#2 Cannot locate Building Automation Examples.project


Hello all,

Recently started using Codesys V3.5 SP20 as I need to improve my programming skills. My actual problem is that I am trying to locate the following project: Building Automation Examples.project

It says on Codesys website (https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Examples/_ex_bacn_building_automation_examples.html): The project is located in the Projects installation subdirectory after installing the CODESYS Building Automation library package.

I searched within all Projects folder, that have to do with Codesys, I could locate but no can do!!!
Even performed search with the Codesys folders but it would not come out. I also checked on forge.codesys.com...is it me ??

Initially I ran the following packages listed below:

CODESYS Building Automation
CODESYS in Building Automation Examples.package
** NOTE: Both packages installed correctly

I then opened up Codesys V3.5 SP20, started a new blank project, went to library manager and added library Building Automation

Properly added as I can see the library’s components.

So I believe I am ready to load the Building Automation Examples.project listed above; correct me if I am wrong.

Any help would greatly be appreciated guys



  • u-meyer - 2024-05-30

    Hello Mike,

    in case you don't find the place on your system, where examples are installed,
    you might simply want to open the "CODESYS Building Automation" you've downloaded,
    using 7zip ore some other unzip tool.
    The package itself is basically a zip archiv, with content following specific rules.
    Within the package zip here is a folder "Projects" which contains the examples.
    Extract the examples from there to wherever you like.

    Hope this helps.

  • mp9876 - 2024-05-30

    Hello Ullrich,

    .package should have been obvious enough but I guess I missed that part somehow so I had not tried to unzip that compressed folder. Not a whole lot familiar with libraries as well so.

    Thank you very much for your time as I effectively found the required project file that way.

    Kind regards,



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