Search talk: prop


Post by nano on WAGO device in Codesys V3 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
wago uses, as long nobody has changed it byself: root/wago or on most plattforms admin/wago (same like prop. webserver) just google it
Last updated: 2024-06-30

Post by gallusrrr on usb2can in Codeysy 3.5 Can Gateway CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo und guten Morgen, Ich danke für die Rückmeldung. ich habe das oben geschriebene durchgeführt und auch festgestellt das mit die Commandos für die Can befehle noch fehlen. (Google angeschmissen und geschaut auch gefunden) sudo apt-get install can-utils (damit auch jemanden anders der Post hilft) Anschließend habe ich das CAN System komplett aufgebaut so das ich mit einen anderen CAN Adapter schauen konnte ob die Nachricht auch ankommt. die Nachricht kommt an :) danach habe ich follgende Ausgabe: pi@Codesys:~ $ sudo ip -s -d link show can0 3: can0: <noarp,up,lower_up,echo> mtu 16 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 10 link/can promiscuity 0 allmulti 0 minmtu 0 maxmtu 0 can state ERROR-ACTIVE restart-ms 0 bitrate 250000 sample-point 0.875 tq 250 prop-seg 6 phase-seg1 7 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1 brp 12 gs_usb: tseg1 1..16 tseg2 1..8 sjw 1..4 brp 1..1024 brp_inc 1 clock 48000000 re-started bus-errors arbit-lost error-warn error-pass bus-off 0 0 0 0 0 0 numtxqueues 1 numrxqueues 1 gso_max_size 65536 gso_max_segs 65535 tso_max_size 65536 tso_max_segs 65535 gro_max_size 65536 parentbus usb parentdev 1-1.4:1.0 RX: bytes packets errors dropped missed mcast 3549 819 0 0 0 0 TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns 32 4 0 0 0 0</noarp,up,lower_up,echo> (Sorry habe kein Speicherplatz im Web um Bilder anzuzeigen..) man kan sehen das die Nachricht abgeht und auch 32 Byte Empfangen worden sind. Die nachricht ist auch am anderen CAN Adapter sichtbar gewesen. Wie bekomem ich den einrichteten Adapter in Codesys rein? das ich den Befehl sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 das ich die Einrichtungs des Can Adapters noch in die Rasperry Start rutine nehmen muss ist mir klar. Ich bedanke mich .
Last updated: 2024-01-18

