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Any information about SMC3_PersistPosition block?

  • VitorMartins - 2014-07-24

    Does anyone have any information about SMC3_PersistPosition?

    Best regards
    Vitor Martins

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-07-26


    please check the online helpf for more informarion:

    An axis, which has got a absolute encoder can store a position so that it retains its previous position after a restart of the controller.
    Homing is unnecessary. The function blocks SMC3_PersistPosition, SMC3_PersistPositionLogical and
    SMC3_PersistPositionSingleTurn provide the functionality for storage. The position data are stored
    in SMC3_PersistPosition_Data, SMC3_PersistPositionLogical_Data and SMC3_PersistPositionSingleTurn_Data.

    The output bPositionStored indicates whether the changed data have been stored in PersistentData.
    Depending on the type of persisting the signal is sent in different frequency.
    The position of a virtual axis can not be persisted with this function blocks.


  • VitorMartins - 2014-07-28

    My online help do not provide any information about SMC3_PersistPosition!
    I'm using PLC3 designer from Lenze.


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