Gateway Server : mutiple "localhost via Tcp/Ip" instances

  • hki75 - 2015-07-17

    into the gateway server inspector I see this

    When I try to connect to PLC (wago 750-881) always get communication crash. How to delete all the duplcaite instances of "localhost via Tcp/Ip"?

    Thanks everybody

    IMG: err.jpg

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-07-18

    this you should with CODESYS ''Communication Paramater' see screnshots


    IMG: paramdelete.jpg

    IMG: CommunicationParams.jpg

  • hki75 - 2015-07-18

    thanks Edwin.
    I know it but the problem is I cannot delete multiple instances..Into another PC with the same configuration I have just 1 instance 'Localhost via TCP/IP'

  • krajtl - 2022-06-30

    I found it, it's in the registers. Use the command line, open the registry editor with the command "regedit", find: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH \ Gateway Server \ Instances \ .0

  • sourav-sau - 2023-06-01

    During creating configuration data I am facing error(screenshot attached). Codesys gateway v2.3 gateway is running in system tray. What may be the issue. gateway server version is but gateway systray version is
    Is this can be a issue? My codesys v is 2.3

  • sourav-sau - 2023-06-01

    During creating configuration data I am facing error(screenshot attached). Codesys gateway v2.3 gateway is running in system tray. What may be the issue. gateway server version is but gateway systray version is
    Is this can be a issue? My codesys v is 2.3


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