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visualization call in plc program

  • corvdl - 2006-11-17

    Does anybody know if it is possible to call a visualization screen in the plc code?

  • s.schalk - 2006-11-17

    Yes, there is a system variable "CurrentVisu" of type STRING which contains the current painted visualization. When you make an assignment like CurrentVisu := 'NewVisu' and NewVisu is a correct visualization name than the current painted visualization changes.

    This would be done automatically for the targetvisualization. For the webvisualization you must set the parameter "USECURRENTVISU" = "TRUE" in the webvisu.htm

    In CoDeSys you must set the option UseCurrentVisu in the target settings.

  • corvdl - 2006-11-20

    Thanks for your reply, I'will try it at ones,



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