
There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.
Project Members:

V2.0.0.1 library info;
* Implemented as CODESYS 3 IO device-driver;
* 100% Open source,
* 100% Pure IEC 61131-3 code (ST),
* No function block calls in your software necessary, just write code, attach variable to an I/O channel, ready!
* Breaks compatibility with earlier FB version but improves highly on ease of use,
* 4 Di,
* 4 Do,
* 2 Ai,
* 2 Ao,
* Hardware Watchdog,
* Control Byte (experimental).
* Stable, but work in progress ...

Missing in action
At this moment all functionality is implemented into the core of the driver (as FB), but not yet routed to the user as parameters;
* Not yet routed to parameters are;
RS485 configuration,
DO channels PWM configuration,
DI channels Counter configuration,
1-Wire bus.

The main software components

.package file (CODESYS package installer) which installs the necessary files in a user friendly manner;
    Hardware device description file,
    Software library file,
    Example project file,
    A copy of the "unlicense" agreement...

Hardware prerequisitories

  1. A Raspberry Pi, see https://www.raspberrypi.org/
  2. A Monarco HAT, see https://www.monarco.io/
  3. 8 GB SD Card ...

Software prerequisitories

CODESYS V3 IDE available at https://store.codesys.com/codesys.html,
CODESYS Raspberry Pi .package available at https://store.codesys.com/codesys-control-for-raspberry-pi-sl.html,
Codesys Raspberry Pi SL Demo or License (The Demo is unrestricted in technical capabilities but will only run for two hours straight, after which it stops and you have to set it in run again yourself by logging in)
Latest Monarco IO Hat library for CODESYS package avilable at https://github.com/Aliazzzz/Monarco-HAT-library-for-CODESYS-V3/tree/master/Monarco/

Hardware installation

Attach Monarco HAT to Raspberry Pi and power it up;

sudo cat /proc/device-tree/hat/vendor

should return "REX Controls".

sudo cat /proc/device-tree/hat/product

should return "Monarco HAT".
Disable system console on UART

sudo sed 's/ console=serial0,[0-9]+//' -i /boot/cmdline.txt
sudo reboot

Install essential tools

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

Flash Monarco HAT EEPROM (to avoid manual installation of overlay)

sudo git clone https://github.com/monarco/monarco-hat-firmware-bin

cd monarco-hat-firmware-bin
./monarco-eeprom.sh update

Install CODESYS runtime component on pi (Demo or licensed)

Follow Codesys online help steps, its easy!

Monarco codesys package installation

Either install the Monarco codesys package via; Double-click the package or via CODESYS IDE Package Manager or Install the loose components via the Library / Device Repository, found under Tools menu option in CODESYS IDE.
Attach CODESYS to the RS485 UART

Switch to etc direcory and edit the CODESYSControl.cfg;

cd etc/
sudo nano CODESYSControl.cfg

Add the following lines;

[SysCom] Linux.Devicefile=/dev/ttyAMA

Now save and Quit nano.
Enable NTP sync

Now manually configure and enable NTP service;

sudo nano etc/ntp.config

Add server pool.ntp.org (other server entries can be commented out)
Uncomment line restrict mask nomodify notrap (you may need to change IP to your network base)

Now save and Quit nano again. Now you can enable NTP service;

sudo systemctl enable ntpd.service

And then start it;

sudo systemctl start ntpd.service

And check configuration;

sudo ntpq -p

Now you can use the HAT, RS-485 and the Real-Time Clock from within a CODESYS IEC application. Access the RS485 UART via a comlib of you own flavour in CODESYS (like CAA SerialCOM library).
Run CODESYS Project

Open the provided example project file.

Check/Set SPI master parameters:

Mode 0,
SPI bits 8,
Speed(Hz) 1000000 (=1MHz) => can be set up to 4 MHz, slower speeds avoid chance on crc errors

Compile, download and run => enjoy!