Raspberry Pi


Raspberry Pi Zero W + CODESYS

Running CODESYS on the Raspberry Pi Zero W with Wharfie is very easy. The folder "examples/CODESYS" contains a sample Wharfile which will install Debian, configure the network and even download and install CODESYS. You just need to follow the following few steps...

Step 1: Download Wharfie

Go to "Code" and Download "Wharfie" using SVN or using the "Download Snapshot" feature.

svn checkout svn checkout --username=XXX https://forge.codesys.com/svn/tol,wharfie,code/ wharfie

Step 2: Install Wharfie

Go to your newly downloaded folder and execute the "install.sh" script as root.

cd wharfie
sudo ./install.sh

Step 3: Configure the Image

Enter your ESSID and Password to examples/common/files/wpa_supplicant.conf

nano examples/common/files/wpa_supplicant.conf

Replace <id> and <password> with the real ID and real password of your wireless access point.</password></id>


Step 4: Build the Image

Enter the CODESYS example directory and let Wharfie build it.

cd examples/CODESYS

Step 5: Copy the image to the SD card

I assume that you have done this already once. Please make sure, that you use the correct device name, as you will damage your operating system otherwise.

sudo dd if=rpi.img of=/dev/sdX status=progress

Note, you need to replace /dev/sdX with the device name of your SD card.


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