Running CODESYS on the Raspberry Pi Zero W with Wharfie is very easy. The folder "examples/CODESYS" contains a sample Wharfile which will install Debian, configure the network and even download and install CODESYS. You just need to follow the following few steps...
Go to "Code" and Download "Wharfie" using SVN or using the "Download Snapshot" feature.
svn checkout svn checkout --username=XXX,wharfie,code/ wharfie
Go to your newly downloaded folder and execute the "" script as root.
cd wharfie
sudo ./
Enter your ESSID and Password to examples/common/files/wpa_supplicant.conf
nano examples/common/files/wpa_supplicant.conf
Replace <id> and <password> with the real ID and real password of your wireless access point.</password></id>
Enter the CODESYS example directory and let Wharfie build it.
cd examples/CODESYS
I assume that you have done this already once. Please make sure, that you use the correct device name, as you will damage your operating system otherwise.
sudo dd if=rpi.img of=/dev/sdX status=progress
Note, you need to replace /dev/sdX with the device name of your SD card.