Svn Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r398] by aliazzz
2020-06-13 19:51:41 Tree
[r397] by aliazzz

updating CfUnit Trunk to RC4

2020-06-13 19:45:16 Tree
[r396] by aliazzz

updated verifier to RC4

2020-06-13 19:42:19 Tree
[r395] by aliazzz

Added compiled library (RC4) to trunk

2020-06-08 07:44:14 Tree
[r394] by aliazzz

binary of CfUnit.library

2020-06-05 18:40:44 Tree
[r393] by aliazzz


2020-06-05 18:20:54 Tree
[r392] by aliazzz


2020-06-05 18:18:47 Tree
[r391] by aliazzz
2020-06-05 18:14:51 Tree
[r390] by aliazzz

Added various WSTRING tests

Failed Tests: 115
Succesful tests: 144
Tests: 259
Test suites: 23

2020-06-05 18:12:52 Tree
[r389] by aliazzz

RC4: Fixed a bug for STRING/WSTRING size assertion

2020-06-05 17:36:20 Tree
[r388] by aliazzz
2020-06-04 20:38:40 Tree
[r387] by aliazzz
2020-06-04 20:32:20 Tree
[r386] by aliazzz
2020-06-04 19:51:17 Tree
[r385] by aliazzz

RC4: Fixed a bug for STRING/WSTRING size assertion

2020-05-29 16:01:38 Tree
[r384] by aliazzz

Commit of binay CfUnitVerifier.project

2020-05-25 20:19:08 Tree
[r383] by aliazzz

Added support for WSTRING. Added test code WTRING.
Corrected length check handling for STRING (and used the same for WSTRING).

This commit solves the following issues:
"Implementing WSTRING support"
"AssertEquals(ANY) for STRING and WSTRING should look at LEN/WLEN"

2020-05-25 20:05:14 Tree
[r382] by aliazzz

Commit of binary

2020-05-25 16:45:31 Tree
[r381] by aliazzz

Added WSTRING support (Thank you I-Campbell)
Added AssertEquals_WSTRING
Added godmode function: WRITE_PROTECTED_WSTRING
Updated to RC3

2020-05-25 16:43:59 Tree
[r380] by aliazzz
2020-05-23 11:14:00 Tree
[r379] by aliazzz
2020-05-23 11:12:41 Tree
[r378] by aliazzz

Fixed Ticket 42/37

FB_TestResults, replaced;
57 IF StoringTestSuiteResultNumber = GVL_CfUnit.NumberOfInitializedTestSuites AND
58 GVL_CfUnit.TestSuiteAddresses[StoringTestSuiteResultNumber]^.AreAllTestsFinished() AND NOT
59 StoredGeneralTestResults THEN

( If all test suites have finished storing their results, store the general test results )
57 IF StoredTestSuiteResults AND NOT StoredGeneralTestResults THEN

Which resolves the incorrect testnumbers in the results report

2020-05-23 11:09:41 Tree
[r377] by aliazzz

copy of .drone.yml

2020-05-03 18:56:20 Tree
[r376] by aliazzz

copy of .drone.yml

2020-05-03 18:56:10 Tree
[r375] by aliazzz

binary commit of verifier v1.0.9.9

2020-05-01 17:04:48 Tree
[r374] by aliazzz

update of verifier to v1.0.9.9

2020-05-01 17:02:31 Tree
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