Svn Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r916] by i-campbell

[#144] continue work towards FB_WStringBuilder larger string size
Append, Delete, Find, InsertAt have been modified
No testing done yet
The other methods still can be checked

2021-09-06 21:05:35 Tree
[r915] by hermsen

tagged v1.4.2.19/co⚡e-example.project

2021-08-28 22:41:15 Tree
[r914] by hermsen

tagged v1.4.2.19/co⚡e.library

2021-08-28 22:40:16 Tree
[r913] by hermsen

Project and library updated to v1.4.2.19
Fixed [#138]
Pending -> FB_WStringBuilder is still needs bugfixes

2021-08-28 22:29:20 Tree
[r912] by hermsen

Fixed ticket [#138]
Pending: FB_WStringBuilder contains loads of bugs!
Introduced: FB_MetricFileControl and IFiletransfer

2021-08-28 22:22:36 Tree
[r911] by hermsen

updated trunk example for v1.4.2.19
Caution: verified library v1.4.2.19 only with this example project

2021-08-28 22:15:16 Tree
[r910] by i-campbell

[#138] Fixed missing seqNums v1.4.2.19

NDATA_publish was immediately exited, and the next publish does not wait and receives the DONE flag of the previous publish.

2021-08-28 21:09:05 Tree
[r909] by hermsen

Sparkplug Development Lib v1.4.2.18 changelog, still work in progress
* changed Project Information

* Changed FB_MetricFileTransfer.ReturnFileName (Maybe it should return the filetransfer properties (filesize, filename, full path, any other metadata on the file?)

* Changed FB_StringBuilder as preliminary unittesting shows it contains bugs
regarding WSTRING(80) which is nonsensical for WSTRING

* FB_StringBuilder main body
* FB_StringBuilder.append
* FB_StringBuilder.delete
* FB_StringBuilder.find
* FB_StringBuilder.insertat
* FB_StringBuilder.len
* FB_StringBuilder.mid
* FB_StringBuilder.replaceat
* FB_StringBuilder.right
* FB_StringBuilder.tostring
* FB_StringBuilder.towstring
* Changed ILimitedStringBuilder, EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface
* Changed IStringBuilder, EXTENDS ILimitedStringBuilder
* Added Function ReturnFileName as this function seems to be useful enough
* Added accompanying unittest for FB_StringBuilder in seperate project, also work in progress

2021-08-14 22:40:59 Tree
[r908] by hermsen

New setup for unittest, integrationtest and user pov test for co⚡e - Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host
Reorganised project into at least 3 folders:
* unittest
* integrationtest
* user pov test.

Skeleton template demonstrated in unittest == Stable and ready
Added tests for FB_WStringBuilder

2021-08-14 22:05:24 Tree
[r907] by hermsen

v1.4.2.17 Started implementation of

2021-06-19 22:07:18 Tree
[r906] by hermsen

Branch v1.4.2.16
introduces FB_FileControl
and IFileTransfer
for the yet to be written FB_MetricFileTransfer

2021-06-18 19:44:58 Tree
[r905] by i-campbell

[#134] Library is now displayed even if "show advanced libraries" is not selected
added Application|Utils to library categories

2021-06-13 14:43:47 Tree
[r904] by hermsen

* Added FB_SeqCheck with methods: BDSeqNum and SeqNum
* Updated Project Information to enable documentation generation

2021-06-12 21:51:16 Tree
[r903] by hermsen


2021-05-15 20:43:38 Tree
[r902] by hermsen

Preview HowTo Guide images

2021-05-15 19:48:01 Tree
[r901] by hermsen

Saved project and example for profile SP16 Patch1 (v3.5.16.10)

2021-05-14 14:34:40 Tree
[r900] by hermsen

SparkplugB v1.4.2.13

CODESYS based PrimaryHost Node PREVIEW

2021-05-11 20:14:24 Tree
[r899] by hermsen


First CODESYS Based SparkplugB PrimaryHost public PREVIEW

Edges, Devices and PrimaryHost all use the same metric fb for Metrics.
Metrics are provided via a factory pattern.

demonstrates simplicity of usage for Edges with TLS support and a preliminary version of the CODESYS Based SparkplugB PrimaryHost in action

2021-05-11 19:53:57 Tree
[r898] by hermsen

First CODESYS Based SparkplugB PrimaryHost public PREVIEW

Edges, Devices and PrimaryHost all use the same metric fb for Metrics.
Metrics are provided via a factory pattern.

demonstrates simplicity of usage for Edges with TLS support and a preliminary version of the CODESYS Based SparkplugB PrimaryHost in action

2021-05-11 19:51:14 Tree
[r897] by hermsen

binary commits of trunk library and example

2021-05-11 19:01:30 Tree
[r896] by hermsen

v1.4.2.13 example project
All shared resources have been moved to POUs view

2021-05-11 18:48:40 Tree
[r895] by hermsen

v1.4.2.13 Fixed [#138] [#137] missing DBIRTH and Edge Publish Rates

2021-05-11 18:33:13 Tree
[r894] by i-campbell

v1.4.2.13 example project

2021-05-10 20:51:23 Tree
[r893] by i-campbell

[#138] [#137] v1.4.2.13 Fixed missing DBIRTH and Edge Publish Rates

2021-05-10 20:44:00 Tree
[r892] by i-campbell

example for
- all additional libraries are now in POUs view
- Primary Host now uses the scenario selected in POUs View
- Primary Host now no longer needs user to add Blank Groups nor edges nor devices nor metrics

2021-05-08 20:30:03 Tree
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