Activity for hence.persson

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    After much digging I found the following (Attachement) So can i change it in the user.cfg file ? And what should the section in that case in the cfg file be named?

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Checked the log and nothing there regarding reading my file but the following messages were availible.. Something about sysfile... Maybe helps...?

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Working code: ~~~ OpenFile := SysFileOpen(szFile:=BMS_GVLconstants.SystemFilePath, am:=.Sysfile.AM_READ, pResult:=ADR(udiOpenError)); ~~~ Doesnt work anymore the OpenFile has the value 16#FFFFFFFF and pResult = 39 In desperation I also tried the CAA_FILE lib to read the file and that returns the error FILE_OPERATION_DENIED. As everything worked before, the files are present and the permissions are the same I blame codesys.. I even tried to change the file permissions to 777 and change the user and...

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello. I need to be able from the runtime enable the GPio as we have applications where the GPios isnt controlled from codesys and we have the same codebase.. I have used the DED.Reconfigure before but when trying to enable/disable I get the error not supported.. Am I doing something wrong or is the reconfiguration of GPIO really not supported?

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Deutsch πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

    I have tested /dev/ttyUSB That works.

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I don't think so BUT you have the possibility to give in/out variables to a visu.. This could be used for example making valve faceplates then connecting them to the corresponding valve object.. If you have your valves in an array you could have a input variable valve no and have the visu connected to the valve array and get a somewhat equal behaviour as you describe..

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Winpcap was it.. Needed for control win runtime not needed for rte. Needed at least for profinet unsure about ethernet/ip

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Check the profinet task what is the worst case cycle time. Adapt the send clock and the watchdog. You can reduce the reduction ratio probably not that that is at fault.

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Regarding win runtime. From what I remember modbus tcp works out of the box. Profinet needs to install a free software don't remember the name. Maybe the same is true for ethernet ip ? I have tested profinet in the demo runtime and that worked but ad I said needed to install some software first.

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Thanks for your time trying to help really appreciated. I used to do it like that but the opening of the comport isnt needed that is handled by the modbus server but with the new Codesys you should be able to use the configured Device according to the changelog. But apparently someone missed the possibility to change the number of stop bits. So guessing I will have to revert back to my old implementation.. Example: byInternalUnitID := 10; stInternalComPortSettingsNew.ulBaudrate := SysCom.SYS_COM_BAUDRATE.SYS_BR_9600;...

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Interesting but I am configured as an Device then I cant change that setting..

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    According to the documentation there is now the possibility to change port settings. And so I found the method UpdateComPortSettings which works fine but i cannot change the number of stopbits.. Is this a miss from the Codesys gang or am I missing something?

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Tested not what I want.. I want something regardless where the program has changed the method FB_Exit seems to work as intended but only if I have changed in that particular FB.

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    But I want the bit to be set and sent over to another system BEFORE download/online change not after as would be the case with FB_Init? But you may have pointed me in a good direction.. What about FB_Exit.. As I understand it this will be called before downloading/online change.

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    I would like my code to set a bit before an eventual download (Both online change and download). Then I would like enough time to send this bit out via RS485 before eventual download/online change.. I have the RS485 communication going in a task sending reciving much data.The only thing I want is to set a bit and send this out BEFORE the online change / download. Is this possible? I see there are suitable event handlers in the task management (Prepare online change, Prepare Download) but when I register...

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    Its my customer that has bought the licenses, will ask there as soon as i get the login.. But a small question.. The customers hardware is special built using a rpi cm3 module and at the moment the hardware does not have a "real" MAC address. The MAC address is randomized at each start.. Could that be the problem (We do not change hardware but maybe the license uses the MAC address amongst other things to identify a specific hardware)? The customer has bought a range of MAC addresses now so we could...

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    Missed a attachment

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    I installed and licensed a Raspberry SL yesterday. After a power off the license was lost.. (Power off by linux shutdown). I had the license files backed up so no worries.. I thought.. Now i cant get the license to work I have tried the old way (.tar file to restore folder) and the new way (License manager -- Restore).. Cant get it to work. Yes I have tried deleting the cmact_licenses folder before restoring, deleted it restarted the codesys control etc. Even tried to remove and install the runtime...

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    If I set up my PLC as Local Device (CanOpen slave) I can configure the I/O areas but then I cant specify my TPDOs to be sent with event timer.. Shouldnt that be possible?

  • hence.persson hence.persson posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Possible solution.. Write a C-program using the shared memory functions with codesys.. Start the conversion of a string to a result with a bit and let the C program write it to the shared memory..