [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): QueryInterface [IecVarAccess]: C0046: Identifier 'ITFID_IIecVarAccess17' not defined Compile complete -- 6 errors, 101 warnings Build complete -- 6 errors, 101 warnings : No download possible
Last updated: 2023-09-25

Post by matthew on New Ladder Editor Issues CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi There, When using the new ladder editor there is no option for function blocks to Remove uncalled FB call parameters. I also see no update function block. When you double click the function block it no longer opens the function block. I also now get warnings if I insert FB call without a contact in front. Warning is: (Impl)): C0373: Expression or part of it has no effect I take it the new editor must work differently? The only reason for using new ladder editor is the ST execute/block editing is far better, If you have alot of text in the old ST execute the editor window is very small and when online it's even worse. The new ST block seems a lot better Thanks!
Last updated: 2023-10-10

Post by matthew on New Ladder Diagram conversion does not work due to missing features CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi It looks like in the new ladder there is no way to remove unused FB call parameters or update the function block? It's quite often where you have a function block with multiple uses and not all the parameters are required. Need the ability to leave an input/output blank without getting an compile error Expression expected instead of '' Also double clicking on the FB no longer opens the underlying FB code and view what it was doing online. Dragging and dropping a variable does not work, only using the selection works. Will these be available in the V1.0 release or just best to stick to the old ladder until it's available? Thanks
Last updated: 2024-01-28

Post by struccc on Release SP20 - Changes in behaviour? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear all, I've just started to migrate some of my ancient projects to SP20. There is one strange error (?) I have noticed so far. In a method call, depending on the circumstances I would like to return reference to an object, or an invalid reference: METHOD Add_EVT_OUT : REFERENCE TO FB_MSG VAR END_VAR IF __ISVALIDREF(refMSG_Entry) THEN Add_EVT_OUT REF= MANAGER.AddMsg_EVT_OUT( refMSG_Entry, _Get_EVT_Message(MSG_EVENT.OUT), _Get_EVT_AddCode(MSG_EVENT.OUT) )^; ELSE Add_EVT_OUT := 0; END_IF So far setting a reference variable to 0, did this. But now, the expression Add_EVT_OUT := 0; gives an error: [ERROR] DB_WTP_370: Add_EVT_ACK MSG_TRIGGER_EXT: C0032: Cannot convert type 'BIT' to type 'REFERENCE TO FB_MSG' Naturally... I can write: Add_EVT_OUT := DWORD#0; But is this the correct way? Is there any constant I could use instead, like "NULL"? Or this is totally wrong and to be avoided?
Last updated: 2024-03-24

Post by r-niedermayer on C0564 Warning Message CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Please see or Online Help on how to initialize variable before using them: Regarding the Attribute global_init_slot: You can use this pragma to influence the order in which signatures are processed during global initialization. It can only be applied to signatures. By default, the initialization sequence for variables from global variable lists is undefined! However, if, for example, variables from one list depend on variables from another list, it is necessary to initialize one before the other. (Aee OLH and Syntax) The placeholder <slot> must be replaced by an integer value that defines the position in the initialization sequence.</slot> The default value is 50000. A lower value causes an earlier initialization! If several signatures have the same value for the 'global_init_slot' attribute, the order of their initialization remains undefined! Cautious application should therefore be considered! Example: The project contains f.e. two global variable lists GVL_1 and GVL_2. The global variable "A" is part of the global variable list GVL_1: {attribute 'global_init_slot' := '300'} VAR_GLOBAL A : INT:=1000; END_VAR The initialization values of the variables "B" and "C" of GVL_2 are dependent on the variable "A". {attribute 'global_init_slot' := '350'} VAR_GLOBAL B : INT:=A+1; C : INT:=A-1; END_VAR So if you set the 'global_init_slot' attribute of the global variable list GVL_1 to 300, i.e. to the lowest initialization value in the example, then it is ensured that the expression "A+1" is well-defined at the time of initialization of "B".
Last updated: 2024-01-30

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