Post by francesco86 on Script python for write in a file Project information CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear all, My python script can read a Codesys project and save in file the different POU, but the problem is that I don't able to read the project info from the obj list. Following of this message there is my python script. Can you help my? Best regards Francesco # encoding:utf-8 # We enable the new python 3 print syntax from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import time import sys from datetime import datetime print("--- Saving files in the project: ---") print("sys.argv: ", len(sys.argv), " elements:") for arg in sys.argv: print(" - ", arg) if (len(sys.argv)>1): folderExportName = sys.argv[1] print(" folderExportName: ", folderExportName) exportPath = sys.argv[2]+ sys.argv[3]+ "\\"+ sys.argv[1] print(" File path: ", exportPath) # git has_repo=False #save_folder=r'E:\Tmp\ControlPlugins\ControlPlugins\Export' save_folder = exportPath if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: a=os.listdir(save_folder) for f in a: if not f.startswith("."): sub_path= os.path.join(save_folder,f) if os.path.isdir(sub_path): shutil.rmtree(sub_path) else: os.remove(sub_path) elif f==".git": has_repo=True info={} type_dist={ '792f2eb6-721e-4e64-ba20-bc98351056db':'pm', #property method '2db5746d-d284-4425-9f7f-2663a34b0ebc':'dut', #dut 'adb5cb65-8e1d-4a00-b70a-375ea27582f3':'lib', #lib manager 'f89f7675-27f1-46b3-8abb-b7da8e774ffd':'m', #method no ret '8ac092e5-3128-4e26-9e7e-11016c6684f2':'act', #action '6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08':'pou', #pou '6654496c-404d-479a-aad2-8551054e5f1e':'itf', #interface '738bea1e-99bb-4f04-90bb-a7a567e74e3a':'', #folder 'ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d':'gvl', #global var '5a3b8626-d3e9-4f37-98b5-66420063d91e':'prop', #property '2bef0454-1bd3-412a-ac2c-af0f31dbc40f':'tl', #textlist '63784cbb-9ba0-45e6-9d69-babf3f040511':'gtl', #global textlist '225bfe47-7336-4dbc-9419-4105a7c831fa':'dev', #device 'ae1de277-a207-4a28-9efb-456c06bd52f3':'tc', #task configuration 'f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099':'m', #method with ret '261bd6e6-249c-4232-bb6f-84c2fbeef430':'gvl', #gvl_Persistent '98a2708a-9b18-4f31-82ed-a1465b24fa2d':'task', #task '085afe48-c5d8-4ea5-ab0d-b35701fa6009':'progInfo'#project information }; def save(text,path,name,tp): if not tp: tp='' else: tp='.'+tp+'.txt' with open(os.path.join(path,name+tp),'w') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) def print_tree(treeobj, depth, path): global info #record current Path curpath=path isfolder=False t='' #text tp='' #type # get object name name = treeobj.get_name(False) id = treeobj.type.ToString() if id in type_dist: tp = type_dist[treeobj.type.ToString()] #Print all type of objects #print("--Name: ", tp) else: info[id]=name if treeobj.is_device: deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification() t = 'type='+str(deviceid.type) +'\nid=' +str( + '\nver='+ str(deviceid.version) if tp == "progInfo": print("-- There is prog info, ", tp) print("-- It has textual declaration: , ", treeobj.has_textual_declaration) print("-- It has textual implementation: , ", treeobj.has_textual_implementation) print("-- It is folder: , ", treeobj.is_folder) print("-- It is children: , ", treeobj.get_children(False)) print("-- It is children len: , ", len(treeobj.get_children(False))) print("-- It is progInfo type: , ", type(treeobj.ScriptProject)) #for child in treeobj.get_children(False): # print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) try: if treeobj.is_folder : #system.ui.prompt('folder:'+u, PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes) isfolder=true pass except: pass if treeobj.has_textual_declaration : t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Declaration---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_declaration t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Implementation---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_implementation t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_declaration and not treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---NOT Implementation visible---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' if treeobj.is_task : exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.task')) if treeobj.is_libman: exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.lib')) if treeobj.is_textlist: treeobj.export(os.path.join(curpath,name+'.tl')) children = treeobj.get_children(False) if children or isfolder: if tp: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name+'.'+tp) else: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name) if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath) if t: save(t,curpath,name,tp) for child in treeobj.get_children(False): print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) for obj in projects.primary.get_children(): print_tree(obj,0,save_folder) with open(os.path.join(save_folder,'ExportInfo.txt'),'w') as f: now = infTimeExecution = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write("Export date and time: "+infTimeExecution + "\r\n" + str(info)) print("--- Script finished. ---")'save ok') projects.primary.close()
Last updated: 2024-04-30

