Ohhhhh, I see..., I wanted to evaluate if the METH_Run’s boolean output was set to true, but as I am calling this method I am therefore setting its output to true (there is no condition implemented in the method’s logic to prevent it to set bRoll to true)...Instead I probably should’ve used a property for that.. Thanks for the hint i-Campbell!! :)
Ohhhhh, I see..., I wanted to evaluate if the METH_Run’s boolean output was se to true, but as I am calling this method I am therefore setting its output to true (there is no condition implemented in the method’s logic to prevent it to set bRoll to true)...Instead I probably should’ve used a property for that.. Thanks for the hint i-Campbell!! :)
Hello everybody, I'm trying to recreate these OOP examples for my own learning purposes: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiBpPbQsfbsAhUGjhQKHZUsA4wQFjABegQIBBAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsigarra.up.pt%2Ffeup%2Fpt%2Fpub_geral.show_file%3Fpi_doc_id%3D239371&usg=AOvVaw3w5jJSKAGyH2oafWIOdo2F I'm stuck at the third scenario (Conveyor with FIFO): An object in the MAIN_PRG (a conveyor) instantiated from a function block. This function block is an extension of another parent...