/project/project_settings_6470a90f Commit Log

Commit Date  
[57743f] by hermsen hermsen

v1.6.0.0 [#158] Migrate to SP18 Development Environment and SP18 Compiler

2022-04-17 21:10:01 Tree
[6d5180] by i-campbell i-campbell

[#133] v1.5.1.0 Templates - now compiles
replaced FB_PayloadSimpleDecoder with FB_Payload
Replaced Update(Metric,Name,DataType,...) Function with IMetric.UpdateFromPayload(PayloadMetric);

2022-03-26 20:47:00 Tree
[fd912a] by i-campbell i-campbell

[#112] v1.4.0.2 Read Only Metrics
NCMD and DCMD now only update the metric if its Access is set to AccessMode.ReadWrite

2021-10-31 14:41:44 Tree
[1af742] by hermsen hermsen

First commit of splitted SparkPlug Edge Library

2021-10-13 20:06:38 Tree