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CoDeSys install problem

  • GLMnet - 2011-08-05

    Hi, I can't get CoDeSys to run properly on a Windows 7 x64 PC.
    I know it works well in this OS because I have got it working before.

    The problem I get is that as soons as it loads it throws several errors at the message window about not being able to load lots of targets, CoDeSys never ran properly on this machine.

    What seems very bad is lots of ΓΏ characters after each target file name which makes me think that some configuration file got corrupted.

    I had tried reinstalling the thing but the error persists.

    I tried the Target install utility and I see the targets with the ΓΏ characters, the utility is unable to uninstall the bad targets (almost all of them)

    Any ideas on what to clean up to get this sort out?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2011-08-10

    CoDeSys V2.3 is tested & released for Windows 7 >= Version V2.3.9.24
    Actual Version is
    Is there any reason why you could/should not update to the actual version?
    This should solve your problems.

  • spfeif - 2013-06-18

    I have the same problem right now under windows 7 installing V2.3.9.11 from IFM. I too have the targets database corrupted with extra characters and uninstalling and even removing any old folders files does not resolve the issue. I have been trying to find a target database file where it may be possible to edit these characters by hand since as mentioned above the target installer will not remove the corrupted names in the database. I am stuck!!!! I have installed this same version on many other windows 7 boxes but some how something got locked up on this one.

    IMG: CorruptedTargets.jpg

  • shooter - 2013-06-19

    first thing in my mind is the fonts, and country settings of the computer

  • spfeif - 2013-06-19

    The computer is setup for English (United States).

    There isn't much selection of the fonts since there is a restore the default fonts but most fonts are application specific.

    Thanks. I will try and remove the Aero type setting in windows. That is one thing I notice is at least a bit different than my laptop.

    IMG: Country Settings.jpg


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