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Anyone Ever use CAN with Kollmorgen S600 Drive

  • ndzied1 - 2007-11-14

    Has anyone here ever used CoDeSys to communicate with the Kollmorgen (Danaher Motion) Servostar 600 drives?

    It seems they have some predefined pdo's but codesys wants to set up the tpdo and rpdo's itself.

    Just wondering if anyone has an example they could share.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2007-11-16

    We have used the S600 with CoDeSys but different as you have tried to use the drive:

    we use additional the CoDeSys Softmotion, there is a driver for the servostar 600. (But then it is done without using eds files -> driver configures the drive). Advantage:You have all the plcopen fb's to move and enable the drive..... pretty easy to use.

    Personally i did not add the servostar by a eds file... so i could not share good or bad experiance with that.



  • B.Roth - 2007-11-22


    if you want to use the Servostar with CANopen I advice to use the Schneider brand (Telemecanique) of this drive which is called Lexium 15.

    There exists ready for use PLCopen-libs based on CANopen.

    Also check the drives of Berger Lahr, they also have powerful drives and also ready for use PLCopen-libs for CoDeSys and Canopen.

    Bruno Roth

  • ndzied1 - 2007-11-24

    Wow, I didn't know Schneider private labeled the Servostar drives.

    I would have to stick with the Danaher brand because I work for a distributor of Danaher but I'll look into the drives for the Schneider.



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