Diff of /codesys-ide/scripts/export-documentation.py [6bf844] .. [5a93fe]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/codesys-ide/scripts/export-documentation.py
+++ b/codesys-ide/scripts/export-documentation.py
@@ -1,40 +1,53 @@
 import sys, os, re, shutil
 import helper
+from System.Xml.Xsl import XslCompiledTransform
-def get_artifacts(path, libdir):
-    artifacts = list()
-    # ziph is zipfile handle
-    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
-        if "doc_unzip" in root:
-            for file in files:
-                filename=os.path.join(root, file)
-                dirname=re.split("doc_unzip[^\\\\]*", root)[1].lstrip("\\")
-#                print(dirname)
-                destdir=os.path.join(libdir + ".doc", dirname)
-#                print("parsing file: %s (%s)" % (filename, destdir))
-                if not os.path.exists(destdir):
-                    os.mkdir(destdir)
-                shutil.copy2(filename, destdir)
-                artifacts.append(os.path.join(destdir, file))
-    return artifacts
+scriptpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
+xslfile=os.path.join(scriptpath, "plcopenxml.xslt")
+class ER(ExportReporter):
+    def error(self, object, message):   
+        system.write_message(Severity.Error, "Error exporting %s: %s" % (object, message))
+    def warning(self, object, message):   
+        system.write_message(Severity.Warning, "Warning exporting %s: %s" % (object, message))
+    def nonexportable(self, object):   
+        system.write_message(Severity.Information, "Object not exportable: %s" % object)
+    @property
+    def aborting(self):
+        return False;
 class SearchBuildDo(helper.SearchBuild):
     # Build rules for:
     # - *.library -> *.compiled-library
     def doit(self, filename):
+        reporter = ER()
         artifacts = list()
-        if filename.endswith(".library"):
-            destination = filename.replace(".library", ".compiled-library")
-            artifacts.append(destination)
+	tempname = filename + ".xml"
+	mdname = filename + ".md"
-            print("%s -> %s\n" % (filename, destination))
+        print("%s -> %s\n" % (filename, mdname))
-            proj = projects.open(filename)
-            proj.save_as_compiled_library(destination)
-            artifacts = get_artifacts(os.path.join("c:", "users", "Public", "Application Data", "CODESYS", "Temporary Files"), filename)
-            proj.close()
+        proj = projects.open(filename)
+	proj.export_xml(reporter, proj.get_children(False), tempname, recursive = True)
+	# XSLT transform
+	print("Transform file with %s" % xslfile)
+	xsl = XslCompiledTransform()
+	xsl.Load(xslfile)
+	xsl.Transform(tempname, mdname)
+        # hacky fixup for XML preamble
+	f = open(mdname, "r")
+	if f:
+	    c = f.read()
+	    f.close()
+	    f = open(mdname, "w")
+	    if f:
+		f.write(c[41:]);
+		f.close()
+        artifacts.append(mdname)
+        proj.close()
         return artifacts
@@ -42,4 +55,5 @@
 sb = SearchBuildDo()
 sb.search(".library", ".")
+sb.search(".project", ".")
 sb.save(".", ".drone-artifacts")