nieuwe Branch van de Trunk, verse start met de versie die ooit nog heeft gewerkt toen Tobi weg ging
dat gelul met die locks. word er gek van
laats bekende visiongame
Change to IO for hatch
Complete game example added
Vision_Game_PLC added:
Extra CECC-M1-MV-S1 PLC Added for Vision Game, mounted in the cabinet
Merge SBSI with Trunk
Update Library
Update CMMT-ST to version :
branch for working on vision game
Added updated example project
merge the packmlstate branch
Fixed laser screen on/off
Update all the things
Fixes to the message queue
Ethercat bus opnieuw
Added: If target < 100 then setpoint := 0; end_if
Added pressure threshold <100mB
Fixed last send command
Hi, We are developing a education learning experience in the form of a escaperoom for partners and customers. Where they learn to work with our products. Gr. Tobi
Added finishe screen to byte swap
Added to the Druk_PD:
Trunk naar VTEM_Game v1.1
Trunk to VTEM_game
library Festo_PtP_Base geupdate
Hi! Could you tell us what exactly escape room is or does? Thank you in advance :-)
Fixed ROL memory error again.
Changes hints and timings.
Laser off on game complete.
Fixed bug in resetring of co panel lock.
Added a queue to the send message function.
Implements the inital testing bugs.
Fixed the ethercat slaves, and balance statemachine.
Added the new ethercat devices. Added the balast puzzles to the mainplc
Added network varariable and the Logic for converting the state to led
Working copy for implementing the packml status.
Create new game setup SBSI
Add new SBSI in console
Import project to CodeForge
Created Directory ...
Created Directory ...
Created Directory ...