fixed hanging ffmpeg process under windows
fixed audio bug in windows
fixed some issues for windows, but still has problems in the "concat" step
- support mp4 input
status: not working install instructions Not working: Killing the ffmpeg.exe process As the ffmpeg.exe doesn't get killed, you can't render anything. Might try running as administrator? tubetutor Windows install instructions: Install Codesys latest version (Time of writing: Install cforge package, following the instrucitons given here Go to [Code] and press the checkout button. Check it out to C:/afolderwithnospaces/tubetutor. (IMPORTANT: cforge will try to check it out to tol,tubetutor,code....
status: not working install instructions Not working: render. What it does instead: ==================================================== cmd: imagemagick\convert.exe media\intro.jpg -scale 1920x1080! -font media\Roboto-Regular.ttf -weight 500 -pointsize 100 -draw "gravity northwest fill white text 100,775 'Video Tutorial '" -scale 1920x1080! videos\tmp\intro.jpg convert.exe: `gravity northwest fill white text 100,775 'Video Tutorial' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3279. output: b'' error:...
pull request :) tubetutor mac install instructions: (also should work on linux): Open terminal and type these commands: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew install ffmpeg imagemagick (actually, it is best to go and get a coffee at this point, ffmpeg is so large. You may notice tkinter is missing, as brew does not have this package) To get tkinter, you need to install Python 3.8.1 or higher using the MacOS download from
pull request :) tubetutor mac install instructions: (also should work on linux): Open terminal and type these commands: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew install ffmpeg imagemagick (actually, it is best to go and get a coffee at this point, ffmpeg is so large. You may notice tkinter is missing, as brew installs this by default) You need to install Python 3.8.1 or higher using the MacOS download from Make sure...
pull request :) tubetutor mac install instructions: (also should work on linux): Open terminal and type these commands: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew install ffmpeg imagemagick (actually, it is best to go and get a coffee at this point, ffmpeg is so large. You may notice tkinter is missing, as brew installs this by default) You need to install Python 3.8.1 or higher using the MacOS download from Make sure you install...
tubetutor mac install instructions (also should work on linux): Open terminal and type these commands: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew install ffmpeg imagemagick (actually, it is best to go and get a coffee at this point, ffmpeg is so large. You may notice tkinter is missing, as brew installs this by default) You need to install Python 3.8.1 or higher using the MacOS download from Make sure you install the GUI options,...
updated media files
- corrected handling of optional media files
added free default media files to tubetutor
wait 3s before stopping the recording
support two kinds of intros:
basic linux support added
Copy Thumbnail image when rendering
Pre-Alpha version of TubeTutor