fixed "run elevated" problem in app manifest
Implement URL Handler and framework for actions
initial commit of cforge base tool
Implement URL Handler and framework for actions
Actually the distributed method could also be compared with docker hub. There also everyone can define images within his namespace, and others can use them. But thinking about it, I think it is essential, that the manifests are stored in the repositories. While for practical reasons, the generation of an index, bases on those manifests could still be a good idea, and combines the two methods a bit.
Repository handling
Note: The local SVN thing would be ideal with SharpSVN, if this is available from within IronPython. If not, we force the user to have SVN installed.
commit: Implement the action 'commit'
Implement URL Handler and framework for actions
Added two scripts for checking out a project or lib, and to export PLCopen XML
Add initial directories