I've created a very basic version of this problem as a project. Please see attached. One of the libraries in conflict is different from that described above, but the problem is the same. My development environment is 32bit v3.5.16.70 using v3.5.11.0 compiler.
I am trying to install the MQTT Client SL in an existing project I have been working on for years. After adding the library to the project, and without adding any other code, upon building I get a C0180: Ambiguous namespace 'MBM' error between the memory block manager (MBM) in the NetBaseSrv dependency of the MQTT Client SL library and the memory block manager (MBM) in the CAA CanL2 dependency of the 3S CANopen stack library. I have tried: * setting "Only allow qualified access to all identifiers."...
I have default arguments specified for function block methods but when calling a method, an error is produced requiring me to supply all the arguments despite there being default values. According to the online documentation, under section "Calling a Method" and subsection "argument passing" of the following link: https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Development%20System/_cds_obj_method.html "Passing an argument for an input ... can be omitted ... for which a default or initial value was...
Worked for me, thanks!
I have code written since version 3.5.16 to access the USB drive, how can I do that now the file access has been taken away? I have tried adding a sybolic link to the usb drive in the following directories: /var/opt/codesys/PlcLogic/ /var/opt/CODESYS/PlcLogic/ /opt/CODESYS/PlcLogic/ I still recieve a "FILE_OPERATION_DENIED" response when accessing the USB drive.
I have code written since version 3.5.16 to access the USB drive, how can I do that now the file access has been taken away?
Attached is an example that works for me.
I have a single CANopen master and single CANopen slave. The slave is defined with several inputs and outputs and an EDS file has been generated from the slave for import on the master. The two ECUs communicate with each other, simply exchanging data directly on the CANopen network. There is a large delay on boot as the master configures the slave, after which data transfers between master and slave - back and forth - successfully. To reduce this large delay on boot, I have tried setting the CANopen...