even tho the drivers are on. it doesn't seem like any online feedback is happening?
Hi all I'm having a little trouble get my axis to work. i can turn them off and on. i can run each servo manually inputting directly to the mapping address. as soon as i try to use any FB's like jog etc my servos wont move and error out. so far I've had error "SMC_ERROR.SMC_DI-POSITIONLAGERROR" and another one about not calling a fb. cheers. in the attachment I have just jogged X_Axis with the MC_JOG FB
Any ideas?. Still stopping on this exception randomly every couple of weeks. very frustrating.
Thanks Tim that worked well. saved the config from work pc, imported to home laptop. it downloaded packages and the program opened with no errors and started straight up! legend!
just now i have tried loading the achive file from today at work. using same as at work. when i open the project it says " prject inspection, this project has been saved with a different version(codesys v3.5 sp20 patch 4).? one option in the above "project inspection" window just wants to download that same version again. the other option leads no where as it say the required add ons cant be resolved. just end up going around in circles.
cheers i will give that a go.
I have tried Achives but still get many errors. just now have tried to load a projectachive from last night and the visualization is [unknowen] as well as a action from the main pou.
Hi All Not sure what im missing here but i seem to have a lot of issues when i start a project say at home then try to open it at work the next day on another pc, using same version of Codesys. I try the build option when opening the project but still get loads of placeholder,library and some random errors i'm not to sure about. have tied project Archive, which is better, but not perfect. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong!. Cheers
3.5,18,30 The Weintek HMI Runs a dual core CPU.. one for the HMI and one "real time OS" for Running Codesys.
Its Running on a Weintek CMT HMI. the program is not huge, just controlling a few pumps. plc is at 1%
see attached I don't have watchdog enabled in tasks?
see attached
Its Running on a Weintek CMT HMI. the program is not huge, just controlling a few pumps.
HI I have had a project running for a few weeks and twice it has shut the program down due to this exception. exception[ProcessorLoadWatchdog] occurred in: App=[all], Task[all] I have to reboot (power cycle) the system to clear the exception. or remotely restart the application. Any ideas? Cheers
I had the FB called via a for loop to call a few instances of my FB I have removed it the for loop and just called them 1 by 1. Seems to have sorted the problem. tho, i have other FB's and for loops doing the same thing but they are all fine. below is basically what was happening. var: mVibrator : ARRAY[1..GVL_Settings.Number_Of_Products] OF Main_Vibrator; end_var Controller(PRG) call: FOR v := 1 TO GVL_Settings.Number_Of_Products BY 1 DO; mVibrator[v] (); END_FOR So at state 30: the mVibrator[1].start...
pretty sure its not. ive done a cross reference and only have one write that sets it to true. Only way i can stop it is to remove the function block call from the main pou that is running said case. its got me stumped:/
I have a case statement running a process. during one of the steps it has started calling a bool var that is 2 steps further on in the case? i have even tried //commenting it out but it still turns on at the same point in the case. i have also run a trace but cant see anything that would trigger it. Any Ideas? Cheers
have been testing a program then out of the blue I start getting iodrvethernet errors ( using modbus tcp ) that was with latest version. I downloaded an older version of codesys, that I had used before with no errors. and used version 3.5.17 of the ethernet adapter. That worked fine for a day. then same thing. anyone have any ideas? I feel like some days I spend more time trying to sort out library issues then writing code.
I have a small program i would like to run 3 instances of on one plc. whats the best way to go about this? I was thinking about turning the program POU's(there are 4) into FB's... then call them 3x in a main POU and assign the i/o. But it just seems a bit messy... cheers
on a new project when i try to create a symbol config for my hmi tags, then build my project i get 5 errors. See attacment. Anyone got a fix? i have tried to remove and reinstall the effected libary. thank you
just Stumbled over this after days of searching Declaration VAR sAppName : STRING := 'Application'; // must identic to the name in the device tree iecResult : RTS_IEC_RESULT; xInit : BOOL := TRUE; pApp : POINTER TO CmpApp.APPLICATION; stAppInfo : CmpApp.APPLICATION_INFO; pstAppInfo : POINTER TO CmpApp.APPLICATION_INFO := ADR(stAppInfo); sProjectName: STRING; sAuthor : STRING; sVersion : STRING; sDesc : STRING; sLastChange : STRING; END_VAR Implementation IF xInit THEN pApp := CmpApp.AppFindApplicationByName(pszString...
Hi Is there a way to display the project file name (string) so i can have it displayed on the HMI/PLC. So i know what version of the program has been uploaded. Cheers