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2024-07-18 13:47:41.837000


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  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Turns out the issue was user error, no need to revert libraries.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Hi, I'm experiencing a bug with the latest version of SoftMotion CNC library (4.17), where the 3DPath object in Visu is missing all the important properties. I've verified that a previous app I was working on with library version 4.16 did not have this issue and the issue is duplicated in that project when I update it to 4.17. I've already submitted a bug report, but for the time being I need to revert the project I'm currently working on back a revision. I've tried right clicking on the library...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    For general usage, these links might help you out. If you are looking at using I2C interfaces, examples from the Raspberry Pi will probably be useful, even if your board isn't a Raspberry Pi. If you're developing your own drivers, I can't help you there, although the link you provided will help. If you drill in deeper, the I2C page for example...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Glad to hear it πŸ™‚

  • Modified a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    @gepert, When you say "I do not turn off power", are you saying you don't power off the drive, or you don't turn of the MC_POWER function block? I read your statement as you don't kill actual electrical power. MC_POWER should stay enabled. @Gustavo, not related to problem at all, but when you say 1.6 Nm is only enough torque to unscrew a loose bottle cap, I think that's a bit low. A quick mental math I use is 1 Nm is almost the same force as 1kG applied to a 10cm wrench. So 1.6kG applied to a 10cm...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    @gepert, When you say "I do not turn off power", are you saying you don't power off the drive, or you don't turn of the MC_POWER function block? I read your statement as you don't kill actual electrical power. MC_POWER should stay enabled. @Gustavo, not related to problem at all, but when you say 1.6 nM is only enough torque to unscrew a loose bottle cap, I think that's a bit low. A quick mental math I use is 1 nM is almost the same force as 1kG applied to a 10cm wrench. So 1.6kG applied to a 10cm...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    Sometimes you just need to pose a question on a forum and re-read it to get clarity. pGeoInfo := SMC_GetObj(poq:=ADR(fbCncInterpreter.poqDataOut), n:=1); This won't work, I'm providing a pointer to a pointer, as poqDataOut is already a pointer! I just need to remove the ADR() and it works. pGeoInfo := SMC_GetObj(poq:=fbCncInterpreter.poqDataOut, n:=1);

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    I have an application using CNC GCode interpolation, but I need to modify the GCode provided to the PLC based on certain parameters. I am currently attempting to modify the SMC_GeoInfo objects in the SMC_OutQueue using the code below. Note that all the other code is pretty standard and works fine, but when I add the below it errors. PROGRAM TEST VAR fbReadCncFile : SMC_ReadNCFile2; fbCncInterpreter : SMC_NCInterpreter; arrCncInterpreter : ARRAY[1..99] OF SMC_GeoInfo; pGeoInfo: POINTER TO SMC_GeoInfo;...

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