I am looking for some examples where the OSCAT CONTROL_SET is used to tune a PID loop. I am looking to create a PID block that has an auto-tune mode.
I am looking for some examples where the OSCAT CONTROL_SET is used to tune a PID loop.
I would also like to know if there is a way to get visual element properties, such as position(x,y) and with height, etc.
Update, I found the multi touch example project and that got the flick working. From what I have seen Spread Pinch is not yet supported. Is this something that will be?
Are there plans to support the spread pinch? Currently it does not appear to work in SP17
Are there any examples using SpreadPinch and Pan? I have tried adding code to the methods and using: rectList.AddRectangle(VisuElems.VisuenumRectangleFlags.Rotatable, rContent); rectList.AddRectangle(VisuElems.VisuenumRectangleFlags.ZoomAndScrollable, rContent); to sett the rectangle mode.
Marcel, I am using the Control Win 64 as the client, multitouch is activated. I am no sure what you mean by defined area for gestures. The main visu has a frame. Thank you!
Is this interface supported? I created a function block that implements IGestureEventHandler3, in the methods I have placed simple code to count how often the method is executed. I have done the same with the IHandleMouseEvent. in my program I have the code: VAR GestureEvent : GestureHandler; MouseEvent :MouseEvent; xInit: BOOL := TRUE; END_VAR IF xInit THEN xInit := FALSE; VisuElems.VisuElemBase.g_VisuEventManager.SetGestureEventHandler(GestureEvent); VisuElems.VisuElemBase.g_VisuEventManager.SetMouseEventHandler(MouseEvent);...