Activity for mawaloc

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, Is there is any way to create a different dynamic widget than what can be found on codesys. I would like to create similar with adding things like limits etcc. in codesys I just see 180 deg or 360 deg. and shape are differents Any tutorial on it. ThankYou

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello thank you to all, it's work regards

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, unfortunalty that part, I can't do it? Don't have the same "setting" on vizualization. where to get it please? Regards

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, unfortunalty that part, I can't do it? Don't have the same "setting" on vizualization. where to get it please? Regards

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    greats, thanks you as soon as possible will try and let you know THANK YOU

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, It's related to same topic, so I'm adding a comment on it; Hope it's ok. I need an additionnal info. considering my variable on 1 BYTE, and any bit has his own img. Doing above method will need to add all pics to the vizualization and hide each of them manually? Do there is a way to attach the whole ImagePool to 1pics and attach the variable to IMG. ID? or somethings similar? Regards

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, It's related to same topic, so I'm adding a comment on it; Hope it's ok. I need an additionnal info. considering my variable on 1 BYTE, and any bit has his own img. Doing above method will need to add all pics to the vizualization and hide each of them manually? Do there is a way to attach the whole ImagePool to 1pics and attach the variable to IMG. ID? or somethings similar? Regards

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, I'm trying to find out a small function to create a dynamic string from Left to right on my screen, at specific speed. I'm still trying to find out how to do the easiest way possible but for not I n't able to. Thanks

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi ThankYou Edwin. Forget to reply, but I had info ( same as you) few days after. It's work like that regards

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello on codesys 2.3; I'm trying to find out how to combine different datas into One bytes. Seems to be "easy" on codesys 3.5 , but can't find solution on 2.3 as per datatype bit is unknow on 2.3 thanks for your help Regards

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, I've an issue that I'm trying to solve out, and don't know where I'm wrong. On codesys 2.3 , I'm trying to use ENUMRATIONS. TYPE DisplayVisuPage : (STRUCT END_STRUCT) ( PAGE1 := 0, PAGE2 := 1, PAGE3 := 2, PAGE4 := 3, PAGE5 := 4, PAGE6 := 5, PAGE7 := 6, PAGE8 := 7, PAGE9 := 8 ); END_TYPE Then my issue is in a FB as variable I have DisplayPage: DisplayVisuPage; Vara: BOOL; My problem is that I've a fault message saying " No number or needs constants" when I write similar as below: IF DisplayPage....

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, Just to said I get it, by using string functions thanks you

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Thank You!! LREAL Not supported with screen I use. I will investigate with Display supplier. thanks

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, I'm trying to visualize a flatting Number from a UDINT. to explain better . I 've a UDINT (32 bit) that could go until 4 294 967 295 My undersdanding was that convert it TO REAL then divide to 1000. And so it would be possible to show 4294967.295. In fact it's not possible , I understand now why, but looking to see how it's possible. => UDINT Values is "mm" values, and looking to convert in "m" values. Thanks you

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Thank You. Effectively it's work much better with FB. Sorry for that. For naming , I would change it was more for trial purpose and understand how does work. Now I can do it in proper way. Thank You again. Regards

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    sorry I miss some parts of the code!! code FUNCTION Rotary_switch_selection : USINT VAR_INPUT F_P1pot :USINT; END_VAR VAR F_P1pot_TON1:TON; F_P1pot_TON2:TON; F_P1pot_RTRIG:R_TRIG; F_FunctionCTUD: CTUD; F_Ppotbis :USINT; F_Functionup:BOOL; F_Functiondown:BOOL; F_VAL2:BOOL; F_PV1:WORD; END_VAR code of the function: F_P1pot_TON1(IN:= NOT F_P1pot_TON2.Q , pt:=T#0.2S); F_P1pot_TON2(IN:= F_P1pot_TON1.Q , pt:=T#0.2S); F_P1pot_RTRIG(CLK:=F_P1pot_TON1.Q , Q=> ); IF F_P1pot_RTRIG.Q THEN F_Ppotbis:=F_P1pot;...

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello to all, I would need some help. Instead of using PRG, I've tried to use a function I've fews rotary switchs that I'm trying to count when values change. So instead of trying to create multiple PRG, the idea was to use a fuction for. And unfortunaly it doesn't react. someone has any idea.~~~ code ~~~ FUNCTION Rotary_switch_selection : USINT VAR_INPUT F_P1pot :USINT; END_VAR VAR F_P1pot_TON1:TON; F_P1pot_TON2:TON; F_P1pot_RTRIG:R_TRIG; F_FunctionCTUD: CTUD; F_Ppotbis :USINT; F_Functionup:BOOL;...

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Visualization

    Hello to all, Anybody knows how to write in Cyrillic some string within Codesys 2.3? I need to make some displays in different languages and was wonder to know faisability to do it for Russia. thank you

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hello , I've an issue where I don't know where it comes from. I'm trying to make a combination of two numbers: -First Number I will call A: where he could gets until 5 digits.aaaaa => Actual type UDINT -Second number i will call B: where he could gets also until 5 digits.bbbbb => Actual type UDINT A:28 b:235 How I do is : REAL_TO_UDINT(((UDINT_TO_REAL(28)/10000)+235)*10000) My Problem is when b as 3 digits my result is ok. Result : 23500028 but now if my b numbers increase lets said 4 or 5 digits...

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi Aliazz. Thanks you for your comments Yes correct for that project I'm using Codesys 2.3. About store the value => "I'm" also Ok on this. My PLC Doesn't have "retain variable " But I know how to do. My problem is on the R-Trig function and after CTU function. For those FUNCTION my understanding is you need "Boolean" Input to get the counting. and here I don't have. It's a "word type" , or at least I don't know How to catch them. I'm a beginner so may be I'm totally wrong but it's my understanding...

  • mawaloc mawaloc modified a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hello I'm trying to make a pulse count. In my system , I've a sensor that gave me a speed. => ok for that MY PLC gave me also an input "pulse count". PI Sensor_Speedometer => Value type Word. I'm trying from this Input to get a total distance. As this value come back to 0, when PLC Power off; it's restart everytime to 0. So I would like to make a counter on the Rising edge of this input, and record this value. How it's possible Thank You Maxime

  • mawaloc mawaloc posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hello I'm trying to make a pulse count. In my system , I've a sensor that gave me a speed. => ok for that MY PLC gave me also an input "pulse count". PI Sensor_Speedometer => Value type Word. I'm trying from this Input to get a total distance. As this value come back to 0, when PLC Power off; it's restart everytime to 0. So I would like to make a counter on the Rising edge of this input, and record this value. How it's possible