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Recipe Management

This example demonstrates the use of the Recipe Manger.
A recipe in CODESYS is a value set for a user-defined variable list (recipe definitions).
Recipes can be used for setting and monitoring values for a specific set of variables on the PLC.

Product description

The example demonstrates how recipes can be easily read and written and how the programming
interface of the library RecipeManagement can be used for extended requirements.

More information

The example project contains the applications RecipeManCommands and SimpleRecipeManagement.
The application SimpleRecipeManagement shows how recipes can be easily stored and read in files.
The RecipeManCommands application demonstrates the programming interface of the RecipeManagement library using an ST example.

System requirements and restrictions

System requirements and restrictions Info
Programming System CODESYS Development System Version or higher
Runtime System CODESYS Control Version
Required Accessories -

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