Personal Data

2019-06-26 14:34:56


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This is a list of skills that rett84 possesses:

  • Python
  • C
  • Programming Language

User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion on CODESYS Forge

    Due to the lack of response from 3S-Codesys, I decided to write my own FBs to perform this task. It took me some time to learn FK and IK, but it was worth it. I had to write some auxiliary Functions as well. Some are redundant with what is included in the Robotics library. The matrix operations are two dimensional arrays instead of a single array. The FBs are not optimized, do not cover all the elbow configurations, and probably contain some errors, but they are a good starting point. I was using...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Motion on CODESYS Forge

    I have to do a correction, I was using the DH parameters of a different variation of the IRB 1200, now with the correct DH parameters the TCP values match(reading from MC_GroupJOG2.Currentposition.c). But still something is wrong with the inverse kinematics calculation. I changed my approach, instead of using MC_GroupJog2, I used MC_MoveLinearAbsolute. I moved the robot, from home(all joints at 0 deg, except J5 at 90 deg) in the simulation software(Robodk) to an arbitrary position, in linear mode...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion on CODESYS Forge

    I have to do a correction, I was using the DH parameters of a different variation of the IRB 1200, now with the correct DH parameters the TCP values match(reading from MC_GroupJOG2.Currentposition.c). But still something is wrong with the inverse kinematics calculation. I changed my approach, instead of using MC_GroupJog2, I used MC_MoveLinearAbsolute. I moved the robot, from home(all joints at 0 deg, except J5 at 90 deg) in the simulation software(Robodk) to an arbitrary position, in linear mode...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Motion on CODESYS Forge

    Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to get a 6DOF robot to work with Codesys using its kinematics FBs. I'm not sure if my implementation is wrong or an actual bug with the FBs. To start I used ABB 1200 parameters, this way I can compare the results of Codesys with proven results of an Offline Robot programming software(RoboDK). I'm using virtual drives to map each Axis. The results don't match, and the TRAFO 6DOF FB outputs values don't make sense. For example, SMC_Trafo_ArticulatedRobot_6DOF is...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion on CODESYS Forge

    Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to get a 6DOF robot to work with Codesys using its kinematics FBs. I'm not sure if my implementation is wrong or an actual bug with the FBs. To start I used ABB 1200 parameters, this way I can compare the results of Codesys with proven results of an Offline Robot programming software(RoboDK). I'm using virtual drives to map each Axis. The results don't match, and the TRAFO 6DOF FB outputs values don't make sense. For example, SMC_Trafo_ArticulatedRobot_6DOF is...

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