Diff of /codesys-ide/codesys [4adbea] .. [195fb0]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/codesys-ide/codesys
+++ b/codesys-ide/codesys
@@ -46,8 +46,38 @@
 	    cp ${libdir}/${libbase}.pdf .drone-artifacts/${libdir}/${libbase}.pdf
+elif [ "${1}" == "install" ]; then
+    # check if file exists, before we call PackageManager with it
+    url=${2}
+    filename=${url}
+    tmpfile=$(mktemp --suffix=.package)
+    if [ "${url%:*}" == "https" ]; then
+	filename=${tmpfile}
+	wget --output-document=${filename} "${url}"
+    elif [ ! -f ${filename} ]; then
+	echo "error: package '${filename}' not found."
+	exit -1
+    fi
+    export DISPLAY=:91
+    Xvfb :91 &> /dev/zero &
+    sleep 1
+    export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine.cds
+    ${WINE} ~/.wine.cds/drive_c/CODESYS/CODESYS/Common/PackageManagerCLI.exe --culture=en --profile="'"${profile}"'" --components="typical" --verbose --install="${filename}"
+    result=$?
+    rm ${tmpfile}
+    sleep 1
+    killall Xvfb
+    rm -rf /tmp/.X91*
+    if [ "${result}" == "0" ]; then
+	true
+    else
+	false
+    fi
     # check if file exists, before we call CODESYS with it
     if [ ! -f ${BASEPATH}/${1}.py ]; then
 	echo "error: script '${BASEPATH}/${1}.py' not found."