Post by francesco86 on Script python for write in a file Project information CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear all, My python script can read a Codesys project and save in file the different POU, but the problem is that I don't able to read the project info from the obj list. Following of this message there is my python script. Can you help my? Best regards Francesco # encoding:utf-8 # We enable the new python 3 print syntax from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import time import sys from datetime import datetime print("--- Saving files in the project: ---") print("sys.argv: ", len(sys.argv), " elements:") for arg in sys.argv: print(" - ", arg) if (len(sys.argv)>1): folderExportName = sys.argv[1] print(" folderExportName: ", folderExportName) exportPath = sys.argv[2]+ sys.argv[3]+ "\\"+ sys.argv[1] print(" File path: ", exportPath) # git has_repo=False #save_folder=r'E:\Tmp\ControlPlugins\ControlPlugins\Export' save_folder = exportPath if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: a=os.listdir(save_folder) for f in a: if not f.startswith("."): sub_path= os.path.join(save_folder,f) if os.path.isdir(sub_path): shutil.rmtree(sub_path) else: os.remove(sub_path) elif f==".git": has_repo=True info={} type_dist={ '792f2eb6-721e-4e64-ba20-bc98351056db':'pm', #property method '2db5746d-d284-4425-9f7f-2663a34b0ebc':'dut', #dut 'adb5cb65-8e1d-4a00-b70a-375ea27582f3':'lib', #lib manager 'f89f7675-27f1-46b3-8abb-b7da8e774ffd':'m', #method no ret '8ac092e5-3128-4e26-9e7e-11016c6684f2':'act', #action '6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08':'pou', #pou '6654496c-404d-479a-aad2-8551054e5f1e':'itf', #interface '738bea1e-99bb-4f04-90bb-a7a567e74e3a':'', #folder 'ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d':'gvl', #global var '5a3b8626-d3e9-4f37-98b5-66420063d91e':'prop', #property '2bef0454-1bd3-412a-ac2c-af0f31dbc40f':'tl', #textlist '63784cbb-9ba0-45e6-9d69-babf3f040511':'gtl', #global textlist '225bfe47-7336-4dbc-9419-4105a7c831fa':'dev', #device 'ae1de277-a207-4a28-9efb-456c06bd52f3':'tc', #task configuration 'f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099':'m', #method with ret '261bd6e6-249c-4232-bb6f-84c2fbeef430':'gvl', #gvl_Persistent '98a2708a-9b18-4f31-82ed-a1465b24fa2d':'task', #task '085afe48-c5d8-4ea5-ab0d-b35701fa6009':'progInfo'#project information }; def save(text,path,name,tp): if not tp: tp='' else: tp='.'+tp+'.txt' with open(os.path.join(path,name+tp),'w') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) def print_tree(treeobj, depth, path): global info #record current Path curpath=path isfolder=False t='' #text tp='' #type # get object name name = treeobj.get_name(False) id = treeobj.type.ToString() if id in type_dist: tp = type_dist[treeobj.type.ToString()] #Print all type of objects #print("--Name: ", tp) else: info[id]=name if treeobj.is_device: deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification() t = 'type='+str(deviceid.type) +'\nid=' +str( + '\nver='+ str(deviceid.version) if tp == "progInfo": print("-- There is prog info, ", tp) print("-- It has textual declaration: , ", treeobj.has_textual_declaration) print("-- It has textual implementation: , ", treeobj.has_textual_implementation) print("-- It is folder: , ", treeobj.is_folder) print("-- It is children: , ", treeobj.get_children(False)) print("-- It is children len: , ", len(treeobj.get_children(False))) print("-- It is progInfo type: , ", type(treeobj.ScriptProject)) #for child in treeobj.get_children(False): # print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) try: if treeobj.is_folder : #system.ui.prompt('folder:'+u, PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes) isfolder=true pass except: pass if treeobj.has_textual_declaration : t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Declaration---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_declaration t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Implementation---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_implementation t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_declaration and not treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---NOT Implementation visible---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' if treeobj.is_task : exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.task')) if treeobj.is_libman: exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.lib')) if treeobj.is_textlist: treeobj.export(os.path.join(curpath,name+'.tl')) children = treeobj.get_children(False) if children or isfolder: if tp: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name+'.'+tp) else: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name) if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath) if t: save(t,curpath,name,tp) for child in treeobj.get_children(False): print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) for obj in projects.primary.get_children(): print_tree(obj,0,save_folder) with open(os.path.join(save_folder,'ExportInfo.txt'),'w') as f: now = infTimeExecution = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write("Export date and time: "+infTimeExecution + "\r\n" + str(info)) print("--- Script finished. ---")'save ok') projects.primary.close()
Last updated: 2024-04-30

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