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RPI Runtime will not auto start on reboot

  • matthew - 2022-01-27

    Hi There,

    I have just upgraded to to find out my applications do automatically start up and run after a reboot. I have even tried a new blank project with the same issue. Is this a bug that needs reporting or some new settings that need to be set?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-01-27

    No, the bootapplication will start as in all other versions.Check the plc logger for more information. Maybe you have switched to readonly?


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-01-27
  • matthew - 2022-01-27


    I have attached the PLC Log after a reboot Note: I had to start runtime using " sudo service codesyscontrol start " No the system is not read only. Everything was working fine and then upgraded to v3.5.17.30 and that's when the auto start stopped working.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-01-27

    .. seems to run from my point of view.
    .../01/2022 5:17:54 am" infoId="10">Application [Application] started
    infoId="6">Bootproject of application [Application] loaded...

  • matthew - 2022-01-27

    I think I have it sorted now... looks like something may have gone wrong with the upgrade. I removed everything with sudo dpkg -r codesyscontrol and then reinstalled via codesys and everything seems to be working as it should now. So during the package upgrade from to something must have gone wrong or not installed correctly.


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