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Using Codesys WebClinet to talk to Sensibo API

  • bernie-bbq - 2021-06-29

    Hi, I have being attempting to send the instructions "ON' & "OFF' to my air-conditioner utilising the Codesys WebClient and a Sensibo controller. Sensibo's RESTful API is built on HTTP and it accepts and returns JSon in the HTTP body.

    Whilst I can log into the Sensibo site https://home.sensibo.com/api/v2/users/me/pods?fields=*&apiKey={api_key}utilising with my API key issued by Sensibo, I cannot send the ON/Off instructions. I believe this is meant to happen via the wsPostValue : WSTRING(100) in WebClient but I cannot make this work. The 'curl-X POST' expression supplied by Sensibo is:curl -X POST https://home.sensibo.com/api/v2/pods//acStates?apiKey={api_key} -d "{\"acState\":{\"on\":true}}"`

    I have tried every variation of "{\"acState\":{\"on\":true}}" as a string in wsPostValue to no avail.... but as is probably becoming obvious, I am no programmer.

    I am using SP17 & a RPi and receive no errors accept those relating to the wsPostValue. This issue stands between me and a successful home heating automation outcome. Any help would be appreciated.

  • bernie-bbq - 2021-07-09

    Just updating my understanding till now. The WebClient wsPostValue ie'load' required to Post instructions is written as a WSTRING. In Codesys, WSTRINGS must be written between double quote marks " ". However, Jason also requires the use of double quotes around "names" & "values". The clash is, Codesys will not accept a double quote mark inside a WSTRING and so a valid Json command cannot be written as a WSTRING in the Codesys WebClient. I read on one post that placing a $ sign before the inner double quote solves this but that has not worked for me. Json apparently uses a back slash for this purpose also, but Codesys rejects that too. Any ideas guys?

  • bernie-bbq - 2021-07-18

    The saga continues: So I can now send a Json string to Sensibo the from Codesys webClient if I send:

    "{$"acState$":{$"on$":true}}" instead of "{"acState":{"on":TRUE}}"

    But Sensibo does not respond to this string !!!! Apparently using \ instead of the $ is recognised by Sensibo, but Codesys rejects the \ in the WSTRING.
    Any (polite)suggestions would be gratefully received.


  • bernie-bbq - 2021-07-20

    OK, success at last! "{$"acState$":{$"on$":true}}" instead of "{"acState":{"on":TRUE}}" does work with the following sURL:


    I can now control my AC from a RPI 2 utilisng Codesys and its webClient. Usernames or passwords are not required. I modified the BasicAuthWebClient function as shown.


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