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UPS Setup

  • chutchins - 2021-09-10

    I recently installed CODESYS Softmotion RTE V3 for a Beckhoff CX5140. During the installation process, I noticed there was not an option to select between NVRAM or UPS like older versions. Now when I go to select/type in the component CmpCXSecUPS it will not install the driver, and as a result my persistent variable are not retained on power loss. Am I missing something about this process?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-09-11

    I think CX20x0 has 128 kB NOVRAM but CX5140 only the 1s USV?
    Thins means if Windows does a graceful shutdown on switch off,
    this should work with retain in file(setting in the Control RTE)
    Could you try this?

  • chutchins - 2021-09-13

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I got the CmpCXSecUPS to show up in the configuration, and when I select it from the drop-down I see the checkbox get checked; however, I see in the diagnosis that the component fails to load.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-09-13

    could you add here the CODESYSControl_user.cfg from C:\ProgramData\CODESYS\CODESYSControlRTEV3 ?

  • chutchins - 2021-09-13

    Here is the .cfg. I see that the component exists there, but maybe there is some detail missing?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-09-14

    Seems to be a bug,
    could you try (run as admin) bcdedit /set testsigning on and then try to load the CmpCXSecUPS


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-09-14
  • chutchins - 2021-09-15


    I went into test mode via the method you mentioned. I went to C:\Program Files\CODESYS\CODESYS Control RTE3\CmpCXSecUPS and double clicked CmpCXSecUPS.reg to add it to the registry. There doesn't seem to be any change compared to before.

  • chutchins - 2021-09-15

    I can confirm my persistent variables are lost on power failure though.

  • chutchins - 2021-09-15

    I can confirm my persistent variables are lost on power failure though.

  • chutchins - 2021-09-16


    We seemed to fix the issue by copying the cmpCXSecUPS.sys file to C:\windows\System32\drivers and ran the cmpCXSecUPS.reg file. After a restart the system no longer errors, and the values are retained. Perhaps this is an installer bug.


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