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Watch Intro Video

Tutorial Videos

TubeTutor defines a specific video format which is especially suitable for tutorials or howtos. A video consists of the following parts:

  • Intro
  • Title
  • Seqeunce of
    • Scene Description
    • Scene Video
  • Outro (optional)

Then everything is mixed with a backing track. The idea is, that the video can be nearly as quickly created, as it takes you to show s.th. on your screen.

TubeTutor contains some free media files, which act as a sample. Most likely you want to replace them to add your own Intro, Logos, Brands, ... .

Media files

The media files are placed in the subfolder "media" of TubeTutor. Just replace them.


The intro can either be a video, named "intro.mkv" or a static image, named "intro.png".


The tite of the video is rendered on top of a static image, named "intro.jpg".

Scene Description

Like the title, the scene description is rendered on a static image, called "back.png".


Start TubeTutor

It is recommended to place it on second monitor. If you don't have one, place then window in background while recording.

Name the Video

Enter a title for the video.

Enter a Description for the Scene

Define a one-liner which describes.what you want to show in the next scene. This makes it easier for the watcher.

Start Recording

Press Crtl+Alt+R to start recording.

Note that always the main screen is recorded. Make movements slow, and wait at the end a bit. It is a good idea, to point to the results with the mouse.

When you finished your scene, press Ctrl+Alt+R again.

Render the video

Press "render", and wait until the rendering finished. The result will be written to the folder "videos".
Check the resulting video. If you are satisfied, press "stash" to archive the video sources for later, and start a new video.

Technical Info

The tubetutor interface is based on Python and Tkinter. To render the videos, it uses the tools "ffmpeg" and ImageMagic.

The tool is working on Windows and Linux.


  • ffmpeg
  • imagemagick
  • python > 3
  • Tkinter

On windows, you need to place the EXE of ffmpeg and imagemagick into the subfolders "ffmpeg" and "imagemagick".


Usable, but everything needs to be installed by hand.


  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-02-02

    pull request :)

    tubetutor mac install instructions:

    (also should work on linux):
    Open terminal and type these commands:

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
    brew install ffmpeg imagemagick

    (actually, it is best to go and get a coffee at this point, ffmpeg is so large. You may notice tkinter is missing, as brew does not have this package)

    To get tkinter, you need to install Python 3.8.1 or higher using the MacOS download from https://python.org. Make sure you install the GUI options, as tubetutor needs Tk8.6 or higher for gif support. the brew installation and the pyenv installation don’t work, as thy use Tk8.5, which can’t handle .png

    pip3 install keyboard
    svn checkout https://forge.codesys.com/svn/tol,tubetutor,code/trunk/tubetutor tubetutor
    cd tubetutor
    wget https://forge.codesys.com/tol/tubetutor/home/_discuss/thread/06ffdd8aa3/da3f/attachment/ffmpeg.py
    wget https://forge.codesys.com/tol/tubetutor/home/_discuss/thread/06ffdd8aa3/da3f/attachment/tubetutor.py
    sudo python3 tubetutor.py

    If you want to be able to view the mkv video format it produces..

    brew cask install vlc

    Last edit: i-campbell 2020-02-02
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-04-19

    status: not working install instructions
    Not working:
    Killing the ffmpeg.exe process
    As the ffmpeg.exe doesn't get killed, you can't render anything.
    Might try running as administrator?

    tubetutor Windows install instructions:

    1. Install Codesys latest version (Time of writing:
    2. Install cforge package, following the instrucitons given here
    3. Go to [Code] and press the checkout button. Check it out to C:/afolderwithnospaces/tubetutor. (IMPORTANT: cforge will try to check it out to tol,tubetutor,code. do not do this! Something cannot handle commas in the absolute path.)
    4. browse to C:/afolderwithnospaces/tubetutor/trunk/tubetutor
    5. Make two new directories, ffmpeg and imagemagick
    6. To get tkinter, you need to install Python 3.8.1 or higher using the Windows download from https://python.org (At time of writing, I used the Windows x86-64 web-based installer for 3.8.2). Make sure you install the GUI options, as tubetutor needs Tk8.6 or higher for gif support. Other installations such as pyenv don’t work, as thy use Tk8.5, which can’t handle .png
      1. Install for all users
      2. Add Python 3.8 to PATH
      3. Custom instsall
        1. tick all the boxes
      4. Advanced options
        1. Tick all the boxes
      5. Install
    7. Download ffmpeg from https://www.ffmpeg.org/
      1. (At time of writing.. Click through to Download > Windows EXE Files > Windows builds by Zeranoe)
      2. From this website Choose Nightly Build (At time of writing: 20200417-889ad93 > Windows 64-bit > Static Linking > Download Build)
      3. You will get a zip file. Just grab the three .exe files in /bin and place them in your new folder "ffmpeg" you created earlier.
      4. Optionally, you can put the other files in here.
      5. Importantly, ffmpeg.exe should be in C:/afolderwithnospaces/tubetutor/trunk/tubetutor/ffmpeg and NOT in C:/afolderwithnospaces/tubetutor/trunk/tubetutor/ffmpeg/bin/
    8. Download latest version of imagemagick from their website
      1. They have like 80 options for you to install. Choose the first one, at time of writing: ImageMagick-7.0.10-6-Q16-x64-dll.exe
      2. This is an installer, so run it from Wherever you downloaded it.
      3. Importantly, change the install directory to: C:/afolderwithnospaces/tubetutor/trunk/tubetutor/imagemagick (for me, when I clicked the folder I wanted, the install added an additional folder name at the end. you DONT want that folder)
      4. UNTICK all of the options
      5. But TICK "Install legacy utilities" (tubetutor specifically needs that convert.exe)
      6. Install
    9. Open a windows CMD prompt
    pip3 install keyboard --user
    1. In wondows explorer, double click the tubetutor.py to run him.

    Last edit: i-campbell 2020-04-19

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