In V3.5.19.0 it seems that hide namespaces is forced, so our old projects that show the namespace, are now loaded without namespace in This sucks pretty hard, as it has to be turned off in EACH INDIVIDUAL program/method/act etc. Turning on namespaces in options does not help, it actually just makes it worse by some weird display error that shows some namespaces and some not. Another thing that really bothers me, why are all standard logic blocks like AND, OR etc, shifted 1 place...
All the log files there are only with data from after the latest reboot. There is a logrotate.status file that contains this: logrotate state -- version 2 "/var/log/sudo.log" 2021-12-21-14:0:0 "/var/log/runtime.log" 2021-12-21-14:0:0 "/home/log/wagolog.log" 2021-12-21-14:0:0 "/var/log/openvpn.log" 2021-12-21-14:0:0 "/var/log/syslog.log" 2022-1-2-18:1:0 "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log" 2021-12-21-14:0:0 "/var/log/kernel.log" 2021-12-21-14:19:0 "/var/log/lighttpd/access.log" 2021-12-21-14:0:0 "/var/log/earlymsg"...
I have a Wago PFC200 SL Runtime, that freezes up on me every 2-3 weeks. All it needs is a reboot and it runs again. But after the reboot, the log is "empty", I can only see the boot messages, not any messages from what made it halt. Is there a way to get a post-mortem log on freezing PLC? It looses network connection, so there is no OPC-UA connection, no webinterface, no shell access and cant even ping it.
Thank you for sharing these improvement speeds, its always nice to see some real numbers behind a patch note "Improved code execution" :)
It is not possible to do through the IDE yet. Codesys support told me that it will be fixed in a later release. But for now you can not make a network without disabling ALL security first, connect and then afterwards set up security with user/password. Which makes it practically impossible to implement into a existing opcua network.
I have a 3.5.17 installation with all options/plugins/packages installed, nothing excluded from the installation guide. I had to uninstall and reinstall it due to unselecting a package I needed and found no way to fix it through repair. The screenshot is from a CFC project, but once the project is made I can add all the different kinds of programming methods I want.
I have been using the guide on how to set this up, from the help files:;product=codesys;version= In step 4, I can only choose server and not client as described in the guide. Okay, I can assume its maybe just a type error, so lets continue. I have 10 PLCs running a OPC-UA server, currently connected to my SCADA platform, so the encrypted OPC-UA servers can talk to a client. I tried to add one of them, but...
In the new version of IDE (3.5.17), the CFC editor changed the way it shows a variable, its shorted down to last right part of the struct and has a leading =-like character. I can not find any options to disable this view. It bugs me quite a lot as it has resulted in my blocks jumping around :(